The 714th chapter of the wealth is touching!

Nine Stars City.

As the Great City of Northern Prefecture, and the Headzones of the ‘Nine Stars Trading Firm’ of the Seven Great Influences of the mighty Northern Northern Region, the bustling and luxurious of Nine Stars City is far from being comparable to Soaring Phoenix City.

Really want to compare.

Soaring Phoenix City is like a small county town.

Nine Stars City is the Imperial City on the tall!

The two are not at all a level of existence.

This point, from Zhao Fang stepping into Nine Stars City, was shocked for a moment, you can see one or two.

“I have a big grass. There is such a luxurious city in the world. The damn is Heaven Grade, and even the Divine Grade medicinal herb. It is like a Chinese cabbage. It is full of grandfather.”

Looking at the roadside stalls, some of the medicinal herbs were placed, and Zhao Fang was shocked.

Inside Nine Stars City, someone comes along, not so busy.

What makes Zhao Fang even more surprised is that there are many other ethnic groups in the city.

For example, the bird behind the two wings, Human Race.

To be precise, it is the wing Human Race.

And the Werebeast family of half-human and half-beast.

There are also a few heights, far away, just like a giant Human Race.

And shrouded with Demon Qi, and the devilish Demon Cultivator Ghost Cultivator and so on.

In short.

What kind of people can meet.

“Worthy is ‘international’ of the big city, can attract so many ‘Different Human Race’.

For Human Race, all non-Human Race’s presence, whether it’s Winged Human Race or Giant Human Race, Devil Race, can be collectively referred to as ‘Different Human Race’.

“Sir, you don’t know?”

Lai San suddenly asked.

“Do you know what?” Zhao Fang looks at him.

“These different Human Races, usually in the Nine Stars City, are not so frequent, so dense.”

“Oh? What is now’s going on?”

“Because Dragon Gate Leap is awkward.”

Lai San said, in the eyes revealing a trace yearning.

“Dragon Gate Leap?”

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, “What.”

“Simple, it’s an event organized by Nine Stars Trading Firm. In order to select the Youth Powerhouse. Participate in the Dragon Gate Leap and capture the top ten existence, not only can you get extremely excellent prizes, but also join Nine Stars Trading Firm, never Then worry about the cultivation resource!”


“It is also arrogant. This event, only 50 is allowed to lower than Martial Artist. Damn’s, this is not bullying father. Otherwise, with father cultivation base, must punch the Human Race, kick the giant Human Race. , sweeping invincible, winning the first…”

As he spoke, Lai San felt that there was an ice-cold look down on himself.

Lai San is a clever, and quickly compensates said with a laugh: “Cough cough… Say it, my words are not for you, don’t mind, don’t mind!”

Zhao Fang ignored him and looked at the distance. In a densely built community, there was a tall and towering Palace, emits with a vicissitudes and powerful circulation. Latest fastest update

At the top of the Palace, there is an unknown strip of rock, set in the top of the Palace.

On the rock, there are four large characters.

“Nine Stars Trading Firm !”

As long as you are in Nine Stars City, you can see this huge rock strip.

“Dragon Gate Leap, 50 is lower than than… Nine Stars Trading Firm This is in the selection of the You Power House in Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea?”

Zhao Fang is thoughtful.

Wangshan runs dead horse!

Nine Stars Trading Firm is located in the Main Hall and can be seen from the head up.

When it really came, it took Zhao Fang’s nearly one-day skill.

Nine Stars City is great, Zhao Fang is the tip of the iceberg of Nine Stars City.


Nine Stars Trading Firm is also open at night, otherwise Zhao Fang can only wait another day.

The purchase of medicinal herb is quite unsatisfactory.

Zhao Fang storage ring blasted once, treasure and Origin Stone, all dispelled.

Simple, he has no money!

If you don’t have the money to buy something, you can imagine how awkward it will be!


Xu Chong Shan is a Xu Family patriarch. In terms of Origin Stone, there are some stocks.

I barely bought some materials.

Then, Xu Chong Shan has no money!

All spent!

“It seems that you have to think of a way to get the Origin Stone first.”

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Fang called Lai San a Black Clothed Steward from Nine Stars Trading Firm.

Nine Stars Trading Firm is a very strict, Steward is divided into black clothed, purple clothed, and gold.

Among them, Black Clothed Steward is the most, just need to reach the Golden Venerable environment.

“I have something on hand and I want to get out.”

Zhao Fang is straight into the theme and is not nonsense.

Black Clothed Steward is a middle-aged man with the 3-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base. In the Black Clothed Steward, it is also the top-notch.

He doesn’t know Lai San, but he can perceive that the Lai San cultivation base is equal to himself.

When he heard that Lai San said, ‘My family Sir has something to do,’ he came.


What he didn’t think of was that Sir in Lai San’s mouth was actually a milky, odorless little boy.

In my heart, I unconsciously produced a trace contempt.

At the moment, Wen Yan, he swept Zhao Fang, and said a little bit arrogant in the plain. “Our Stars Trading Firm has acquired some things, but it is taking the High Quality route.”


It is nothing more than saying that if it is an ordinary thing, don’t swear, waste each other’s Time.

Xu Feng Nian is somewhat disgusted with the arrogance of Black Clothed Steward, and the complexion is slightly cold.

Zhao Fang is expression flat. “Is Steward Sir ready to trade here?”

Black Clothed Steward took a deep look at Zhao Fang. “You are cautious, come with me.”

Said, turned and walked to a room on the first floor.

In the room.

“Well, what to sell, come out!”

Black Clothed Steward sat on the chair of the Taishi, expression lazy, did not say Zhao Fang sat down, very casual.

His appearance did not treat Zhao Fang as a guest.

For this kind of Black Clothed Steward with a low dog’s eyes, Zhao Fang is too lazy to care about him.

Take a Pill Medicine from the System Shop.

Black Clothed Steward glanced at his eyes and immediately picked up his eyes and was a little surprised: “Middle Grade Venerable Pill?”

Can be the next moment.

He doesn’t think so.

Zhao Fang takes out the second Pill Medicine.

“High Grade Venerable Pill !how can it be !”

Black Clothed Steward jumped straight up and came to the table, grabbed the second Pill Medicine, and watched it for a moment, finally confirming that it was indeed High Grade Venerable Pill.

“High Grade Venerable Pill, this Pill Medicine, only the Alchemist Master trained by Heavenly Venerable, can be Refined out. Where did this brat come from?”

What surprised him even more.

In the next Time, Zhao Fang took out more than twenty Pill Medicine in a row, each of which was High Grade Venerable Pill. Black Clothed Steward was shocked at the same time, and his eyes were filled with blazing heat and greed.


This is not over. Considering that there are many medicinal herbs on the list, there are some Tool Refiner, engraving, and refining puppet materials. Zhao Fang takes out more than 20 pieces of weapon.

“High Grade Venerable Artifact !”

Black Clothed Steward was shocked by the confirmation, and the greedy color of the eyes became more and more intense.

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