Chapter 720 pinch Lei Lie

Lei Zhan is slightly clearer one’s teeth, and the single palm smashes the Lei Zhan Fleshy Body, and even the Primordial Spirit is annihilated.

Zhao Fang complexion is indifferent and does not care about Lei Meng life and death.

He wants the result, alwaysy gets.

Most importantly, after killing his own ‘puppet’, Lee Zhan will have a hate value.

After Zhao Fang kills him, he will explode something that he can’t even think of.

Otherwise, it is a waste of a Golden Venerable. He is absolutely self-interested and will not do it.

“Everything is over!”

Looking to the Lei Zhan three people, Lei Lie indifferently said.

“It’s really over. From today, Thunder Soul Union will be removed from Azure Leaf Town.”

When I heard this, Lei Lie was extremely angry and laughed. Others also felt that Zhao Fang was a bit mad and said this overestimate one’s capabilities.

Zhao Fang expressionless, just a wave of hand.

call out!

A golden glow flies out of the storage ring of his finger.

With a cold and chilling aura, ‘bang’ appeared in front of everyone.

Not waiting for everyone to see his appearance, Zhao Fang is cold to start to talk, “all killed!”

Golden Puppet will not speak, only indifferent and determined to execute Zhao Fang’s orders.

Stepping into the nearest Lei Zhan three people.

boom! boom! boom!

Three punches, Thunder Soul Union’s fiercely thunderous thunder God, did not have a drink of enemies, instantly blasted, blood sprinkled.

Lei Zhan three people, die!

The dead silence on the scene, everyone is scared.

Includes Lei Lie.

He widened his eyes, still with a trace of shock, and even panic, unbelievably looking at the golden silhouette.

“how can it like like this?”

Lei Lie is not willing to growl.

No one answered him. Only the remaining three beaches of blood on the ground told him what had happened.

Not only Lei Lie, Xu Chong Shan Xu Feng Nian father and son, but also dumbfounded.

Xu Feng Nian even recognized that the golden silhouette is the iron shovel he brought.

He has been drumming for a few days, and he has no research. He thought it was just scrap iron, but he did not expect that there would be such a powerful might, even Lei Zhan of 4-Star Golden Venerable level is not his enemy.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed small boss’Lei Zhan ‘,obtain four million Spirit Point, 400,000 Spiritual Force Value, 400,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed small boss’Lei Zhan ‘,obtain ‘Explosive Thunder Bloodline’.”


“Explosive Thunder Bloodline ‘?’ equal to ‘Ice Phoenix Bloodline’?”

Zhao Fang has a slight gaze and is slightly amazed.

The heart is extremely gratifying, secretly thinking to sacrifice Lei Meng, it is correct.


At this moment, sky-splitting sound sounded again.

It was the unwilling Lei Lie, and finally looked at the Golden Puppet, with the slightest hesitation, and left.

As an 5-Star Golden Venerable Powerhouse, he is also able to kill 4-Star Golden Venerable.

Like Golden Puppet, three punches directly kill an 4-Star Golden Venerable, an 3-Star Golden Venerable, and an 1-Star Golden Venerable. Simply is an idiot!

Not to mention him.

Even if you switch to any 5-Star Golden Venerable Powerhouse, you can’t do this.

Based on this understanding, Lei Meng knows that Golden Puppet has a real combat power and even surpasses itself.

In the face of such a deep and unmeasurable Golden Puppet, he did not fight intent, but generated fear.

Therefore, he turned his back on the deadly Thunder Soul Union Powerhouse, turned his back on his son and son, and decided to escape to the distance.

Lei Lie escaped and woke up to the people who were still immersed in the shock of Golden Puppet.

They look at the perspective of Lei Lie’s vision, which is quite complex, ridiculous, contemptuous, and sympathetic.

Lei Lie’s escape is of course a kind of shame, but in the same way, the slaughter in front of the Xie Family is the Thunder Soul Union, the mainstay is broken, and Strength is bad!

From now on, the Thunder Soul Union will be greatly reduced. This is the price that Thunder Soul Union has to offer Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang thinks this price is not enough!

So, he held out a finger and pointed at Lei Lie in the distance, and clicked on it, light shouted: “Lock!”

The crowd was horrified to discover that Lei Lie, who had been hurriedly fleeing, suddenly collapsed in place.

Golden Puppet whistling out, with a sharp whistle, slammed into Lei Lie, and the sound was extremely amazing.

Just when everyone thinks that Lei Lie will die.

Lei Lie rushed out of a divine light group, and the divine light group made a whistling sound, and the sound was fierce and tragic. Then, with the slightest hesitation, she abandoned Fleshy Body and fled to the position of Thunder Soul Union.

There, there are individuals who can save him!

He believes that as long as the other person shows the identity of Floating Mountain, even the mysterious white youngster does not dare to be an enemy.

Thinking of this, he hated looking at behind.

This battle, Thunder Soul Union has lost too much!

He thought that the white youngster could kill Thunder Soul Union’s many Powerhouses, relying entirely on the power of Golden Puppet.

But just now, the invisible shackles wrapped around the body, so that his body blood could not move.

Lei Lie This understands that the white Master Young is enchanting and terrifying.

It is also from this moment that Lei Lie has had a deep panic and fear for this white youngster.

Abandoning Fleshy Body, it is a strong man’s broken wrist.

Of course, speed can be accelerated.

But the Golden Puppet’s speed is faster, and in the all of a sudden near the Lei Lie Primordial Spirit, Golden Puppet smashed out and grabbed the Lei Lie Primordial Spirit.

Then, with the slightest hesitation, the Lei Lie Primordial Spirit caught in the palm of your hand will be pinched.

Lei Lie felt extreme terrifying, but the Primordial Spirit was hooped by iron fists and couldn’t move. It only shouted for help.

“Emissary Sir save me!”

His voice just fell, and there are four or five flowing lights and breaking space in the distance.

At the same time, there is an extremely cold and arrogant voice coming out.


That voice, with the command of one kind high, feels like the Master command servant, full of arrogance and awkward attitude.

Again, it is taken for granted.

As if he said this, Zhao Fang should stop, or have to stop.


What Zhao Fang wants to do is something that outsiders can control.

At the Lei Lie Primordial Spirit, he was relieved, and when he was released, the golden face of Puppet, without hesitation, squatted on the relaxed Lei Lie Primordial Spirit.


Lei Lie Primordial Spirit bursts open, like dazzling fireworks, bursting out of the rays of light.

But Lei Lie is dead.

He couldn’t think that Emissary Sir had started to talk, and why Zhao Fang dared to kill himself.


Some of the Earth Venerable Powerhouses in front of the Xie Family, even in the attic, the cold sweats and wet green shirts, close to the Azure Wolf Castle master, can see, before Lei Lie dying, the extreme unwilling expression.

But this is the case, Lei Lie is dead!

Azure Leaf Town One of the three Great Influences, the Thunder Soul Union, has the 5-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base Powerhouse, and at the Azure Leaf Town, it can trigger the sir of Azure Leaf Town, which is like a mole. Cricket and ants, like a puppet, smashed!

Four directions are silent!

If you are cold!

In the flow light that came in, there was an angry roar.

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