Chapter 712, the door to the field

Xie Xiuwen’s recent Time.

Very proud!

His Xie Family is Azure Leaf Town, an unnamed Clan.

Even 3rd-rate Influence is not considered.

But he Xie Xiuwen, gave birth to a good daughter.

Xie Xuan!

Because of Xie Xuan, Xie Xiuwen climbed the 2nd rate Influence Xu Family in Azure Leaf Town.

Utilizing Xu Family’s resources, Xie Family quickly moved from a non-influenced initiative to 3rd-rate Influence.

After becoming 3rd-rate Influence, Xie Xiuwen was not satisfied, and wanted to climb up, and wanted to take Xie Family and rush into the ranks of 2nd rate Influence.

To this end, he tried to ‘hook’ 1st rate Influence.

His preferred goal is Thunder Soul Union.

Because, he knows well, Thunder Soul Union Young Master Lie Jun, the desire for his daughter.

Using this relationship, Xie Xiuwen secretly interacts with Thunder Soul Union.

After climbing the high branch of Thunder Soul Union, Xie Xiuwen is ready to throw away Xu Family and even let daughter Xie Xuan keep a distance from Xu Family.

But he did not dare to offend Xu Feng Nian.

Because, Xu Feng Nian is not only the ‘four big master’ cultivation base strongest, but also has the extremely rare Ice Element bloodline.

Once you grow up, you can even touch the threshold of Heavenly Venerable.

He had intended to let Xie Xuan fall to Feng Neng and let Xu Feng Nian retreat.

I never thought about it.

Even Heaven is helping him. Xu Feng Nian goes to the Qingshan Mountains and is ‘Blood Swallowing Beast ‘swallow off his own bloodline. The cultivation base is directly from 1-Star Golden Venerable to 1-Star Earth Venerable.

Xu Feng Nian’s tragic experience, Xie Xiuwen did not have the slightest sympathy, but felt that the opportunity came.

So he contacted Thunder Soul Union Lie Jun and went straight to his own, and he offered his biggest chip, DDXie Xuan.

Lie Jun overjoyed, under the temptation of Xie Xuan, took Lei Meng to Xu Family marriage withdrawal.

“According to Time, Xuan’er they should be back!”

Xie Xiuwen stood up and came to the courtyard, looking out of the courtyard. In the eyes hiding a trace hidden for a long time of excitement and anticipation. “Once I got rid of Xu Family, I completely embraced the Thunder Soul Union. I have Xie. Family can get up and become 2nd rate Influence, and it’s just a matter of Time.”

“When the future, Xuan’er becomes the Golden Venerable Powerhouse, my Xie Family will not only be able to get into 1st rate Influence, but even get out of the wild land of Azure Leaf Town and return to ‘Soaring Phoenix City’.”

No one knows.

Xie Family used to be the famous big Clan of Soaring Phoenix City. It was only after the family was down, and the Powerhouse was withered, which fell into such a situation.

This is also true.

Xie Xiuwen is very sorry for Azure Leaf Town’s Clan Influence.

Whether it’s Xu Family of 2nd rate Influence or Thunder Soul Union of 1st rate Influence.

In his eyes of Xie Xiuwen, it is just a stepping stone for his Xie Family to regain its glory!


At this time, a pretty rush came and shouted in front of Xie Xiuwen.

“what’s going on?” Xie Xiuwen frowned.

“Xu Feng Nian Young Master of Xu Family visited the door.”

“What!” Xie Xiuwen raised an eyebrow.

“On his own?”

“And his father, and a strange young man.”

Xie Xiuwen slightly frowned, immediately said: “Go to Great Elder Second Elder and let them come.”

The girl was told, and she turned to inform the two Elders, but listened to Xie Xiuwen’s voice and came back from behind.

“By the way, the Elder Xu of Thunder Soul Union.”

The hustle and bustle came in a hurry and left.

Xie Xiuwen looked at the peach blossoms in the courtyard, and the brows were raised from time to time. “Lie Jun took Xuan’er to the door to evacuate. Xu Chong Shan came to Xie Family at this time. It is worth pondering. Is it irritating and retaliating? ”

Think about it, Xie Xiuwen can only think of this layer.

But he is not afraid, cold said with a laugh: “If it is other, look at the Xu Family for many years, this patriarch does not mind giving them a few thin faces, but if it is messy, hēi hēi, I Xie Family , there is no shortage of Powerhouse.”

For his own benefit, Xie Xiuwen has been taking care of Xu Family for many years.

Bring along with Thunder Soul Union, Fox, and Wei, go to Xu Family, and go to the marriage withdrawal.

This move can be described as the face of the Xu Family.

Two big Clan, so far tear the face.

Today, Xie Xiuwen is fascinated by the Xu Family.

This person’s shameless degree can be seen!

On the occasion of sneer, Xie Xiuwen sorted out the shirt and strode out to the door.

Just arrived at the large gate, Xie Xiuwen heard a voice outside the door.

Before going to the large gate, I saw the outside and stood a lot of onlookers, all on the Azure Leaf Town.

Among them, there are some Xie Family relationships that are quite tight with Clan’s clansman.

Xie Xiuwen ignored them and looked directly at the three people standing in front of their own large gate.

When I saw Xu Chong Shan in three people, Xie Xiuwen complexion gloomy.

But after all, he was a deep-hearted person, and soon he hid his emotions, and he calmed down on the face, including said with a laugh: “Xu brother personally went to visit, the younger brother had a long-lost welcome, but also forgiveness!”

Looking at all this, Zhao Fang in the eyes, his eyes suddenly smashed.

He doesn’t like the kind of smile in the knife, the mind gloomy, the person before the set, the person behind the set of smiling face tiger.

Naturally, I don’t like Xie Xiuwen.

“Xu’s identity is common, not the Thunder Soul Union, and you dare to blame your Patriarch Xie.”

Xu Chong Shan has something to say.

Xie Xiuwen brows slightly wrinkle, “Where is Xu Brother, when Xie Family came to Azure Leaf Town, often followed by Xu Xiong and Feng Nian virtuous nephew, this is what today, how can I forget?”


Xu Chong Shan corner of the mouth, sneer, straightforward, “Let Lie Jun take Xie Xuan and go to my Xu Family to retreat, is it the way you repay?”


Xu Chong Shan’s voice fell and he was full of anger.

No one expected that Xu Feng Nian and Xu Family had paid so much for Xie Family, which turned out to be the end.

Xie Xiuwen brows slightly wrinkle, there is anger, “Xu brother is not misunderstanding, this thing, I still heard first time.”

Saying, yelling at a servant next to him: “Where did Eldest Young Lady go? Hurry and get her back, this little beast, see how I clean her up.”

Xu Chong Shan Indifference at at Xie Xiuwen performance.

He has only discovered that Xie Xiuwen’s performance of natural talent is so high.

If it is not personal experience, Xu Chong Shan must doubt whether he really misunderstood Xie Xiuwen.

Although, he also wants to treat this matter as a misunderstanding.

But he knew that this was fundamentally impossible, and immediately interrupted Xie Xiuwen, “Patriarch Xie, don’t pretend, everyone is not whispering.”

Xu Chong Shan’s cold look made Xie Xiuwen know that this time, the other party is not as foolish as it used to be.

I am appreciating the hand: “I don’t know this thing. I just heard that Xuan’er has recently been closer to Thunder Soul Union Young Master Lie Jun. This may be the opinion of Thunder Soul Union, my Xie Family is small. If you have a dissatisfaction with Xu Xiao, you can go to Thunder Soul Union and talk to Thunder Soul Union for an interview!”

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