Chapter 594 You have no qualification yet

Imperial Aunt is awesome and cannot be rejected.

Lord Jing brows slightly wrinkle, he does not like Imperial Aunt to intervene in his own affairs, especially the things he has decided.


After all, Imperial Aunt is his Elder Generation, and everything he does is really for him to consider, so that he has no reason to refuse.

But he has no right to take ownership of Zhao Fang.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but look at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang ignored the incoming Meng Chong, but looked at Imperial Aunt indifferently.

His eyes are sharp.

This makes Imperial Aunt feel very uncomfortable, as if in front of the man, everything in his own is red. Open and bare, no secret.

This made her feel horrified at the same time.

As an Ancient Country Imperial Aunt, she is a high-ranking Country Lord younger sister.

Even the Prince of Ancient Country, if you see yourself, you must respectfully, and your eyes are not afraid to have a little overstep and disrespect.

But in front of man, there is no such scruples, and there is no wariness in her eyes, which makes her quite uncomfortable.


Imperial Aunt coldly snorted.

Accompanied by this contempt.

Meng Chong’s brow is twisted, and the scornful booth eyes have a baleful qi contain.


It was a step, the arm contracted, and suddenly slammed into it. The Yuan Force and the buzzing air screamed in front of Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang expressionless, the same punch, with flame diffuse, imposing manner is not weaker than Meng Chong.


The all of a sudden, hōng hōng voices of double-handed collisions, the Yuan Force rewinded, and the more than ten maleservant complexions of Meng Chong behind were whitish.

There is also a Yuan Force strength, going straight to Imperial Aunt.

Meng Chong complexion changed, palm of the hand, a large number of Yuan Force emerged, instantly shaken Zhao Fang’s at the same time, Meng Chong figure hurried back, appeared on the side of Imperial Aunt, Void Hand grab, that will touch When I encountered an attack from Imperial Aunt, I immediately vanish like smoke in thin air.

Only resolves this blow.

But Meng Chong’s complexion is completely gloomy down. “Some underestimate you. However, just that punch, I only used 30% force.”

“I am sick, you.”

Zhao Fang expression Glanced at Meng Chong with a bad look. “Get up and start your own cultivation base. Do you believe this Emperor lets you learn to be a minute?”

“arrogant !”

Meng Chong expression It’s cold, it seems to be a real fire. “This time, I won’t stay!”

“This is also good, after you lose, say this Emperor bully.”

Zhao Fang doesn’t say anything about it. After that, Meng Chong complexion is as ugly as eating, and coldly sweeps Zhao Fang, but it is no longer a word.

“Aunt, let’s go out first.”

Lord Jing said that he knows that Zhao Fang means that he has to fight with Meng Chong. Meng Chong is afraid of Clone and can’t protect Imperial Aunt.

Imperial Aunt has no such awareness.

Or, she is very confident about Meng Chong, Wen Yan, shaking her head: “Nothing!”

Lord Jing saw it, didn’t say much, just looked at Lin Su.

Lin Su knows that the figure is quietly close to Imperial Aunt.

Imperial Aunt was slightly frowning, but he ignored it.

“Dragon Emperor Ascension Fist !”

Meng Chong low roaring sound, the power of the whole body, instantly poured into the double boxing.

In an instant.

A powerful fluctuation of 2-Star Earth Venerable alone, filled the audience.

Boxing hōng hōng, in the all of a sudden, the edge of the smashing, but turned into a Silver Dragon, shaking his head and screaming, screaming and killing Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang blinked, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, “Level 4 Berserk !”


“Expend 100,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency , activate Level 4 Berserk !”

With the notification sound, Zhao Fang cultivation base, immediately from 7-Star Hundred Tribulations Realm, 飙promotes to Hundred Tribulations Realm Perfection, infinitely close to the level of Earth Venerable Powerhouse, but no breakthrough Earth Venerable Realm.

This is the case, his change is also the shock of Meng Chong complexion big change.

“Three Suns Grand Opening Fist !”

Zhao Fang coldly shouted, red orange yellow, three-color flame out, surrounded by Zhao Fang palm.

In an instant, three rounds of Yaoyang appeared, and emits was dazzling.

Obviously, just a shot, but there are three palms, each color, representing a palm, and the Silver Dragon that rushed into it.

The three palms come together, even the Silver Dragon, some can not afford to eat, burned in many places, making a screaming roar.

The two forces collided and vented, and when the power was rewinding, most of the ornaments in the room became the victims of this battle, and they were shocked.

Where is the Imperial Aunt, if there is no Lin Su take action, she is not much better at the moment.

But she did not care about this, a pair of beautiful eyes, staring at Zhao Fang, in the eyes flashed inexplicable rays of light.


Silver Dragon was burned out most of the body, but in pain, it was the roof and rushed away.

“én? That is…Dragon Emperor Ascension Fist?”

“It seems to be Imperial Aunt, the mad aura.”

“He is playing against Who? Dragon Emperor Ascension Fist, was it suppressed?”

Inside Yandu, there are quite a few Powerhouses, and the scene of Sense to the sky over Inn is full of curiosity.

They are out of the slightest hesitation, at the for a moment, leaving their respective Mansions and heading to Inn.

But when they rushed, Inn had already gone to the sky, and the Dragon Emperor Ascension Fist, including the hot aura like a raging sun, disappeared.

Yandu northern suburbs.

There are few people here, and the Palace is in the attic. The emits has a long history and heavy weight.

Here is the Territory of Imperial Aunt.

In the center of the northern suburbs, the Palace Complex, which is huge and almost invisible, is the Mansion of Imperial Aunt.

“Imperial Aunt, I will not make all the effort at the end, I will fight at the end!”

Back at Imperial Aunt, Meng Chong hurriedly yelled at Imperial Aunt.

“No. There are already a few in my heart.”

Imperial Aunt didn’t look at Meng Chong and his eyes fell on Zhao Fang. “You are very surprised by this palace. This palace recognizes your qualification.”

In this regard.

Zhao Fang just pouted.

Whether Imperial Aunt admits or not has little effect on him.

If he didn’t want Lord Jing to be too difficult to do, he wouldn’t bother to pay attention to Imperial Aunt.

“Clean up. A later, Aunt takes you to the Imperial Palace.”

Imperial Aunt looks at Lord Jing.

Lord Jing nod, expression excited, slightly awkward.

Soon, there was a Princess of the House, with Lord Jing and others, to stay in the room.

Meng Chong seems to be wrapped in Zhao Fang, and has to fight with Zhao Fang again.

“Before is my care. This time, I will not be merciful.”

Zhao Fang For Meng Chong, there is no Favorability, Wen Yan, coldly glanced at him. “If you don’t look at Lord Jing’s face, do you think that you, Trivial’s 2-Star Earth Venerable, have qualification and this Emperor battle? ”

“Leave away immediately, otherwise, die!”

Zhao Fang expression is cold and full of baleful qi. When he said this, his identity was reversed with Meng Chong.

at that moment.

Meng Chong has one kind, the other is 2-Star Earth Venerable, and he is the illusion of 7-Star Hundred Tribulations Realm.

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