Chapter 736: Killing and setting fire gold belt

boom! boom! boom!

On the phoenix slope, the flame is pervasive, the rumbled is endless, the terrifying big bang, the shake Heaven and Earth, is the person in the Soaring Phoenix City, and the perception is clear!

The Buddha Fury Lotus, which is displayed at the 1-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base, is many times more powerful than the 8-Star Earth Venerable cultivation base.

At the moment of the explosion of Buddha Fury Lotus, the force of terrifying flame burning almost burned all the living things on the phoenix slope into slag.


The back of the flame bird, like the Zhao Fang of the Vermilion Bird, stands on the hillside not far from the falling slope.

Not far from his behind, is a frightened and even horrified Xu Feng Nian father and son.

Two people As early as Zhao Fang take action, they were reminded by Zhao Fang that they would not be affected by Buddha Fury Lotus!

At this moment, the two people looks at the phoenix slope of the sea of ​​fire, shocking the ready to speak.

Although not first time, I saw Buddha Fury Lotus.

But for the power of this move, two people are shocked and even feared!


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Soaring Phoenix City Master’,obtain 9 million Spirit Point, 900,000 Spiritual Force Value, 900,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Soaring Phoenix City Lord’,obtain ‘Vermilion Bird War Helmet ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Soaring Phoenix City Lord’,obtain ‘Soul Raising Pill *10’.

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Soaring Phoenix City Lord’,obtain ‘Flying Spirit Boat ‘.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’ Soaring Phoenix City Lord’,obtain 100 million supreme coins.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Huang Song crane’,obtain nine million Spirit Point, 900,000 Spiritual Force Value, 900,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Huang Song crane’,obtain ‘Longevity Pill side (仙)’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Huang Song crane’,obtain ‘Leisure Cloud Crane Bloodline ‘whether to fuse ?”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Huang Song crane’,obtain 100 million supreme coins.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Zhong Shan ‘,obtain 8 million Spirit Point, 800,000 Spiritual Force Value, 800,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Zhong Shan ‘,obtain ‘Immortal Technique Collapsing Mountain (残)’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed boss’Zhong Shan ‘,obtain 100 million supreme coins.”


“Ding! Hey! Hey!”

Mind rumbled constantly, Zhao Fang complexion did not reveal the slightest pale, but smiled and filled with joy.

1-Star Golden Venerable Buddha Fury Lotus with six colors flame is indeed terrifying, plus the role of Body Lock Technique, the main brain of the nine Great Influences, did not escape one, at the moment of the explosion of Buddha Fury Lotus, it was directly endless by the sea of ​​fire Swallow.

Just nine of them, just Spirit Point, brought nearly 80 million to Zhao Fang.

There are also regular 100 million supreme coins, which together add 900 million.

There are other treasures, bloodlines, and Divine Ability.

In short, even if there are no other Powerhouses, just the death of these nine people, let Zhao Fang harvest the seal.

What’s more, there are hundreds of other zeros.

In the end, Zhao Fang cultivation base ushered in a crazy upgrade that is unimaginable to ordinary people.


“congratulations Player level up, current cultivation base 2-Star Golden Venerable.”


“congratulations Player level up, current cultivation base 3-Star Golden Venerable.”


“congratulations Player level up, current cultivation base 4-Star Golden Venerable.”


“congratulations Player level up, current cultivation base 5-Star Golden Venerable.”



Unprecedented madness!

Even Level 4!

Zhao Fang was a little intoxicated and laughed.

“5-Star Golden Venerable! Now, don’t use Buddha Fury Lotus, don’t use Antiquity Slaughter Immortal… You can swipe Golden Venerable with the upgrade from Berserk!”

“ha ha ……Heaven Domain is really my blessing. If it is not here, I want to break through 5-Star Golden Venerable so quickly, I don’t know when to wait!”

One month less than Time, from 7-Star Earth Venerable, promotes to 5-Star Golden Venerable, this speed is already amazing.

“Although the cultivation base alone is not the opponent of Northern Sea Dragon. But just give me a little more Time, wait for me to step into Heavenly Venerable, or even Transcended Heavenly Venerate level, whether it is Northern Sea Dragon or Tantai Miaoge. This Emperor flipped the cracks!”

Zhao Fang is full of arrogance.

Later, he opened the System package, and the looks at the sudden increase of dozens of Dao Guang Mang, the smile is more intense.

“Vermilion Bird War Helmet ?”

“Today, the Vermilion Bird is a six-piece suit. I have already gathered Vermilion Bird War Helmet, Wings of Vermilion Bird, Vermilion Bird Armor, Vermilion Bird Belt, Vermilion Bird Boots and Vermilion Bird Spirit.”

After collecting three pieces of Vermilion Bird in bulk, the remaining bulk, Zhao Fang can be found through the bulk of the hand.

“Soaring Phoenix City has a total of ten Soul Raising Pills, plus eight of the four Divine Generals. There are 18 capsules in each of the Soul Raising Pills, which can restore 10,000 Souls. That is, these 18 Souls Raising Pill, I can support me for 30 times ‘Divine Destruction Drill’. Even I can use them to expand my Primordial Spirit’s Power!”

Zhao Fang played. Soul Raising Pill, gaze shimmers, did not intend to take it immediately, and received it directly.

“Leisure Cloud Crane Bloodline? Garbage, directly to God Slayer Spear swallow !”

God Slayer Spear buzz tremble, not excitement, but dissatisfaction with expressing the recycling bin that Zhao Fang sees itself as a garbage bloodline.

“Longevity Pill? It’s actually Pill Recipe, which is superior to Divine Pill above, and every Pill Medicine can reverse Time Law, so that a life essence is extinct, and there is a lifetime of life essence!”

Zhao Fang was shocked that no Huang Song crane actually broke out of this extremely rare Pill Recipe.

Immediately ecstasy!

This simply is a big luck, it is against the sky!

If you let Heaven Domain other Alchemist Master know, Longevity Pill’s existence is estimated to be mad, even if the family is broken, the entire Heaven Domain is in catastrophe.

Zhao Fang believes that this pill can definitely cause a great sensation.

After all, the efficacy of this pill is really Defying the Heavens!

However, for today’s Zhao Fang.

The Longevity Pill side is still an extremely distant thing.

Not to mention that his Alchemy Technique level has not yet reached the level of Refining Immortal.

Even if reached, he does not refine Longevity Pill.

“The Alchemist medicinal herb on it, mostly Immortal Grade medicinal herb, a small Martial World, can’t even be found. It seems that this pill can only be put aside for the time being.”

Zhao Fang is relieved in the heart, and once again looks at the Divine Ability that Zhong Shan broke.

Immortal Technique Collapsing Mountain !

Because of the serious damage, only the scrap volume, Zhao Fang’s introduction to Collapsing Mountain is not complete, but I want to come, this is both Immortal Technique, and my natural nature is different.

“Including the newly acquired Immortal Technique Collapsing Mountain, I now have the Immortal Technique, which has four.”

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