Chapter 710, face-smacking

“This little brother, too rash, the disaster is coming!”

Xu Chong Shan saw this scene and sighed in his heart. Even if he wanted to block it, he did not have this power.

On the field, the only Xie Xuan who stayed out of the game.

Still squinting, it seems that he has not yet woken up from the shock of Lie Jun.

“How can it be! What is this means, killing an 9-Star Earth Venerable silently? This person is crazy, actually dare to kill Thunder Soul Union’s Young Master.”

Xie Xuan murmured, complexion pale.

But more, still lose one’s head out of fear.

“Lie Jun is not my kill, but after all, it is because of me. If you let Thunder Soul Union know, his youngest son, loved, loved Xu Family for my sake, and I was guilty.” ”

Thinking of Thuel Soul Union’s long cruel, Xie Xuan shudders.

“Kill him, he must kill him. Only in this way can he calm the anger of Thunder Soul Union.”

Xie Xuan both eyes, suddenly staring at Zhao Fang, in the eyes revealing a strong hatred.

“Accept death!”

Lei Meng is an 2-Star Golden Venerable.

At the moment, it is the anger take action, might, and I don’t know how many times stronger than when I played against Xu Chong Shan.

Not to mention Earth Venerable, even if it is opposite Xu Chong Shan, slamming this blow, it is not dead or hurt!


Just in Xu Chong Shan, Xie Xuan thinks that Zhao Fang will die.

In the face of Lei Meng’s attack, Zhao Fang raised a finger without saltiness.

“What is he going to do?”

“One finger? Is he this to be surrendered?”

Xu Chong Shan and Xie Xuan, some of them do not understand, do not understand the meaning of Zhao Fang’s move today.

But Xu Feng Nian, like what he felt, stared at the finger.

“It is possible to kill Lie Jun quietly. His means are very good. Maybe he has the means to escape Lei Meng’s killing move.”

Xu Feng Nian does not think that Zhao Fang can play Lei Meng, only that Zhao Fang is very mysterious and should have the means to hide.

Just three people in the field looked simultaneously condensed and thought differently.

Zhao Fang stretched out a finger and whispered: “Lock!”

The sound is not loud, and it can even be said to be inaudible in the living room where Lei Meng is screaming.

However, from the moment of Zhao Fang’s mouth, it was quickly spread throughout the audience, and clearly passed into everyone’s ears.

Of course, the sound is not important.

The most important thing is that after the sound came out, the killing intent was like Meng Meng, the figure was suddenly in the same place, like being instantly pressed in place, unable to struggle, even the expression, it was fixed.


Xu Chong Shan was shocked, and the eyes were rolling, with an incredible expression.

Not only him.

But anyone who sees this scene.

Whether it is Xu Feng Nian or Xie Xuan, the reaction at this moment is no better than Xu Chong Shan.

Zhao Fang’s take action is too subversive, too challenging their thinking and three views.

Xu Feng Nian Although he has some speculations about Zhao Fang, he thinks he might use some treasures to eliminate Crisis.

But I never thought of it.

Zhao Fang just said a word, then Lei Meng like a tyrannical tiger, was set in place, unable to break away from the little bit.

Zhao Fang expressionless, at the all of a sudden, the Battaling Spirit Seal, which was settled by Lei Meng, instantly hit four of his Primordial Spirits.

After Body Lock Technique’s aging, Lei Meng looked blank, but soon, he reacted. He didn’t take action on Zhao Fang again, but retreated to the side. The complexion was a bit cloudy.

Xu Chong Shan is a pity that looks at this scene, the heart, just such a good opportunity, failed to kill Lei Meng, but it is a pity.

of course.

This kind of thought, he can only think about it.

Not to mention, can he have this Strength killed Lei Meng.

Even if there is, he does not dare to kill.

Lei Meng is one of the Thunder Soul Union Five Great Thunder Souls. The status is sublime, not at all compared to Lie Jun.

Once I killed Lei Meng, it was really torn with Thunder Soul Union, irreconcilable until death!

The current Xu Family, too weak, does not have the capital to tear the skin with the Thunder Soul Union.

Zhao Fang looked at Xu Feng Nian and calmly asked: “Want to restore the bloodline?”

Xu Feng Nian stunned and immediately smiled. “My bloodline, when hunting Vicious Beast, was completely swallowed by one kind of special Vicious Beast ‘Blood Swallowing Beast’ and could not be recovered.”

Zhao Fang took the group of Ice Phoenix Bloodline from the System package and threw it to Xu Feng Nian, “refining him!”

He did not tell Xu Feng Nian, the origin of the bloodline.


Zhao Fang wants to see Xu Feng Nian’s determination.

Xu Feng Nian took the Ice Phoenix Bloodline and took a deep look at Zhao Fang. He didn’t ask much, sitting cross-legged and directly refining.

In his opinion.

Zhao Fang Since it has the means of killing Lie Jun and even killing Lei Meng, it is easy to kill himself.

There is no need to be so troublesome at all.

So, he chose to gamble!

When Xu Feng Nian refining Ice Phoenix Bloodline, Zhao Fang looked at Lei Meng.

“How many Golden Venerable Powerhouses does Thunder Soul Union have?”

Xu Chong Shan and Xie Xuan both felt that Lei Meng would not answer the question of Zhao Fang.

What they expected was beyond what they expected.

Without any hesitation, Lei Meng started to talk: “Five Great Thunder Souls, plus the president, and the two Supreme Elders, a total of eight Golden Venerable.”

“Where, President Strong strongest, already reached 5-Star Golden Venerable, the two Supreme Elders are second, 4-Star Golden Venerable, Five Great Thunder Souls cultivation base, at 1-Star Golden Venerable to 3-Star Between Golden Venerable.”

These things are not a secret for Azure Leaf Town natives such as Xu Chong Shan Xie Xuan.


To their amazement, Thunder Soul Union’s most violent hammer gods will obediently answer other people’s questions.

“Thunder Soul Union? I haven’t heard of it, where is it?”

“Here is a small town on the edge of Heaven Domain, the town name, Azure Leaf.”

Upon hearing this answer, Zhao Fang stunned and the expression became weird. “Heaven Domain! I didn’t expect that World behind the black hole turned out to be Heaven Domain. So, Northern Sea Dragon, I should have been to Heaven Domain. Otherwise, his Space Black Hole, also impossible, is linked to the Heaven Domain’s Space Channel.”

Split second, Zhao Fang thought of a lot.

“Azure Leaf Town, in addition to Thunder Soul Union, and those powerful Influence?”

“There are two other Influences, the Purple Woods Lin family, and the Azure Wolf Castle, which are equal to the Thunder Soul Union.”

Lei Meng gave a detailed introduction to the influence pattern of Azure Leaf Town. Zhao Fang was very impressed. “It’s just a small town in Heaven Domain, the most Powerhouse in town, all Golden Venerable Powerhouse, compared to here, Desolate Domain, even Black Devil Domain, simply lags behind the extreme!”

At the same time, Zhao Fang is also excited.

After reaching the 7-Star Earth Venerable level, there was some stagnation.

The main reason is that there are too few high-level blame.

And the many Powerhouses in Azure Leaf Town let Zhao Fang see the hope of level up.

When I think about it, DD

Xu Feng Nian refining Ice Phoenix Bloodline seems to be finally over.


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