Chapter 721 is about your bird!


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Lei Lie ‘,obtain 5 million Spirit Point, 50 million Spiritual Force Value, 50 million Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Lei Lie ‘,obtain ‘Thunder Fire Saint Symbol ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Lei Lie ‘,obtain ‘Heavenly Thunder Fruit ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Lei Lie ‘,obtain 100 million supreme coins.”


I saw ‘Thunder Fire Saint Symbol ‘ and ‘Heavenly Thunder Fruit ‘ at Zhao Fang, satisfied with nod.

Everyone on the field, but because of Zhao Fang’s strong smashing of Lei Lie, the silence was silent.

And in the flowing light that came from a distant place, there was an unusually angry roar.

“This Emissary has let you stop, you actually dare to go down Assassin.”

“Hello, big courage!”

When the sound fell, the four or five flowing lights finally stopped not far from the Golden Puppet.

Everyone can see clearly, the four or five flowing light condensed figures can see their faces.

However, it was found that in addition to the two old men who were standing in the rear, the front of the complex, the gloomy three people, they had never seen it.

But the aura of the three people emits, but let everyone know.

Golden Venerable Powerhouse !

This is only the Golden Venerable Powerhouse, the emsign’s dignity and tolerance. Latest fastest update

And, from this Strength point of view.

These three people all have aura that is not inferior to Lei Zhan.

“Is this three people all 4-Star Golden Venerable? Thunder Soul Union when and where to find these three powerful boosters.”

Everyone expressed curiosity and incomprehension.

Floating Mountain Although it is the famous Influence of Northern Prefecture, Azure Leaf Town is, after all, a high mountain emperor. For this Rank Strong Influences, it has only been heard, but never seen.

If they look through it carefully, the books on Floating Mountain will surely know what the meaning of the trapezoidal mountain peaks embroidered with gold threads on the chest of the three people.


They did not see it, it did not mean that others did not see it.

such as.

The owner of Azure Wolf Castle, who had been standing in the attic and watching the show, was shocked by the scene.

Azure Wolf Castle’s main suspicion of looking at the three people standing in front of the two Supreme Elders of Thunder Soul Union, the more they look suspicious.

But when his gaze fell on the trapezoidal mountain sign in front of the three people, the complexion changed and the voice trembled, “This is , Floating Mountain?”

After recognizing the origins of the three people, the Azure Wolf Castle Lord could no longer remain calm, even if it was calm, it could not be sustained.

However, he quickly took the subordinate and rushed out of the attic to meet the three people.

“Dare to ask three, but Floating Mountain Emissary?”

Azure Wolf Castle main rushed out, not far from the three people, a little hands clasped together politely, asked the right color. Latest fastest update


The middle-aged man headed, expression arrogant, coldly swept away Azure Wolf Castle Lord, “You are a good eye!”

The main Azure Wolf Castle also has the 5-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base, which is equal to the Thunder Soul Union long Lii Lie.

If it is common, there is 4-Star Golden Venerable, and dare to speak like this. Azure Wolf Castle has already taken a shot and killed the man.


Today he is afraid to go out.

I don’t even dare to show the slightest disrespect, even if the other is just 4-Star Golden Venerable.

But behind them, they are standing with a huge monster.

“It turned out to be Emissary Sir of Floating Mountain, myself Qing lang, and I was the owner of Azure Wolf Castle. I have seen three Emissary Sirs.”

After determining the identity of the other party, the Azure Wolf Castle main complexion became more respectful and quickly hands clasped together politely salute.

Respectful of the Azure Wolf Castle Lord, the middle-aged Emissary seems to be accustomed to, extremely arrogant point nod.

A pair of chilly booth eyes, but fell on the Golden Puppet.

Just looking at a few eyes, the middle-aged Emissary suddenly eyes shrink, seemingly thinking, extremely surprised, “Golden Puppet? turned out to be a Golden Puppet!”

“Golden Puppet?”

Azure Wolf Castle listened to the exclamation of middle-aged Emissary, the expression was quite flat, he did not know, the meaning of these two words.

But he knows the fighting power of Golden Puppet!

“Even Lii Lie is not his opponent, this thing that looks like a puppet, very terrifying!”

The Azure Wolf Castle master is very wariness for the Golden Puppet. Even the station is also a subconscious. It is far from the Golden Puppet and doesn’t want to be too close to this terrifying slaughter machine.

After the middle-aged Emissary recognized the Golden Puppet, the excitement of extremely, and the two people next to each other, three people in the eyes, at the same time flashed greedy expression.

Zhao Fang quietly at the at, to see all of this, and then expression indifference.

As for the father and son of Xu Chong Shan, it is awkward and extremely restless.

They didn’t know the middle-aged Emissary, but after hearing the words of Azure Wolf Castle, they thought of it. The great Great Influences of the Northern Prefecture, but did not expect, Thunder Soul Union, and this Rank Influence And there is an intersection.


Looking at the current situation and the reaction of the middle-aged Emissary, he will definitely be in the limelight for Lei Lie.

By the time.

The middle-aged Emissary three people representing Floating Mountain will inevitably conflict with Zhao Fang and even with themselves.

For this Rank’s detached Strength, the father and the son are very clear, it is an irresistible existsence.

However, they are more aware that once obediently surrender falls into the middle-aged Emissary behind, the two eyes squirting and killing intent in the hands of the Thunder Soul Union Supreme Elder, they will make their father and son two people, and die!

Rebel, still sitting still?

Father and son two people have thoughts, and the complexion is gradually pale.

“You didn’t hear this Emissary?”

Middle-aged Emissary’s cold eyes swept to the distant Zhao Fang three people, but in the end, it fell on Xu Chong Shan.

In his perception, Xu Chong Shan cultivation base strongest.

The strength of Xu Chong Shan is also relative to Xu Feng Nian and Zhao Fang.

Compared to the people of Thunder Soul Union, Xu Chong Shan is weak like a mole cricket and ants.

Middle-aged Emissary slightly frowns, but did not expect that the Thunder Soul Union people killed, the excitement of only 1-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base, can not help but swear by Thunder Soul Union waste incompetent nonsense.

On the occasion of middle-aged Emissary enquiries, Xu Chong Shan has reacted and respected the middle-aged Emissary hands clasped together politely, but I don’t know how to say it.

“What do I want to do, shut you up?”

Zhao Fang did not make Xu Chong Shan embarrassed, faint start to talk.

His words are very arrogant and very rampant, which is in line with everyone’s perception of Zhao Fang.

If there is no Floating Mountain Emissary, everyone will feel that Zhao Fang is rampant and arrogant.

But this kind of arrogance and mania is also different from person to person. If it is for Floating Mountain, it is not arrogance and mania, but stupidity and Idiot.

Obviously, Zhao Fang’s statement, in the hearts of the audience, is a very Idiot, very court death.

as predicted.

When I heard Zhao Fang arrogant and mad, the brand that was playing the Floating Mountain went to the south, but when he met the Influence, he was respectful to himself, and the middle-aged Emissary, who was self-superior, immediately became angry.

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