Chapter 709 kills the Ice Phoenix Bloodline


Xu Feng Nian complexion screamed.

“Hey, son is waste, father is also waste, really Worthy is father and son Ah!”

Lie Jun taunted.

“you shut up!”

Xu Feng Nian coldly stares at Lie Jun, in the eyes of the killing intent, seems to be able to come out.

But he didn’t practice Divine Soul Skill after all, even if he pulled his eyes out, Lie Jun was still unscathed.

“How? Don’t like the term waste? Then stand up and refute me Ah! Garbage!”

Lie Jun sneered, not disguising the contempt and ridicule of Xu Feng Nian.

Xu Feng Nian ignored Lie Jun, his eyes, removed from Xu Chong Shan, and fell on Xie Xuan, to find the latter expressionless, exquisite charming face, not because of his injury, revealing the slightest intolerance and sympathy Time.

Xu Feng Nian is completely dead!

Thoroughly see the true face of Xie Xuan.

“hehe, when I brought you back to Xu Family, father disagreed, it was my pressure to follow Father, and I was in contact with you in the subsequent Time. I, Feng Neng Family, never yelled at you Xie. Family little bit, even you Xie Xuan, the reason why I can wake up ‘blue bloodline’, there is help from me and Xu Family.”

“People go high and the water flows down. After my bloodline is scrapped, it really doesn’t match you. You want to climb a higher place. I can understand and accept it. But!”

Xu Feng Nian stares at Xie Xuan, sharp eye, cold star: “I don’t understand, if you want to go, leave quietly, you can be safe, why should you humiliate me and humiliate us? You Xie Xuan, Xie Family, really ungrateful, ruthless White Eye wolf!”

Xie Xuan charming face is slightly changed, coldly snorted, but it is speechless.

Lie Jun sees it, disdain says with a laugh: “Waste, there should be a waste of consciousness. After you are abolished, you should choose to leave Xie Xuan instead of pestering her, so there will be no such thing!”

“I am pestering her?”

Xu Feng Nian corner of the mouth reveals ridicule.

Xie Xuan complexion is sinking, this ridicule seems to be humiliating, her arrogant but extremely sensitive heart.


Xie Xuan coldly snorted.

Lie Jun Wen Yan, who seems to be the general of the order, strode to Xu Feng Nian, revealing a cold and cruel smile.

Like a butcher, looks at the smile of the lamb to be slaughtered.

“Feng’er !”

Xu Chong Shan complexion greatly changed, already guessing what Lie Jun wants to do.

When yelling, crazy take action, want to break free of bounds, to save Xu Feng Nian.

But there is Lei Meng on the side. His thoughts can only be a delusion. Don’t talk about saving Feng Nian. He himself is already a mud bodhisattva, and it is difficult to protect himself!

Xu Feng Nian licked her lips, her eyes were sharp as a knife, and coldly staring at Lie Jun, she did not reveal the slightest color, and there was no start to talk for mercy.

Even if he knew that Lie Jun would kill himself, Xu Feng Nian didn’t ask for mercy, just coldly’s looks at, like Lie Jun’s appearance, deeply imprinted in the mind, turned into a ghost, came to him for revenge !

“I don’t know if I will kill you. I will let you participate in my big marriage with Xuan’er and let you witness our happiness.”

Lie Jun sneered and pointed to the sword, the power of Wind-Thunder condensed between them, pointing to Xu Feng Nian’s Qi Sea.

Obviously, Lie Jun intends to abolish Xu Feng Nian cultivation base.

Xu Fenggian, who was originally deprived of the bloodline, is already a feathered Phoenix.

Lie Jun’s move is undoubtedly to push this Phoenix into the bottom layer and become a hairless chicken!

“call out!”

Wind-Thunder means that it is unbeatable and can’t resist. It is close to Xu Feng Nian.

Eyes look at the end of the Feng Feng Nian Qi Sea, let it be completely waste.


A long spear, suddenly appeared in Wind-Thunder means before, cut it off.

Xu Feng Nian startled, turned to look at next, complexion is also a little pale, but there is no panic on the face, a pair of plain look Zhao Fang, “You, why have you not gone?”

Xu Chong Shan also stunned.

He thought that after Zhao Fang heard the name of ‘Thunder Soul Union’, he had already scared the six gods masterless and did not dare to move.

However, I didn’t think of it. At the crucial moment, it was Zhao Fang take action, which resisted Lie Jun’s very ruthless blow.

“You This is in court death!”

Lie Jun complexion cumin gloomy down.

Zhao Fang’s continuous blockade made this Thunder Soul Union’s arrogant anger.

Zhao Fang did not step on him, looks at Xu Feng Nian gentle said with a laugh, “I said, I want to return you this person.”

Xu Feng Nian startled, smiled bitterly, “I have a heart, but you are still quick go, getting involved in this storm is not good for you.”

“Want to go? This Young master agreed!”

Lie Jun coldly stares at Zhao Fang. “If you like nosy, then leave it completely!”

This time.

Lie Jun did not kill Xu Feng Mountain, but rushed to Zhao Fang, taking action very ruthless, not leaving the slightest effort, a vow to killed Zhao Fang.


Xu Feng Nian yelled.


Zhao Fang, as if he had not heard it, stood still and looked at Lie Jun, who was getting closer and closer to him, and the corner of the mouth suddenly raised.

“Divine Destruction Drill !”

Zhao Fang eyes abyss, two Umans rushed out instantly, and instantly rushed into the Lie Jun Primordial Spirit.

Lie Jun’s front rushing figure, like being caught by a pair of big hands, suddenly stopped in place.

Killing intent The flooded eyes are obviously dimmed, and aura, like a leaking ball, quickly dried up.


Lie Jun crashed to the ground, his eyes turned out like a dead fish, and there was no vitality in his body. Obviously, he was absolutely good.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed small boss’Lie Jun ‘,obtain 900,000 Spirit Point, 90,000 Spiritual Force Value, 90,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed small boss’Lie Jun ‘,obtain ‘Ice Phoenix Bloodline’.”


When I heard that it was not the Raytheon bloodline, but the Ice Phoenix Bloodline, the Zhao Fang complexion was slightly wrong.

When he opened the Ice Phoenix Bloodline, his expression was even more weird.


This Ice Phoenix Bloodline is not a common Divine Grade bloodline, but a bloodline of Super Divine Beast.

On Bloodline, second only to Immortal Beast.

This kind of bloodline, Zhao Fang did not explode a few.

As of today, killing a small boss, it broke this Rank bloodline, simply is Luck Defying the Heavens.


Xu Feng Nian has widened his eyes.

“Nothing was done, just glanced at it and killed Lie Jun, what is this Devil Law?”

Xu Chong Shan is also incredible.


Lei Meng is also a bit stunned.

When the reaction came, he was suddenly roared, such as the sturdy tiger, rushing to the side of Lie Jun and picking him up.

However, it was deeply discovered that Lie Jun was already weak.


Lie Jun’s Primordial Spirit is completely annihilated!

“Little bastard, you actually killed Jun’er, I want you to die!”

Lei Meng must be sent out, like the wild beast of anger, taking action against Zhao Fang.

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