Chapter 511 Fire God Union

Black Devil Domain Outer Seas.

Able to move unhindered nearly hundreds of millions of miles.

And Ruler’s circumference is hundreds of miles, with seven Sects.

Also known as Seven Sects of the Great Sea.

Seven are 4th Rank Low-Grade Influence and Inner Sect has Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouse oversee.

It is the veritable Overlord Level Influence of Outer Seas.

In addition to these seven.

The vast Outer Seas Internal and External, and the minus influence.

These Influences, though not comparable to ‘Seven Great Sects’, have a reputation.

Cloud Sea Pavilion is one of them!

Influence under Seven Great Sects is divided into three levels.

They are 1st rate Influence , 2nd rate Influence , and not influent.

Cloud Sea Pavilion, which belongs to 2nd rate Influence.

In general, this level of Influence does not attract too much attention at all.

But the Cloud Sea Pavilion is an exception!

The Cloud Sea Pavilion is famous in the circulation hundreds of thousands.

Its reputation is not even weaker than some 1st rate Influence.

Caused by this phenomenon.

It is the Pavilion Lord of the Cloud Sea Pavilion, Xia Yun.

A weak wife of a phoenix, but with a cultivation base and a mind, with a young younger brother, in this land of people eating people, to establish a foothold, and even set the foundation of the Cloud Sea Pavilion.

How can this be amazing and eye-catching?

What’s more, Xia Yun itself is still a bad woman.

This makes the Cloud Sea Pavilion even more legendary.

Xia Yun’s very ruthless and heart-warming, but also many of the influence of the owner who wants to earn their income in the concierge.

“Second Leader is back!”

When the news spread in Yunhaishan, the entire Cloud Sea Pavilion was sensational.

Everyone knows.

Second Leader This trip to the Black Devil Domain Outer Seas is for the big master, looking for a ‘Profound Yuan Spirit Fruit’.

This is a great benefit for Martial Artist under Hundred Tribulations Realm.

If you are taking a big meal, even if you can’t break through the Martial Void Realm Late Stage, you can become a Hundred Tribulations Realm. There are several Powerhouses that make the Cloud Sea Pavilion more stable in the circle hundreds of thousands!


The Second Leader did not bring back the Profound Yuan Spirit Fruit, but brought back a person.

A complexion pale gold-robed youngster.

“Who is this person?”

“Look at it, it seems like the Second Leader is almost a year old.”

“It feels like I was seriously injured and will die soon.”

“Hey, Second Leader is good!”

a path of sigh, into the complexion pale gold-robed youngster, which is Zhao Fang’s ear.

He is stunned at all around.

Mind a rumbled, with the body Spiritual Force is Primal Chaos, almost out of control.

His state at the moment is extremely miserable, let alone Martial Void Realm, even some Treading Void Realm, can take his life.

“damn, this Emperor is so bad luck, it’s all ahead of time, and it was almost killed by the Scaled Tiger. If this Emperor didn’t see the machine early, I hid in the ‘Heavenspan Tower’. At this moment, I was afraid that it would have been annihilated at the moment. Space is in turmoil.”

Zhao Fang complexion As usual, the calm look at all around, in my heart, is the culprits of DDScaled Tiger, the culprits who made him a miserable appearance.

“When this Emperor re-enters the Devil Spirit Mountain Range, you will be killed! Scaled Tiger, you are waiting to be skinned by this Emperor!”

Zhao Fang in the eyes killing intent flashed away.

“Brother Zhao, what’s wrong with you? Where is it uncomfortable?”

Zhao Fang next to the blind eye youngster, asked.

Blind youngster is keenly aware, and Zhao Fang is not known for first time.

In fact, through the contact along the way, he has long known that the blind eye youngster blindness is not blind, with one kind of strange unique.

Sensitive to Outer World’s Internal Qi Sense, extremely.

This is also true.

He was sure to take the subordinate to the Black Devil Domain Outer Seas and search for the ‘Profound Yuan Spirit Fruit’.

Although ‘Profound Yuan Spirit Fruit’ was first hit, he was on the way home and accidentally found an ‘Azure Yuan Vine’.

Although the effect of this vine is not as good as ‘Profound Yuan Spirit Fruit’, it is also a very rare treat.


Zhao Fang shook his head.

“hehe, here is the Cloud Sea Pavilion, the name of the Influence, Influence created by Elder Sister, the name from our two people.”

Blind youngster, also known as Xia Hai, said with a smile.

Zhao Fang took a glance and the Cloud Sea Pavilion is indeed quite large. In the Desolate Domain, even the War God Temple is not as good.


Suddenly, Zhao Fang seemed to find something, and his brow was slightly picked.

The blind eye of Xia Hai, the smile on his face, is gradually converging.

He also felt it.

In the inner hall of the Cloud Sea Pavilion, there seem to be more than a dozen powerful circulations.

And these aura, he is very strange, even a few shares of aura, faint emits with icy killing intent.

“What’s going on? These are who? Elder Sister?”

The blind eye of Xia Hai is a tight heart, but she does not care to talk to Zhao Fang and walks quickly toward the inner hall.

At the doorway of the temple, a team wearing a red armor, all with a Treading Void cultivation base guards stopped.

“Young Master is talking about things inside, idle people, etc., and it’s going fast!”

The speaker is the Sctain of this Squad, Wu Shan of the 8-Star Treading Void cultivation base.

“You, are you a ‘Fire God Union’ person?”

The blind eye Xia Hai perceives the extremely rich Fire Element Yuan Force, said trembling with fear.

“Oh, it seems that our Fire God Union is really famous, even a blind, we all know our Fire God Union.”

Wu Shan pouted with a a laugh, the voice is arrogant, and the taunting flavor.

“ha ha ……”

He behind a dozen of Fire God Union people, immediately making a mocking laugh.

“1st rate Influence Fire God Union ?”

Zhao Fang has a gaze, and along the way, he has a good time with Xia Hai. From his mouth, he has a general understanding of Black Devil Domain Outer Seas Influence.

Naturally known, this Fire God Union is what ranked Influence.

“The Cloud Sea Pavilion has never been provoked, what are you doing here?”

Xia Hai coldly stared in front of him, as if his eyes were back to normal at this moment.

“You have a good thing in the Cloud Sea Pavilion. Our Young Master is naturally the first beauty in the sea of ​​clouds. I really didn’t think that this broken place has such a heart-rending beauty, Young Master is really Good blessing…”

Fire God Union Squad Captain, a face of pigs, the saliva is flowing to the ground.

“You court death!”

Xia Hai roared, but rushed to these people.

But in the all of a sudden that he rushed away, his shoulder was held down by a palm. “Don’t be impulsive!”

The sound was very dull, but it contained a unique magic sound. It was originally an angry Xia Hai. After hearing this voice, I really restrained my anger.

“What are you doing, This is our Second Leader of Cloud Sea Pavilion!”

At this moment, the inner hall came out of a few people, a beautiful woman wearing a red dress, looks at Fire God Union and others, charming face.

The Fire God Union Captain eye reveals obsessed, the corner of the mouth was disdainful, just ridiculed, but when he came to the person who came out later, his eyes were suddenly condensed, and he quickly bowed his head and looked humility.

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