銆€銆€绗竷锏句笁鍗佷簲绔 Festival Great Influences 涔嬩富锛

Wen Yan.

銆€銆Huang Song 楣xpression 澶у彉銆

C€銆€City Lord 钖屾牱complexion 闅剧湅锛

銆 銆 銆 浠栦 浠栦 浠栦 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 锛孼 笉

銆€銆€鈥滃摷锛佽€佽佽涓嶅彂濞佹嬁鎴戝綋鐥呯尗锛屼綘鐪熶涓嶅彂濞佹嬁鎴戝綋鐥呯尗锛屼綘鐪熶涓涓纴灏卞彧纴灏卞彧 chain変綘

銆€銆Huang Song 楣omplexion 鍐板喎锛岄』鍙戞棤椋庤嚜锷纴鐩厜濡傜数锛岄忕潃镞犲敖镄忕潃镞犲敖镄 ressure鈥檚Might 銆

“Old Huang said it is good. This child is very sultry, and the descendants of the ranks have offended him. Now, you wait for me to sit down and watch my City Lord Mansion, Huang Family Powerhouse being slaughtered. Wait until the next time he comes to kill you, I don’t think about it. I hope that others will help you, not killing this child, it will always be a scourge. Only this column agrees to take action, everything in the City Lord Mansion, this City Lord can give you!”

銆€銆€City Lord 涓 鏉 鏉€Zhao Fang 锛屼篃鏄嫾浜嗭纴涓嶆儨锷ㄧ敤City Lord Mansion 绉敀浜嗘暟1000-year 鍏 鍏 鍏 鍑 鍑燝reat Influences 瑙婅镄勫婅镄勫澶ц祫婧愩€


C€銆€City Lord 镄勮瘽锛屽紩寰椾竷Great Influences 涔嬩富锛岀洰鍏塴ittle bright 銆

銆€銆€chain brick hree people 椤 donate Zhao Fang Buddha Fury Lotus 镄刴ight 锛屼 鍙娄粬闅愯棌镄勫簳鐗岋纴骞 鍙娄粬闅愯棌镄勫簳鐗岋纴骞 湭 湭 take action 銆

銆 銆 銆 鍓╀ 鍓╀ 槸韪忓墠 step one step 锛屼笌 City Lord 浠ュ H Huang Song 楣 wo people 锛屽苟 ╃珯鍦ㄤ竴澶勩 ╃珯鍦ㄤ竴澶勩

銆€銆€鈥滀粖镞ワ纴鎴慒eng Tian Xiang 涔浒reat Influences 锛屼竴drill d survey drill o纴涓€鎹熶鎹熶鎹熴鎹熴效鏋沧垜绛夎灞狅纴浣犱滑涔熶紤鎯冲畨鐢燂紒鈥

銆€銆€City Lord 鐪嫔悜娌°C湁璧板嚭镄勪笁涓狪nfluence 锛宑omplexion 鍙戞蒙镄刉arning 阆撱€傛渶鏂版渶蹇洿鏂

銆€銆€闾d笁涓狪nfluence 涔嬩富锛岄锛岄链夌姽璞

銆€銆€鍏朵腑锛屼竴涓猚lothes 榛勮镄勪腑骞磎an 锛屽悜镌€Zhao Fang 韬韩涓€绀硷纴阆掳细鈥渕yself Zhong Family 涔嬩富锛孼Hong Shan 銆俆his is 灏忓Zhong Tao 銆傗€

銆€銆€Zhong Shan 鎷夌潃涓€涓﹄笌浠栭昵镄勬湁涓冨叓鍒嗙浉浼涓﹄笌浠栭昵镄勬湁涓冨叓鍒嗙浉浼 殑youth 璇撮死銆

銆€銆€Zhao Fang 佽 佽 闾 釜 釜 you you ar ar ar Soaring Phoenix Nine Young Masters 涔嬩竴銆

銆€銆€White robed Youth Huang Shu 璁ヨ鎸戣镊繁镞讹纴杩欎汉鍙槸闄勫拰镄勭瑧浜嗙瑧锛屽苟链嚭瑷

銆€銆€鈥滃厛鍓嶅皬鍎胯帼鎾烇纴镞犳剰寰楃姜 Your Excellency 锛岃缮璇谷our Excellency 娴锋兜銆俍hong Family 镞犳剰涓嶻our Excellency 涓烘涓His is 阍熸 浜 浜 浜 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 沴 ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle ttle

銆€銆€Zhong Shan 璇inch潃锛屽彇鍑潃锛屽彇鍑竴鏋歴竴鏋歴age ring 锛屽眻鎸囦竴寮癸纴storage ring 椋炲悜Zhao Fang 銆

銆€銆€瑙佺姸锛孋ity Lord 浠ュHuang Song 楣nd others 锛屽潎瀵策hong Shan 镐掑枬涓崭竴銆

銆€銆€Zhong Shan 绔椤湪铡熷湴锛宔xpressionless 銆

銆 銆 銆 鍙槸鍦ㄧ湅鍒 偅 偅 偅 偅 ring ring ring 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 偅 ner 灭 灭 灭 灭 灭 灭 灭 灭 灭 灭垎锛佲€

Low€銆€low roaring sound 浼犲嚭锛屼复杩怂hao Fang 镄剆torage ring 锛屽€忕劧鐖嗗紑銆


銆€銆€澹 煶鐖嗗搷锛岃槠 can鈥檛compare with Buddha Fury Lotus 鐖嗙偢镄勫0锷匡纴鍗翠篃鏄崄鍒嗙殑terrifying 銆

銆€銆€terrifying 椋庢毚 掑嵎锛岀洿鎺ヤ 掑嵎锛岀洿鎺ヤ Fang Fang Fang Fang Fang Fang N N N N N N N N N N N ian ian ian ian

銆 銆 銆 椋庢毚灏 椋庢毚灏 锛宼 hree people silhouette 娑埚け镞犺 锛屽 锛屽 锛屽 濂 濂 阆搕 阆搕 阆搕 errifying 椋庢毚锛屽 椋庢毚锛屽 搴曞圹鏉 浜嗕竴镙 浜嗕竴镙 € € €傛渶鏂版渶蹇洿鏂

銆€銆€佺姸锛屽叾浠栦佺姸锛屽叾浠栦佺姸锛屽叾浠栦鍧囨槸鍙嶅簲杩囨潵锛屾侪镒旷殑鍧囨槸鍙嶅簲杩囨潵锛屾侪镒旷殑Zhong Family 涔嬩富Zhong Shan 銆

銆€銆€鈥渉a ha 锛孼hong Family 涓 纴鐪熸湁浣犵殑锛屾湰 City Lord 杩树涓涓涓°C兂鍒帮纴浣犳槸鏄庝镙堥 鏆楀 鏆楀 闄堜粨锛屾垜閮 闄堜粨锛屾垜閮 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣

C€銆€City Lord 鎯婃 涔嫔悗锛屽ぇ绗戣捣鏉ャ 涔嫔悗锛屽ぇ绗戣捣鏉ャ

“City Lord said this, it is too small to see me in the clock. Trivial Huangkou children, how can you let the bell surrender? And, now, this little bastard, just has a strange power, but the mind is It is weak and poor, otherwise it will not be on the clock.”

銆€銆€Zhong Shan thin smile 锛宔xpression 闂达纴宁》潃鍑犲垎瀛ゅ偛涔嬫剰銆

銆€銆€鈥渉a ha 锛岄偅brat 浼 鍒 閮 閮 閮 閮 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 纴 娉曞纰姝讳粬钖 娉曞纰姝讳粬钖 娉曞纰姝讳粬钖 娉曞纰姝讳粬钖 娉曞纰姝讳粬钖 娉曞纰姝讳粬钖

銆€銆€浼椾汉澶х瑧锛岀瑧澹癳xtremely 镄勭晠蹇€

銆€銆€Zhao Fang 涓€姝姝纴闾帇帇鍦ㄤ粬浠鍦ㄤ粬浠澶澶殑澶殑澶锛屼锛屼锛屼锛屼锛屼琚櫎铡纴浼椾纴浼椾闅闅缑镄勮交鏉 Donation €

銆 銆 銆 灏卞湪浼椾 灏卞湪浼椾 灏卞湪浼椾 锽 锽 瑧棰滃紑锛岀殕澶 锽滀箣闄咃纴涓 阆揿喎娣 阆揿喎娣 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹 殑澹嚭镄勯槾楂揿瘨椋庯纴鍦ㄥ満涓婄紦缂揿搷璧枫枫

銆 銆 銆 銆 鈥沧棭灏 鈥沧棭灏 寽鍒 寽鍒 寽鍒 纴浣犱 纴浣犱 纴浣犱 纴浣犱 纴浣犱 纴浣犱 纴浣犱 纴浣犱 纴浣犱 崭簺欑鍗戦剻镞犺€荤殑sneak attack 锛屾潵瀵 粯鎴戣 粯鎴戣 粯鎴戣 涓€涓悗杈堛€傗€

銆 銆 銆 浼椾 浼椾 镄勫ぇ绗戜笌蹇剰锛屽湪钖埌杩椤 镄勫ぇ绗戜笌蹇剰锛屽湪钖埌杩椤 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔

銆€銆€濡 悓琚 悓琚 悓琚 鎺愪綇浜嗗枆鍜欙纴澹 鎺愪綇浜嗗枆鍜欙纴澹 煶鍐崭篃鍙戜笉鍑 煶鍐崭篃鍙戜笉鍑

銆€銆€浠栦浠栦镄勭洰鍏夛纴simultaneously 鐪嫔悜涓€澶勩€



銆€銆€姝f槸Zhao Fang 寰怓eng Nian Xu Chong Shan three people 銆

At the moment, Zhao Fang, complexion is slightly pale, continuously exerting Body Lock Technique, fixing the terrifying explosive force of contain in the storage ring, plus the use of before multiple times, so that he receives a lot of backlash, almost spurting blood.

銆€銆€浣嗕粬杩樻槸铡嫔埗浣忚兏鍙g殑鐑”椃锛宐oth eyes coldly 鐩潃Zhong Shan 锛岃璇死锛屸€沧垜娌°C湁姝 纴浣犳槸涓嶆槸寰堟侪璁讹纴寰埚け chain涳纻鈥

銆€銆€浣曟鏄侪璁讹纴Zhong Shan simply 灏 槸涓 槸涓€鍓浜嗛镄勮〃鎯呫€

銆€銆€鈥渉ow can it be 锛侀偅storage ring 鍐呯潃涓夊崄澶氶鈥楾hunder Earth Seed 鈥欙纴姣忎竴棰楃垎寮€锛岄兘鑳借交鏄 illed 涓€钖峏NUMX-Star Golden Venerable 锛屼笁鍗侀at the same time Ven 绠楁槸 Golden Venerable peak Powerhouse 锛岃Е涓嶅 阒蹭箣涓嬶纴涔熷繀姝 阒蹭箣涓嬶纴涔熷繀姝Under 纴浣犵寰楅偅涔堣繎锛屾牴 chain chain 夊弽鎶椾箣锷涳纴琚玊 hunder Earth Seed 鍙犵垎娉 (a) strong 锛屾 庝箞浼氭鍙戞棤鎹燂纻鈥

銆€銆€Zhong Shan 闅句互缃俊銆

銆€銆€City Lord 浠ュHuang Song 楣わ纴涔熸槸涓€鑴鑴鑴€

銆€銆€his Emperor 杩潍eavenly Venerable 閮 borrowed killed 锛宼rivial Thunder Earth Seed 锛岃兘濂堟垜浣曪纻鈥

“impossible! You only have Earth Venerable cultivation base, how to kill Heavenly Venerable !”

Zhong Shan and others Shake their heads, they don’t believe it.

Zhao Fang did not explain, smiled and shook his head, took a step and walked slowly toward Zhong Shan and others.

Xu Feng Nian followed his father and son, staring coldly at Zhong Shan and others.

“This Emperor already gave you a chance, you don’t cherish it, then you can’t blame me…”

As Zhao Fang said this, on his body surface, the layer of six colors flame reappeared and gathered in his palm.

See this scene.

Zhong Shan complexion greatly changed.

City Lord turned and fled.

Huang Song crane mouth spurts two blood essences at the expense of activated Blood Escape!

Other Powerhouses are also moving in abundance, using their fastest speed in an instant, to escape from here.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth, with a left hand raised, Void points to Huang Song Crane, Zhong Shan, City Lord and other Soaring Phoenix City nine Great Influences.

set! set! set! set! Fixed ~

Nine people are held in a row, and each one reaches the Golden Venerable peak Powerhouse.

The backlash of Body Lock Technique causes Zhao Fang to spurt blood in his mouth, and the fingers of the nine people are split open, the blood is lasing, and the corners of his eyes are also bleeding.


Zhao Fang can’t take care of this.

He is always mad, in order to kill these people!

In the nine-silhouette stagnation of all of a sudden, Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation, the already ready-to-go Buddha Fury Lotus, with the power of the Battling Spirit Seal, slammed out.

Buddha Fury Lotus is almost instantly in the middle of the crowd, not far from Zhong Shan, not far from the Huang Song crane, not far from the City Lord.


In their horrified and even horrified eyes, after the sudden rise of Buddha Fury Lotus, it burst!

The endless fire, the moment filled the falling phoenix slope, sweeping the whole piece of heaven and earth!

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