Chapter 510 Cloud Sea Pavilion


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Scaled Tiger Clone ‘,obtain 800,000 Spirit Point, Eight Myriad Spiritual Force, 80,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Scaled Tiger Clone ‘,obtain ‘Scaled Tiger Trident ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Scaled Tiger Clone ‘,obtain ‘Scaled Tiger Clone Card ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Scaled Tiger Clone ‘,obtain ‘Crystal of Earth Venerable.’”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Scaled Tiger Clone ‘,obtain ‘Scaled Tiger Armour ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Lord Level Boss ‘Scaled Tiger Clone ‘,obtain ‘Middle Level Treasure Chest ‘.”



“congratulations Player level up , current cultivation base 4-Star Martial Void .”


“congratulations Player level up , current cultivation base 5-Star Martial Void .”


Weihu Mountain, all Werebeast, looked up and looked silly, the blood from the air, the expression was dull, confused, and unbelievable!

That’s in the Scaled Tiger family, Supreme’s existence.


Was actually a junior, killed? !

This scene, for their impact, is nothing but earth-shaking.

Even if they see it with their own eyes, they can also be unable to believe, it will be the result.

The scene is very quiet and quiet terrifying.

Zhao Fang glanced at the bloody palm of Scaled Tiger Clone and suddenly jumped in her heart.

He is clear to Sense, has a look, penetrates from the Black Mist, and falls on himself.

The eyes are cold, full of one kind high, overlooking the indifference of all beings.


A hoarse voice came from Black Mist.

The tone is extremely strange, and it doesn’t really sound.

But Zhao Fang always felt that the gaze seemed to be a bit cold and a faint killing intent.

“Fuck, this stuff won’t even kill me.”

Zhao Fang brows, but the figure is a quick retreat.



The wind started and the Black Mist was blown away.

Completely disappeared!

But the feeling of indifference is like the shackles of the bones, lingering Zhao Fang.


I haven’t waited for him to think carefully about this feeling is what’s going on.

Weihu Mountain, and even the entire Devil Spirit Mountain Range, had an earth-shattering roar.

The buzz is like Tiger’s Roar and it looks like dragon roar.

The entire Devil Spirit Mountain Range, with such a powerful aura, has such a strange sound, only one person.

Scaled Tiger this Venerable !

“Oops, almost forgot, this time killed, just Scaled Tiger Clone.”

In panic, Zhao Fang between the eyebrows jumped and immediately turned and rushed toward the Transmission Array.

Without any hindrance, Zhao Fang enters the Transmission Array and activates in an instant.

He can feel that the angry Scaled Tiger this Venerable is coming here, and once he is blocked, the consequences are unimaginable.


Transmission Array rays of light flashing, mixed with the infinite Space, rushing.

Seeing Zhao Fang leave.


Outside of Weihu Mountain, there is a sturdy golden ruin breaking space.

In the all of a sudden where the Space fluctuation disappears, the awning of the sands is at the micro end of the Space fluctuation.

boom! boom!

Space fluctuation Vibrance, completely disappeared in the form of one kind of collapse at any time.

After the Spacewave disappeared, over the Weihu Mountain, there was a huge and quirky Vicious Beast.

Vicious Beast’s head is an emits golden glow, a domineering tiger head, the ‘Wang’ word on the forehead, extra glare, and endless diignity.

Weihu Mountain’s Werebeast, feeling the all of a sudden of this Pressure’s Might, the body is uncontrolled kneel down, adoring the silhouette of the half-empty silhouette, humbly respectful!

After the tiger’s head, it is not a huge tiger.

But the body!

The body of the Flood Dragon.

Near the thousand zhang’s long Flood Dragon body, covered with sharp scales, under the refract of the sun, the scales reflect the dazzling golden glow, full of the monster’s flavor.

This is the true ontology of Scaled Tiger.

“human !”

Scaled Tiger looks at the Array of Transmission Array, in the eyes killing intent.

“In this shot by this Venerable, the transmission orientation is definitely offset, and even the Space Crack will be encountered. It will be swallowed by the crack and cannot find a way out. However, it has not been able to kill it, this Venerable, and I am unwilling!”

Scaled Tiger took a deep look at the Transmission Array, hesitated, didn’t break the Space barrier, and chased it out.

First, he believes that Zhao Fang has made his move, and he will definitely be swept by Space.

Furthermore, Devil Spirit Mountain Range has an agreement with Outer World, and the Venerable Grade is not a Powerhouse. You are not allowed to step out of the Devil Spirit Mountain Range.

“This Venerable doesn’t believe it. If you take such a blow, you can still live.”


Black Devil Domain Outer Seas.

A sea is over the sky, black clouds are over, black clouds are crushing the city, and the wind and rain will come at any time.

On the sea, there is a big ship that is slowly sailing.

On the deck, stood a youngster in white, with a face and a delicate and pretty body.

“Second Leader’s, the wind and rain are coming, it’s not safe outside, you still enter the cabin.”

The sound came out of the cabin.

The white youngster is indifferent, as if he didn’t hear it.


Sky rumored the thunder of the thunder, the countless thunder snake flashed in the dark clouds abyss.

Cut lyoungster like Sense to what, look up to the black cloud abyss.

But what is weird is that although he is blind, inside the eyes, he is full of white eyes, not a bit of a bite.

It is a blind eye.

Blind-eyed youngster at the same time, the lightning in the clouds above the head is more dense.


a path of When the thick lightning of the bucket falls, squatting on the big ship’s all around.

The people hiding in the cabin, seeing this scene, scared the complexion whitish.

The lightning is extremely powerful. If it is a smashing, afraid of a lightning, it will sink the whole ship.

“Fast, turn around!”

An old voice came out of the cabin.

The ship turned quickly and rushed toward the Lightning Outer Circle.

At this time –

Dozens of lightnings fell at the same time.

劈Beside the blind eye youngster, the blind eye youngster immediately fainted.

On the occasion of the countless Thunder Force, a small tower-like Artifact, falling from the lightning, fell beside the blind-eyed youngster.

“Second Leader is fainted! Go to the hospital!”

Do a mess in the cabin.

After half a day.

The ship sailed away from the lightning-covered area and appeared in the Black Devil Domain Outer Seas.

The blindstered youngster who fainted in the past, after the treatment, was also a faint turn.


When he got up, he caught something in his hand.

Blind youngster startled, palms on the top, immediately learned that it is a tower-shaped Artifact.

“Strange, where is this thing coming from? I don’t remember, carry this stuff with you?” Blind-eyed youngster is extremely puzzled.

“Forget it. Since it can appear in my hands, it is also a Fate.”

The blind-eyed youngster sighs and takes the tower-shaped Artifact off.

“Second Leader, are you okay?”

A crew member came forward and asked.

The blind-eyed youngster shook his head: “The purpose of this trip is achieved, and immediately return to the Cloud Sea Pavilion!”

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