One hundred and thirty-one chapters wear a cloud arrow, nine Great Influences appear!

With Divine General Yu Lin a command.

Fengxiang Guards, all guns, with the body power burst out, by the long spear spray out, blending in the air, turned into a Red energy, falling on each guard, as they burned on their red armor A layer of flame like.

Under the blessing of this power, the power of the Fengxiang Guards has doubled in an instant, and the aura merges into one.

Same as Time.

There is still Red energy in the air, and a huge Feng Jiao Battle Array Spirit is gathered.

The aura of the Battle Array Spirit is more powerful than the Feng Jiao of the middle-aged man.

Hidden, it has reached the peak of 9-Star Golden Venerable.

As soon as this coffin appeared, the majestic aura swept the audience, making all the onlookers on the scene, the complexion changed dramatically, and the figure slammed back.

Want to hide far away!


It is still late!

Feng Jiao Battle Array Spirit, Yang Tian snorted, its sound is sharp, its sound is harsh, so that people can smell it, it will feel the blood boiling, Primordial Spirit sting!

Some of the martial arts artists with weak cultivation base have no power to resist. At the point of Feng Jiao, the figure bursts open and turns into a pool of blood.

Feng Jiao Battle Array Spirit’s powerful terrifying degree is evident!

Zhao Fang calmly looks at this scene, expression is very light.

Feng Jiao is indeed very strong.

As a combination of Phoenix and Flood Dragon, as a Variation Vicious Beast, it has all the advantages of Phoenix Flood Dragon. If it is not pure, it will grow up and even reach Heavenly Venerable level. Latest fastest update


Whether it is the Mount Feng Jiao of Divine General Yu Lin or the Battle Array Spirit Feng Jiao, it is only at the Golden Venerable level.

The reason!

Only one point, Feng Jiao is powerful, but the wood show is in the forest, the wind will destroy it.

This Rank powerful’s Variation, wanting Evolution to strongest existence, is harder than Martial Artist’s starting from scratch and stepping into peak.

Today’s Feng Jiao, the potential is exhausted.

And relying on Feng Jiao as the original Battle Array Spirit, it seems to be subject to this kind of curse, even if it is Divine General Yu Lin take action, the strength of the Guards Army, the Battle Array Spirit, only Golden The power of Venerable peak.

“Although it has not reached Heavenly Venerable, it is enough to deal with you, but it is enough!”

Divine General Yu Lin complexion Icy, cold, raised hands, Feng Jiao Battle Array Spirit, whistling and moving, killing Zhao Fang.

“Golden Puppet !”

Zhao Fang low roaring sound.

Golden Puppet silhouette flashes, instantly rushes out, and punches Fengge Battle Array Spirit.


The dull hits came out.

The spirit of Feng Jiao was smashed by Golden Puppet and half his head.

Golden Puppet was also attacked by the force of the earthquake. The shock retreats five or six steps, but the surface is still unscathed!

This Golden Puppet is a combination of Zhao Fang and Immortal Gold Refining.

Although the true Immortal Gold weight is only the size of the fist, the rest are all Venerable Grade Top Grade materials.

But after the integration of Immortal Gold, the entire Golden Puppet’s Defense Power has reached peak.

Even the Northern Sea Dragon of Half-step Celestial Realm can’t hurt it.

Not to mention the Battle Array Spirit of this trivial Golden Venerable peak.


The crowd is not aware of this.

Divine General Yu Lin, I don’t know this either.

They saw Golden Puppet bursting the Battle Array Spirit half a head, and the Golden Puppet was only a few steps back.

Especially Divine General Yu Lin.

The terrifying of Battle Array Spirit, as a master of the master, has a deep understanding.

But this Rank Power’s Battle Array Spirit failed to hurt the Golden Puppet and was injured by the Golden Puppet.

This made him feel at the same time, full of curiosity about Golden Puppet.

“The whole army retreats!”

Divine General Yu Lin has a big hand.

Knowing subordinate can’t help Golden Puppet, keep going, just add casualties!

But still one step late!

Golden Puppet slammed forward, dancing with both hands, and the Feng Jiao Battle Array Spirit crashed instantly.

Nearly a thousand moats were attacked by this counter-shock force, and the shocked cough up blood.

Divine General Yu Lin saw it, screamed, tiptoe, and rushed to the eternal Battle Array Spirit, the one piece, the Battle Array Spirit remnant, all swallowed.


Divine General Yu Lin suddenly roared ,both eyes Red as fire, body armor, suddenly bursting, showing strong and powerful, after the countless Battlefield baptism, scarred mottled body!

On the bronze skin, a path of pattern appears.

The pattern is illuminated, emits has a mysterious and powerful aura.

“In your body?”

Divine General Yu Lin feels like Zhao Fang at the moment, just like the Rug Flames Country Zhao family and Zhao Yuanzong, who forced the acquisition of the surpass’s own force.

Diura General Yu Lin’s aura began to climb.

From 7-Star Golden Venerable, instantly break through 8-Star Golden Venerable, then 9-Star Golden Venerable until you reach Golden Venerable peak.

This is a lot less!

Battle Array Spirit, which gave Divine General Yu Lin the strength of Level 3, but his indifference to iron temperament seems to be affected by this power, becoming arrogant, killing, and violent!

“Divine General Yu Lin This is what’s going on ?”

White robed Youth and others, are the first time to see the appearance of Divine General Yu Lin, shocked, the heart is a little bit of fear, not to look at Feng Tian Xiang, expecting the other person to give himself an answer.

Faced with the eyes of the friends, Feng Tian Xiang shook his head bitterly. “I also saw it at first time. However, that brat was so weird that even the Battle Array Spirit could not pack him. I decided to use Soaring Heaven Arrow.”

Hearing Feng Tian Xiang, White robed Youth and others, were shocked, silent, and finally nod.

Although they all know, ‘Soaring Heaven Arrow’ can only be used when it is in life and death Crisis.

However, the nine people at the moment have already been scared by Zhao Fang. They are not sure that Divine General Yu Lin can kill Zhao Fang. If Divine General Yu Lin is killed by Zhao Fang, they must rise to escape death!

For their own lives, the nine people don’t care about the real use of Soaring Heaven Arrow.

Feng Tian Xiang took a Red Iron Arrow from the storage ring and looked very ordinary, but White robed Youth and others, looking at the red iron arrow’s gaze, but extremely hot.

Feng Tian Xiang Take the Yuan Force activate small iron arrow.

The little iron arrow was thrown away in an instant. When it arrived in the air, it ignited and gave off a whistling sound that could spread almost half of Soaring Phoenix City.


The small iron arrow blasted over the Soaring Phoenix City, blasting the flames, and at the moment of the explosion, turned into a feathered Phoenix pattern, extremely stunning and magnificent.


The size of the influence in the Soaring Phoenix City is looking up at the Phoenix, which is flying, and what it seems to be, complexion big change.

“Soaring Heaven Arrow !”

“This arrow is only owned by the City Lord Mansion and will only be used when Soaring Phoenix City encounters a huge Crisis!”

“Is it true that today’s Soaring Phoenix City is already Crisis?”

“With the Powerhouse within the family, follow me!”

Soaring Phoenix City Nine Great Influences, when they saw Soaring Heaven Arrow, made the most effective and quick response, recruiting the Powerhouse in the family and rushing to the location of Soaring Heaven Arrow.

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