Chapter VII, the scorpion of the great day?

Feng Tian Xiang used the fastest speed in his life to rush toward the Red Cavalry Regiment. Latest fastest update

White robed Youth and others, too, don’t dare to go back, as if there are anything terrifying things in the pursuit in the purchase, lest they slow down one step, they will be killed.

Zhao Fang plain light at at, did not stop!


At the corner of the street, a large number of cavalrymen wearing red armor were pouring out.

Not only are they red, but even these cavalry horses are wearing red armor.

Looking far away, it is like a moving Fire Cloud, emits with a condensed smashing aura, spreading toward all around!

“It’s a strong soldier!”

Zhao Fang blinks slightly, in the eyes with a few flavors of flavor.

Xu Feng Nian complexion slightly changed, he seems to be the first time to see, this Iron Armor torrent, was shocked by their killing imposing manner.

But he can obtain Ice Phoenix Bloodline, and his heart is naturally extremely proud and powerful.

This surprise, just lasted for a moment, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Instead, it is a thick fighting intent!

“Young master Tian ?”

At the forefront of this Akane cavalry is a middle-aged General Riding a different animal ‘Feng Jiao’.

Middle-aged General complexion, aura powerful, and Feng Tian Xiang when he saw the difficult situation, could not help the brows slightly wrinkle. Latest fastest update

Especially after hearing Feng Tian Xiang’s words, his expression was instantly fierce.

“This will be here to see who dares to hurt my family Young Master!”

The middle-aged General voice is indifferent, but reveals an unquestionable authority.

Its behind flame cavalry, apart from anything else, is a sword.

Nearly a thousand people took the sword’s imposing manner, and suddenly became a chilling baleful qi storm, sweeping the audience.

Some of the weaker Martial Artists were affected by this imposing manner. Complexion immediately became pale, panic, and could not help but retreat to give this flame cavalry a road.

Although, this cavalry team, but thousands.

Cavalry cultivation base, mostly at Hundred Tribulations Realm level.

But the strength of the baleful qi that just erupted, even the Golden Venerable Powerhouse, should be scared.

“What about gray feathers?”

Middle-aged General carefully confirmed that Feng Tian Xiang had no problem, and after sweeping his eyes, Feng Tian Xiang behind, did not find Grey robe Old man, could not help but frown.

As the City Lord Mansion Cavalry Commander, at the same time, he also served as the ‘Divine General Yu Lin’ of the four Divine Generals. Naturally, the Sir City Lord, the love of Feng Tian Xiang, is more aware. Divine General Hui Yu, the head of the four Divine Grades, was sent by City Lord to protect Feng Tian Xiang day and night.


Feng Tian Xiang difficult situation, but I don’t see Divine General Hui Yu, how can he not be surprised.

“Third Uncle Feng, the old man was killed by this person with shameless means!”

Feng Tian Xiang pointed to Zhao Fang, said extremely resentful.


Feng three complexion micro-variation.

It’s not because he is dating Divine General Hui Yu how big is it.

In fact, City Lord Mansion The four Divine Generals, each with their own duties, the relationship is very indifferent.

Even if Divine General Hui Yu is killed, his Divine General Yu Lin will not be saddened by the little bit.

The reason for the complexion big change is because he is the same as the four Divine General, knowing the means of Divine General Hui Yu and Strength.

did not think of.

The Divine General Hui Yu, which is comparable to the 8-Star Golden Venerable, is actually a youngster to kill that is less than twenty years old!

It is even more unimaginable that this seems to be only 8-Star Earth Venerable cultivation base, and the reason has a pair of strange wings of the youngster. What method is used to kill the enemy across borders.

With 8-Star Earth Venerable, killing 8-Star Golden Venerable Powerhouse is simply unheard of.

For a moment.

Divine General Yu Lin observed Zhao Fang’s at the same time and was curious about how he was killed Divine General Hui Yu.


When his gaze fell on the Golden Puppet on the side of Zhao Fang, Divine General Yu Lin looked at the micro-condensation, “This is Golden Puppet?”

Out of solider’s intuition, he felt that the death of Divine General Hui Yu must have a great connection with Golden Puppet.

“Third Uncle Feng, this person is not only killed, but also humiliated City Lord Mansion, but even threatened to destroy the City Lord Mansion. This person is the enemy of my City Lord Mansion, can’t stay! Please Third Uncle Feng, to Battle The power of Array, strangling this person!”

Feng Tian Xiang pointed to Zhao Fang and revealed his will to kill him without any disguise.

“Battle Array ?”

When I heard this, Zhao Fang seemed to think of something. He laughed and went up a few steps. “Is this your snuggle?”

He understands the Battle Array and controls the Battle Array.

Knowing that it is able to bring together the morale of thousands, even tens of thousands of soldiers, so that the ordinary soldiers can have an existence that can be strangled several times higher than themselves.

At the moment, the entire strength of this group of cavalry, plus Divine General Yu Lin, inspired the power of Battle Array, and definitely has the power of surpass Divine General Hui Yu, which is also the time that Feng Tian Xiang can’t wait after seeing Divine General Yu Lin The reason for rushing and letting him kill Zhao Fang.

“Listen to your words, it seems to know the Battle Array?” Divine General Yu Lin looked at Zhao Fang.

“Generally!” Zhao Fang remembered the days at Five Elements Ruins World and smiled.

Divine General Yu Lin didn’t laugh, his complexion was awesome, coldly said : “who are you !”

“There is nothing wrong with you here. You didn’t provoke me. I won’t kill you. I will quickly retire. Otherwise, you will join the Idiot to reunite with the birds!”

Zhao Fang expression Indifferent.

Divine General Yu Lin expression Indifference, “Do you know how big your own voice? Grand Divine General Hui Yu, City Lord Mansion First Divine General, you killed him, is the enemy of our City Lord Mansion, is Soaring Phoenix City’s enemy! Regardless of who are you, today, you are difficult to escape death! Now, you don’t regret it, actually dare to threaten this God will, really act recklessly!”

Having said that, Divine General Yu Lin paused, with a big hand, “Fengxiang protects the city, killing this person!”

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

With the shouts of killing intent coming out, thousands of Fengxiang defending the army, shooting and moving, surrounded Zhao Fang Xu Feng Nian, and Xu Chong Shan three people who had just arrived.

Zhao Fang expression is dull and ignores everything in front of me.

In contrast, Xu Chong Shan father and son, with a bit of tension and anxiety.

The name of the Fengxiang protector army, they stay in Azure Leaf Town, also like thunder piercing the ear.

I never thought about it, one day, it will be hard with this Rank.

“hēi hēi, see how you die this time!”

Feng Tian Xiang and others show the excitement.

They are the savage tyrants of Soaring Phoenix City, but they are conspiring backhands by Zhao Fang, which is too shameful!

just now.

They can’t wait to see that Zhao Fang was crushed into a slag under the iron hoof of the moat.

Divine General Yu Lin didn’t move. He looked at Zhao Fang indifferently. It seems that Zhao Fang is already a dead man in his in the eyes.

Feng Tian Xiang Although excited, but did not forget the lessons of the car, remind Divine General Yu Lin: “Third Uncle Feng, be careful of his puppet, gray is his puppet, he was sinister to kill.”

Divine General Yu Lin looked at Zhao Fang indifferently. “In the Battle Array of Ben will, trivial puppet can’t turn a big wave!”

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