Chapter VII, Floating Mountain, Feng Wudao!

Attacking Immortal Technique :Ice Age ,Collapsing Mountain

Auxiliary Immortal Technique: Shrink The Ground To An Inch

Special type Immortal Technique : Mountain Splitting Immortal Finger

In addition to ‘Mountain Splitting Immortal Finger’ requires Immortal Force activate, Collapsing Mountain is a residual volume, unable to activate the skills, Zhao Fang can put into the battle of Immortal Technique, only Shrink The Ground To An Inch, and Ice Age.

In addition to the above treasure, Zhao Fang accidentally discovered that a lot of good equipment broke out.

such as.

Cold Ice, Cold Ice Boots, Cold Ice Helmets, Green Colors, Heavy Moons and the like.

In addition, there are a lot of blood lines that Zhao Fang can’t see, all of which are cheaper for God Slayer Spear.

And a Divine Ability called ‘Large Space Cutting’.

It can be said that this time, Zhao Fang, the harvest is already beyond the past.

For these treasures, Zhao Fang will naturally not put them on the shelf.

Three Divine clothes listed in the Ice Element, plus a water gun, were given to Xu Feng Nian.

Almost gave him a Set.

Xu Fenggian, who is now 5-Star Earth Venerable, is in an invincible position in Earth Venerable Realm under the amplification of these four pieces of equipment.

Even with the 1-Star Golden Venerable Powerhouse, with his current strength, there is also a single kill!

It is not like Zhao Fang when it comes to dealing with Xie Xiuwen.

If you wait until he restores the peak cultivation base and reaches 1-Star Golden Venerable, you can even easily kill the opponent at two levels.

This is the power of the Ice Phoenix Bloodline and the powerful amplification brought by Cold Ice Divine clothes.

Later, he gave the heavy sacred gods to Xu Chong Shan and Xu Chong Shan was excited. He almost wanted to worship Zhao Fang as a teacher.

“Qingling color clothing can be reserved for Mandala.”

Thinking of Mandala, Zhao Fang sighed in his heart.

In the Devil Spirit Mountain Range, in order to deal with the Northern Sea Dragon, Mandala used too much power, and Origin Qi was seriously injured.


She has been sleeping in the Heavenspan Tower.

Up to now, there is no meaning to wake up.

According to Zhao Fang’s estimation, Mandala needs to sleep for at least 20 years in order to make up for the lost source and wake up again.

Of course, if you have the Supreme Treasure of the Wood Element class, you can speed up Mandala’s wake time.

In Heavenspan Tower, in addition to Mandala, there is also Tian Peng who is seclusion.

“Three months of Time, it’s almost there! Tian Peng, I am looking forward to the moment you breakthrough to restore to peak.”

Zhao Fang eye reveals bright glow.

“Big Brother, are we going to re-enter Soaring Phoenix City?”

Xu Fenggian, who turned Cold Ice Divine clothes into an ordinary blouse, was so excited that he was immersed in the joy of Cold Ice Divine clothes.

Cold Ice Divine clothes, with water guns, makes Xu Feng Nian full of confidence, can’t wait to find an opponent, take a good time to see how much he has improved.

“Already is not necessary!”

Zhao Fang shook his head and looked at Xu Chong Shan.

He remembers that Xu Chong Shan was preparing to join a friend of Soaring Phoenix City.

Feeling Zhao Fang’s gaze, Xu Chong Shan came from the clear headed of the joy of ‘Heyue God A’, and after a slight thought, he smiled and shook his head. “Now, the Lord of the Great Influences is killed by you. You think If you let the nine Great Influences remnant, know that I am an accomplice, will it tear me apart.”

It is true that Xu Chong Shan did not take action in this battle.

The main brain of the nine Great Influences and the elite Powerhouse, mostly died in the hands of Zhao Fang.

The remnant party of the Great Influences, even if it can accept this fact, can’t be tolerated, and Xu Chong Shan, the ‘accomplice’, will remain in Soaring Phoenix City.

Even if there is Zhao Fang’s fierce deterrent, it is difficult to protect the nine Great Influences, and the dog will not jump.


Xu Chong Shan will also implicate his friends.

Therefore, he gave up his original plan and was ready to continue with Zhao Fang.

“If that’s the case, go to Northern Prefecture.”

Zhao Fang set the tone. “Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea is about to be activated. I will take you in. I will be able to obtain what happens, just look at your creation!”

“many thanks Sir !”

“Thank you Big Brother!”

Xu Chong Shan and Xu Feng Nian are grateful.


Zhao Fang nod, then, take out a palm-sized paper boat from the storage ring.

“This is ?”

Xu Chong Shan looks like what he thinks, “Flying Spirit Boat?”

“You know the goods!”

Zhao Fang laughed, and the small paper boat was activated by the Spiritual Force, and it turned into a boat of a few feet in size, the whole body of emits.

The fly boat is suspended in mid-air, emits are secluded!

Xu Chong Shan looks at the gaze of the flying boat, full of excited and excited expression.

He has heard of this kind of flying boat, just put in the Origin Stone, you can have a flying speed.

The sustainable Time is long, the surface of the boat, engraved with the intricate Inscription Array, can resist the hurricane that has been blowing for nine days, and even resist some Powerhouse attacks.

“The only regret is that there is no attacking capability.”

Looking at the Flying Spirit Boat, Zhao Fang remembered the ‘Greedy Wolf Battleship’, both offensive and defensive, with a look of cherished color.


Zhao Fang flies on the Flying Spirit Boat.

Xu Chong Shan Father and son, quickly keep up, at the same time standing on both ends of the Flying Spirit Boat, like a guard, holding Zhao Fang in the middle.

“sōu! ”

Under the control of Xu Chong Shan, the Flying Spirit Boat, like the arrow of the string, blinks away from the breaking space, and disappears without a trace.

Zhao Fang left Soaring Phoenix City and headed straight to Northern Prefecture.

Just as Zhao Fang took the Flying Spirit Boat on the road, what happened to the Soaring Phoenix City outside the phoenix slope was transmitted to the True Disciple of Floating Mountain by the City Lord Mansion and the special Secret Art.

The True Disciple looks like a six or seven point with the Soaring Phoenix City owner who died under Buddha Fury Lotus.

But it is more young, heroic!

This True Disciple surnamed Feng, no name!

It is the eldest son of Soaring Phoenix City, which is the elder brother of Feng Tian Xiang.

“Father and second brother, actually killed!”

Feng Wudao handsome face, but at the moment is very incomparable, with amazing baleful qi and killing intent.

The intensity of the killing intent directly evokes heaven and earth Spiritual Qi Vibration, Spiritual Qi whistling and Berserk, fierce and terrifying, like Feng Wudao’s mood and expression at the moment.

“father, child is not filial, can’t be filial in front of you, only to make you make this difficult. Child swears, must personally kill the murderer, with his blood, to pay homage to you and Tianxiang’s soul in heaven!”

Feng Wudao complexion Hey, the sound is endlessly chilled and cold.

His figure swayed and appeared in the Floating Mountain Core Zone.

“No way Senior Brother!”

Mountain Protector disciple saw Feng Wudao, both of whom were busy and respectfully bowed, express extremely Revere.

Feng Wudao indifferently spoke: “Take me see Master!”

For a long time, Feng Wudao came out of the Floating Mountain Core Zone.

Followed by.

Feng Wudao leaves the place of seclusion and explores the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea on behalf of Floating Mountain, such as a hurricane, which spreads throughout the Floating Mountain.

Floating Mountain disciple at the same time, can not help but curious.

Curious about the bloodline Ancestral Bloodline Awakening, started sitting on the porch, and pushed out all the heterodyne Feng Wudao, why suddenly changed, agreed to go to Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea.

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