Chapter VII, chapter oneself infallible, Yama (King of Hell)

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Zhao Fang feels the familiar aura in front of the black robe silhouette.


Zhao Fang is gazing, but in the eyes is flashing ice-cold light.

But it is remembered again.

The scene was almost killed by Yama.


Black robe man, that is, Yama Clone indifferent to to talk, sound h艒ng h艒ng, like a thunder.

“Golden Puppet? I really didn’t think that there was a Golden Puppet in the trivial Black Devil Domain. This Venerable is going to look at what you have in this Golden Puppet.”

Yama Clone sounds calm.

When he spoke, his behind Blood Mist immediately merged into his body, making the original fuzzy black robe silhouette, a lot of solid.


Yama Clone raises his hand, but sees the countless shadow from its with the body.

At the time of the whistling, the black shadows burst into a whispering screaming scream.

But there are tens of thousands of ghosts, wrapped around the black shadow side.

“Unfortunately, this Venerable is just Clone. If you do, you must take your Golden Puppet and study it. However, even Clone, if you want to hold you, you can’t do it.”

Yama Clone raises his hand, and the infinite ghost, suddenly, swarms and turns into a long black sword.

When the long sword came out, it was swaying Yin Wind and swiveling in the Main Hall.

“Take this Venerable Divine Ability, you can avoid the death penalty!”

At the time of the sound, Yama Clone raised his hand and grabbed the dark sword of the infinite ghost. To the Tyrant Heavenly Tiger, it was a violent glimpse.

This embarrassing situation is earth-shattering.

Not yet settled, the entire Valley Main Hall, flashing the Restriction of the Mans, faintly collapsed.


This force has already surpassed the tolerance of the Main Hall itself.

“Tyrant Heavenly Tiger, a punch of this haze.”

Because of the dangers that have just been hit, Mandala has no Favorability for Yama Clone. When it is dying, it is full of chilling flavor.


Golden Puppet sings and sings, the body is flooded with golden glow, wrapped around the whole body, and a fierce golden baeful qi interest comes instantly.

Tyrant Heavenly Tiger also moved as Yama Clone fell.

Still a punch.

However, the power of this punch is to stimulate its Array with the body 10%.

The infinite Array interweaves a power that makes both the heaven and earth tremble.

at this moment.

In this piece of heaven and earth.

Everything has disappeared.

Only the giant punch that shines with golden light, at this moment, if eternal!


The fists were unmatched, and they swept through the dark swords. On the other hand, there were countless cracks that permeated instantly.

Followed by.

In the screaming and unwilling voice, the countless road black smoke rushed out of the black sword, and the black sword instantly collapsed and completely turned into nothingness.

“What! This can be it be!”

Yama Clone’s voice, first time has changed.

No longer as calm as before, but a trace of horror.

He seems to be unable to believe, he is proud of a blow, actually was puppet in front of him, so understatement.

in spite of.

This type of Divine Ability, even its true might 10% did not reach.

But it is not a common person who can break it.

At his at the same time, the second punch of Tyrant Heavenly Tiger came in an instant.

I don’t know if it is intentional or not. Tyrant Heavenly Tiger is a punch, but it is bombarded on the face of Yama Clone.


The face collapsed, the countless Black Mist rewinded, and the slightly condensed Yama Clone was once again blurred and slowly dissipated.

But at the same time, the Black Mist slowly dissipated at the same time, but it was cold, but contained the sound of anger. The sound of anger, slowly spread, “brat, this Venerable remembers you, next time you meet, this Venerable is necessary Crush your Fleshy Body and take out your Primordial Spirit and let your Primordial Spirit suffer from Purgatory!”

“See you next time… who kills, not necessarily!”

Zhao Fang stared at the Black Mist, who was going to dissipate, and the lips were a little cold.


鈥渃ongratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Boss ‘Yama Clone ‘,obtain 120,000 Spirit Point, 12,000 Spiritual Force Value, 12,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.鈥?/p>

鈥渃ongratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Boss ‘Yama Clone ‘,obtain Heavenly Fire ‘Purgatory True Fire ‘.鈥?/p>

鈥渃ongratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Boss ‘Yama Clone ‘,obtain Tribulation Treasure ‘Heaven Measuring Ruler ‘.鈥?/p>

鈥渃ongratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Boss ‘Yama Clone ‘,obtain Special Item ‘Yama Command ‘.鈥?/p>

鈥渃ongratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Boss ‘Yama Clone ‘,obtain ‘Nine Serenities Bloodline ‘,whether to fuse ?鈥?/p>

鈥渃ongratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘Killed Boss ‘Yama Clone ‘,obtain ‘Yama Remnant Spirit ‘.鈥?/p>


“Big explosion Ah! ha ha ……”

Zhao Fang just glanced at the System package, and then grinned and smiled.

H艒ng h艒ng !

Countless gravel falls.

However, the main hall of the mountain belly has already reached the limit and began to collapse.


Zhao Fang low roaring sound, grabbed Mandala, and the four puppets all followed.

As for the Tyrant Heavenly Tiger, it is followed by Mandala’s control.

The Optimus Prime is a path that is unstoppable.

The two people were almost a moment of skill, and they rushed out of the mountain.

In all of a sudden they rushed out.

The rumbled voice in the mountain’s belly is louder.

The entire mountain range seems to be hit by a heaven and earth.

The position of the mountain’s abdomen is completely sunken and brings up the dust.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fang shouted fortunately.

“Fortunately, this Emperor runs fast! Otherwise, even if you don’t die, this is definitely not good.”

Zhao Fang laments.

Mandala is on the side, extremely seriously and nod.

The two people did not stay in the same place, and after they escaped from the mountain, they left.

Shortly after the two people left, there were dozens of flowing light, breaking space, hanging over the island where Hell Branch was located.

The silhouettes of the wrapping light in these flowing lights are male and female, old and young.

Although the temperament is different, Strength is extremely powerful and reaches the level of Hundred Tribulations Realm.

“In the end, what happened, this island has collapsed!”

When everyone’s eyes flashed, it spreads Divine Sense and spreads toward the broken island.

Can be aware that in the mountain belly, the already dead Hell Assassin, everyone’s expression startled, then complexion big change.

“Hell’s people!”


Zhao Fang galloped all the way and left the island where Hell Branch was located, and then stopped.

“I am recovering for a while, you for my Protector.”

Leaving this sentence, Zhao Fang found a cave and drilled straight into it.

Entering the cave, Zhao Fang opens the System package, and the corner of the mouth reveals a trace.

“I really didn’t think that trivial a Branch Judge could summon Yama Clone. Unfortunately, Hill’s Branch in Black Devil Domain has only one, otherwise, this Emperor will try again.”

Killing the Earth Venerable Clone and exploding a lot of treasures, this has made Zhao Fang somewhat addictive.

Between the words, Zhao Fang sat down on his knees and a yellow flame appeared in his palm.

It is the Purgatory True Fire that Judge Huo is famous for.

“This fire seems to be a must-have for Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art 3rd layer.”

Zhao Fang didn’t care at first, but after observing for a while, she noticed a trace of clues and her expression was a bit strange.

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