Chapter 711 goes, Big Brother takes you to reason

Xu Feng Nian had Ice Element bloodline earlier, and Grade is not weak.

Refining comes from the Ice Phoenix Bloodline, which is also considered a light road.

In addition, there is Zhao Fang in the side, there is no accident, Xu Feng Nian will successfully refined Ice Phoenix Bloodline.

Same as Time.

The surface of his body is white and cold.

On the occasion of the phoenix’s rumor, a huge Ice Phoenix phantom appeared on his head.

Ice Phoenix appeared, icy eyes swept across the earth.

The temperature in the living room, under the gaze of this gaze, plummeted, like an instant became a hail, cold and cold.

“Feng’er !”

Xu Chong Shan was slightly shocked, but immediately, complexion overjoyed.

Xie Xuan is dumbstruck, unbelievable, “impossible,impossible !”

Ice Phoenix overlooks the earth, Pressure’s Might is extremely prosperous, Xie Xuan is the weakest person on the field, and forced to activate the bloodline.

A huge barley appeared in its behind.

However, the appearance of this youthfulness did not bring her much security.

Conversely made her humiliated.

Qing Lan seems to feel the Ice’s Pressure’s Pressure’s Might. When it first appeared, it sent a whine. It seemed that he didn’t dare to compete with it. He wanted to retreat to Xie Xuan within the body.

Xie Xuan was not expected to respond to the barley.

The barley bloodline without the slightest hesitation showed surrender, and there was no arrogance in the Outer World, high in the top, and holy as the phoenix.

“I want to surrender, this can be it be!”

Xie Xuan charming face changed a lot, and sighed, “Let me surrender to this waste, even if it is dead, it is impossible!”


She was with the body’s bloodline, but she ignored her hysterical roar. Under the eyes of the Ice Phoenix dignity, she trembled and shook, without the slightest resistance.

Regardless of how she activates, the green bloodline is completely silent.

Xie Xuan’s unyielding, did not provoke the appreciation of Ice Phoenix, its cold-blooded eye, like an ice blade, Xie Xuan, Xie Xuan body, and the corner of the mouth. Yin Hong.

When I was smirking, I fell down on the ground and looked at the Ice Phoenix phantom on the top of Xu Feng Nian. The expression was terrible and complicated.


Xu Feng Nian opened the booth eyes, sharp inside the knife’s eye, flashing a trace rare excitement and excited.

He did not expect.

His own bloodline deprived of ‘Blood Swallowing Beast’ turned out to ‘return’ again.


The return to the Bloodline’s Grade is far from being comparable to the previous bloodline power.

at this moment.

Xu Feng Nian felt confidence.

He laughed loudly, laughter and pleasure, like these days, the block in the heart squeezed, all vented.

But very soon.

He stopped laughing and looked at Zhao Fang. He respectfully said: “Xu Feng Nian many thanks senior.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang’ triggers the Eight Layer Pagoda series Task, surrender ‘Ice Phoenix Xu Feng Nian ‘.”

“Task Level : s.”

“Task Time: Seven days.”

“Task Reward: Three Million Spirit Point, 50 million supreme coins, Special Reward.”


Zhao Fang complexion is weird. In any case, he did not expect that the person who gave away the bloodline at will was still the key person with Task.

He suddenly wondered. “If I didn’t give him the Ice Phoenix Bloodline, he didn’t activate the Ice Phoenix Bloodline. This Ice Phoenix may not be his Feng Neng?”

“So to say……”

Zhao Fang looks bright bright, I want to use this method to test other Eight Layer Pagoda series characters.

of course.

These are all words.

Zhao Fang took a deep look at Xu Feng Nian, calmly said: “I don’t want revenge?”

Xu Feng Nian startled, and then seems to be enlightened, turned to look at the complexity of the complexion, long before the first arrival of the proud of the young girl, expression complex, with a bit of calm.

“It seems unnecessary.”

Xu Feng Nian Road.

“Really!” Zhao Fang laughed.

Xu Feng Nian slightly frowned , “Senior means?”

“People are deceived by people, Ma Shan is being riding. Is it that you have not seen it after going through these things? Or do you think that this woman brought you, the humiliation brought to Xu Family is not deep enough, still can not be stimulated The anger in your heart, or do you still love him?”

Zhao Fang plain look at Xu Feng Nian.

But this is a dull gaze, but Xu Feng Nian has a kind of undressed, whole body red.

When he recalls Zhao Fang’s words, the more he thinks, the expression is gloomy, which is ugly.

In the end, he looked at Zhao Fang: “Please teach me!”

“People don’t commit me, I don’t commit people. If anyone commits me, I will kill!”

The sixteen characters of simple, like Inscription, are deeply imprinted in the heart of Xu Feng Nian.

Xu Feng Nian is a smart person. When he hears this, he understands the meaning of Zhao Fang.

He has not said that Xu Chong Shan, on the side, will start to talk, “Xu Many thanks Your Excellency for the help of children, however, Xie Family today is no longer comparable, with Thunder Soul Union support, I Xu It’s not so easy for Family to move them. If the child didn’t lose the bloodline, she didn’t care about Xie Family, but the loss of bloodline made him directly into Earth Venerable. Now confronting Xie Family, Xu Family can’t It’s cheaper.”

“This is what you mean?”

Zhao Fang looks to Xu Feng Nian.

Xu Feng Nian hesitated and nod. “Feng Nian can be willing to be enemies, but the old man will be implicated in this. If he does not have certain certainty, taking action will only bring trouble to his father.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang laughed and seemed quite satisfied with Xu Feng Nian’s answer.

After re-obtaining the Ice Phoenix Bloodline, I was not stunned by the power, but I could calmly think and worry about the whole situation.

Have to say, Ice Phoenix, is really calm enough!

“If, plus me?”

Hearing this, Xu Feng Nian startled, looking deep into Zhao Fang, “Why should you help me with senior?”

“What do you think?”

“What do you want for senior? Please let me know if Feng Nian can do it, no matter what!”

“Follow me, I can give you another big deal. Even if you let Xu Family become a strong family of Heaven Domain, it is not impossible.”

Zhao Fang said with a smile.

If it is before, if you hear Zhao Fang, Xu Chong Shan must be an Idiot who cultivates his brain to solve problems.


I have experienced all kinds of things in the living room.

Especially now, when Lei Meng faces Zhao Fang, it seems to be alert, but in a respectful attitude.

Xu Chong Shan sucks the cool at the same time, for the mysterious of the youngster means, full of wariness and curiosity.

in spite of.

Zhao Fang’s words, quite a bit of arrogance, overestimate one’s capabilities.

But in Xu Chong Shan’s view, it is not impossible.

The most important thing is.

Such a cherished Ice Phoenix Bloodline, this person is not blind, give it to his son, this means, let alone the Golden Venerable, even the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse, it is estimated that it can not do it!

Coupled with the fact that Zhao Fang is so young, he has this Rank, and Xu Chong Shan has a micro-motion in his heart.


When Xu Feng Nian consulted to look at himself, Xu Chong Shan without the slightest hesitation point nod.

Xu Feng Nian did not have much resistance to Zhao Fang.

He is very grateful to this, the youngster who is almost the same age as himself, admiring at the same time.

“Xu Feng Nian pays respect to Sir.”

Xu Feng Nian hands clasped together politely , respectfully said.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth slightly raise, smiled. “Go, I will take you to reason!”

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