The 595th chapter suppresses Meng Chong!

But he did not have the slightest fearful thought. Latest fastest update

The fighting intent is more intense.

“Original, I still think that your Strength is too weak to make me happy. But I didn’t expect that your Strength is so strong that you can block my attack twice in a row. You have qualification and see my true Strength.”

Meng Chong said that the double eye reveals a trace of madness.

He bit his finger and blood was smeared on the nine demon lotuses in the bright bald head.

Then, the incredible scene appeared!

The original demon-like embroidered lotus, after smoking Meng Chong blood, actually lived and slowly squirmed.


An inexplicable powerful aura, spread from Meng Chong, overflowing with whole body, venting all directions.

Meng Chong’s aura, under the traction of this powerful aura, began to skyrocket.

3-Star Earth Venerable.

4-Star Earth Venerable.

5-Star Earth Venerable.

The skyrocketing continues.

It stopped until the 7-Star Earth Venerable was reached.

Meng Chong at this moment, like an incarnation of the ancient demon, is full of demon, can not be a lifetime.

“How? Surprised, this is my real strength!”


Zhao Fang is indifferent and turns away.

His flat reaction, some out of Meng Chong expected.

But immediately, Meng Chong was angry.

He felt that This is Zhao Fang’s insult to himself.


Meng Chong’s buzzing sound is with the slightest hesitation and a punch to Zhao Fang.

Feeling the strong Crisis from behind, Zhao Fang looked cold, “It seems that you really take my words as a slap in the face.”

In the all of a sudden, Zhao Fang turned and a golden light flew out and turned into a figure of Tyrant Heavenly Tiger, appearing in front of Zhao Fang.

Same as Time.

Tyrant Heavenly Tiger screamed, his arm slammed and collided with Meng Chong’s fist.


The pounds of suffocating venting, the sound hōng hōng, the sky is full of resilience, the Meng Chong shocked back.


A touch of shock, come to his face.

Same as for a moment.

It stood in the attic not far away, quietly looking at all of this Imperial Aunt, in the eyes flashed a trace, “Golden Puppet?”

“What is this thing? After I hardened it, I was so unscathed, could I shake back?”

Meng Chong stared at Golden Puppet, in the eyes.

He did not expect that, Zhao Fang, and this Rank killing move.

“If you want to fight, you want to come ready to do accept death!”

Zhao Fang expression I am cold, and Meng Chong has been plagued by one after another.

His character is not like the Lord who is forbearing, the so-called gentleman revenge, not too late for ten years, it is completely against him.

It is his true nature that is quick and willing.

“Oh, I admit, you broke this puppet, it does have some skills, but I want to kill me, but it is not enough.”

Meng Chong disdain.


Zhao Fang corner of the mouth is cold.

Fingers licking and pointing at Tyrant Heavenly Tiger.

boom! boom!

Tyrant Heavenly Tiger within the body hōng hōng, there is a thunderous explosion, which is even more surprising.

On the Metal shell of the Tyrant Heavenly Tiger, there are countdown densely packed, such as the lines of the meridians.

But Meng Chong sees it, it’s not the meridians, but the context of the Array.

Looking around, the entire puppet, almost half of the Array context, is fully activated.


Aura, which is not weaker than 8-Star Earth Venerable, instantly swept the audience, making Meng Chong’s complexion difficult to look at immediately.

“Fuck, how could it be so strong!”

Meng Chong is incredible, he is almost war-torn, but not a fool.

“This is just a big activation. If you activate all of the Arrays in it, isn’t it a Strength comparable to 9-Star Earth Venerable? This damn is what the hell thing Ah!”

Meng Chong was shocked at the same time, but also a little jealous.

9-Star Earth Venerable !

Even in the Three Great Ancient Country, it is rare to reach this one step Powerhouse.

Can have a Golden Puppet comparable to 9-Star Earth Venerable, in the Three Great Ancient Country, you can walk sideways!

Meng Chong finally understood why Zhao Fang was so arrogant when facing himself.

This is completely fearless.

“Cough… that’s right, I still have something to do, don’t accompany it for the time being!”

Meng Chong left this sentence and immediately ran wildly.

But Zhao Fang finally activated the power of Tyrant Heavenly Tiger Array, how can it be easy to let him go.

Zhao Fang figure flashed, standing on the shoulders of Tyrant Heavenly Tiger and chasing Meng Chong.

For a moment.

At Imperial Aunt House, there is a scene where people don’t know whether to cry or laugh.

The Commander Meng Chong, who has always been war-torn and has a little bit of divine light in his head, has been chased.

After a chicken jump, Meng Chong was beaten by Zhao Fang, and the nose was swollen with Azure Eye.

“Big Brother spare the life !”

“It was a little brother confused!”

“Big Brother…”

If not Lord Jing came to persuade, this farce, I do not know when it will end.

“Brother Zhao, General Meng, is not saying that you don’t know each other. Make a friend, this is the case.”

Zhao Fang did not let Tyrant Heavenly Tiger stop, still coldly at at Meng Chong.

Lord Jing smiles at Zhao Fang, “General Meng, I heard that you have a Big Brother guarding Ancient Country Treasure-House. I don’t know, have you heard of ‘Ice Cold Tri-fire Root’?”

Meng Chong just looks a bit silly, but it is not really stupid, but rather extremely smart.

Otherwise, it is also impossible. In this way, it is cultivated to the strength of 7-Star Earth Venerable.

After Wen Yan, I immediately understood, and nod, “I am going to ask Big Brother now.”

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, waved back and took back Tyrant Heavenly Tiger. “I want specific news, otherwise…”

Meng Chong wants to cry without tears, his only is grand 7-Star Earth Venerable, but in front of Zhao Fang, it is really mad.

Hearing this, he licked his bloated eyes and glanced at Zhao Fang with a sad face.

“Your Majesty !Imperial Aunt orders you to go with her to the Imperial Palace.”

There is a maidservant model, soft.

Lord Jing nod, look at Zhao Fang, said with a laugh : “Brother Zhao, go together.”

Zhao Fang ordered nod.

In front of the Imperial Aunt Gate, there are two luxury ruts that are held by the Red Flames.

Each carriage is covered with six heads of red flames.

Every Red Flame Tiger has the Strength of Martial Void Realm.

Twelve Martial Void Realm Vicious Beast, just for pulling the car, the Imperial Aunt is imaginable.

Other than that.

There are also 5,000 escorts.

Captain, naturally is Meng Chong.

Vice Captain is the two Hundred Tribulations Realm Perfection Powerhouse.

The remaining players are mostly Martial Void Realm level.

This Rank scale, look at Zhao Fang.

Imperial Aunt is located in the foremost carriage. On the occasion of Zhao Fang and others, she opened the curtains, swept Meng Chong, and looked at Zhao Fang with great depth.

“Aunt !”

Lord Jing start to talk.


Imperial Aunt gently nod, put down the curtains.

Meng Chong didn’t dare to look at Zhao Fang. He jumped directly to the Imperial Aunt rut and took the groom away as a groom.

“damn, what does this mean? I will stare at this Emperor again, believe this Emperor has done it for you?”

Zhao Fang swept her eyes and closed the curtains. It seemed to be able to see the Imperial Aunt in the carriage, and the corner of the mouth showed a match with an evil smile.

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