Chapter 571 Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art 3rd layer ,Purgatory True Fire !

Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art.

Divided into 9th Layers, each layer needs to be integrated with one kind heaven and earth Heavenly Flame.

When all nine flames are combined, there is an endless flame of power, and there is a burning atmosphere.

After getting Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art, Zhao Fang just merged with a flame.

Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire.

Its Strength has changed dramatically.


For other flame ‘Resistance ‘Ability, it is also a large upgrade.

“It’s an unexpected surprise. Counting Hei Wucheng’s ‘Azure Spirit Ghost Fire’, this Emperor has already put together the essential fires of Nine Yang Heaven Burning Art, 2nd layer, 3rd layer and 4th layer, only to get 4th layer Clean Technique You can learn Azure Spirit Ghost Fire.”

Zhao Fang blinked, in the eyes flashing.


Yang Demon Flame, when he finished the Desolate Domain Lord Task, he already got it, but he didn’t integrate himself.

First, there is no chance.

The second is to want to do it once and for all.


4th layer Cleaning Technique, the delay did not appear, making Zhao Fang somewhat disappointed.

“Since there is no 4th layer, then this Emperor will first fuse the 2nd layer and the 3rd layer.”

Zhao Fang’s gaze flashed, and when Void Hand caught it, Yang Demon Flame and Purgatory True Fire appeared instantly.

The fierce fluctuation instantly filled the entire cave.

Some rocks, even when they encounter these two flames, pass the same time at the same time and turn into a pool of liquid.

Zhao Fang didn’t care, Void Hand grabbed, and the large area rays of light emerged from the War God Ring.

However, a large number of medicinal herb appeared, suspended Zhao Fang side.

These medicinal herbs are convenient for Zhao Fang, better blended with the fire.

Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire burns most of the medicinal herb, extracts the liquid, wraps the Yang Demon Flame, and blends into Zhao Fang itself.

The pain of Yang Demon Flame is even worse than that of Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire.


Zhao Fang has not experienced it with the experience of before.

Three days later, Yang Demon Flame, completely integrated with Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang grinned, but did not hesitate to include the Purgatory True Fire with the body.

This time.

It lasted for ten days.

After the fire of Purgatory, completely integrated into Zhao Fang within the body.

In the Zhao Fang Primordial Spirit, in addition to the Vermilion Bird Sacred Flame, there are three light spots.

These three spots are Red, Orange, and Yellow. They represent three kinds of heaven and earth Heavenly Flame.

Scarlet Yang Spirit Fire, Yang Demon Flame, Purgatory True Fire.

Together with Azure Spirit Ghost Fire, Vermilion Bird Sacred Flame and Zhao Fang, there are five kinds of heaven and earth Heavenly Flame. If it is spread out, it is estimated that it will attract the shock and embarrassment of countless Fire Cultivator.

“It’s finally a complete fusion.”

Zhao Fang opened his eyes, the Demon Flame in the eyes and the real fire flashed away.

Its corner of the mouth hangs a faint smile.

Compared to half a month ago, Zhao Fang’s Today’s Strength is a large upgrade.

Now he can easily obliterate Hundred Tribulations Realm Middle Stage with his own power, and even with Hundred Tribulations Realm Late Stage battle!

This is the great confidence that Zhao Fang brings after the fusion of three heaven and earth sources.

“Continue to see the treasure that Yama Clone broke.”

Zhao Fang takes out a large ruler, which is the treasure of Judge Huo.

Tribulation Treasure , Heaven Measuring Ruler !

“The name is very domineering, but it seems to be useless to me.”

Zhao Fang With a random wave, the Heaven Measuring Ruler rushed out of the foot and instantly pulled out several deep cracks.

“Hey, this stuff should be good.”

Zhao Fang stared at the Heaven Measuring Ruler and thought of taking this thing to face the face. The scene of the sly, simply not too cool.

“I decided. I will use the Heaven Measuring Ruler after I hit the face. I don’t have to use my own hands. Even if it is Hundred Tribulations Realm Powerhouse, it is estimated that it will collapse if it is drawn.”

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth reveals a trace said with an evil smile.

The third item, Yama Command.

It seems that it is really just an ordinary Command Token, no surprise.

“Rely, wouldn’t it be so ribbed?”

Zhao Fang is speechless.

Just as he is ready to put it down.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘, inspiring ‘collecting Ten Palace Yama Command ‘Task.”

“Task Objective: From the Hell Ten Great Kings, collect the Ten Palace Yama Command.”

“Task difficulty :ss.”

“Task Reward: Level 2, Level 5 Berserk Proficiency Full Value, Rotating Compass…”

“Accept or reject?”


“Ten Palace Yama Command ?This is the rhythm of this Emperor, giving Hell Ten Royale Capital Capital.”

Zhao Fang is speechless. “System grandfather really looks at this Emperor. Don’t say that the ten temples are kings, even one is enough. But on such a rewarding reward, this Task, this Emperor is picked up!”

Zhao Fang did not hesitate.

Between him and Hell, through the matter of Yama Clone, he is already standing opposite.


Even without this Task, Zhao Fang did not plan to let Hell go.

Retreat 10,000 steps.

Zhao Fang smashed Hell in the Black Devil Domain Branch and Yama Clone. Even if he is willing, he will complain about it, and Hell’s people will not let him go.

Nine Serenities Bloodline ?

Is there an egg?

Zhao Fang glanced.

I get the answer.

Nine Serenities Bloodline is not weak, but for the current Zhao Fang, it is a bit of a chicken.

Once this bloodline is fused, you can own Nine Serenities Power.

Of course, the most important thing is that this bloodline is just Divine Grade Low-Grade bloodline, and Zhao Fang can’t see it at all.

Feel free to put it away.

His gaze fell on the last item.

Yama Remnant Spirit.

“This soul is the Remnant Spirit transformed into Ten Palace Yama, and contains the endless resentment of Yama (King of Hell). Yama (King of Hell) can use this to perceive your presence.”

When I saw this introduction, Zhao Fang felt that the back was cool sōu sōu.

Being shocked by an Earth Venerable Realm Powerhouse is not a good thing.

“Resentment? Hey, take you to be the main soul of Cover Sky Banner.”

Zhao Fang blinked, Void Hand caught, Cover Sky Banner appeared in his palm, black light enveloped Yama Remnant Spirit, and in his unwilling roar, Yama Remnant Spirit was sucked in.

“brat, you will regret it. Dare to cherish the spirit of this Venerable, become a spirit, this Venerable swears, you will die!”

In the All of a sudden of the Cover Sky Banner swallow Yama Remnant Spirit, from the Remnant Spirit, the sinister sound of Yama (King of Hell) is heard.

In this regard, Zhao Fang is just a sneer.

After the absorption of the Yama Remnant Spirit, the Cover Sky Banner is black and dark, adding a sense of ecstasy.

Its quality, from Earth level Perfection, to Heaven Rank Perfection, faintly breakthrough to Divine Grade level.

In the middle, there is certainly a push from Yama Remnant Spirit.

More, or Zhao Fang Recently, a lot of Ghost Spirit is absorbed, and this will change.

“Unfortunately, it’s just Remnant Spirit. If it’s a complete Soul, maybe it can help this Venerable’s Cover Sky Banner and reach Divine Rank.”

Zhao Fang in the eyes reveals regret.


Same as for a moment.

Soul Refining Dao Lord, searching for something far away, like Sense, suddenly looked up, in the eyes sparkling with a deep surprise, “This Dao Lord Sense is here, XuraX Billion Demon Souls Cover Sky Banner aura! It is here!”

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