The 742th chapter thief shouted to catch a thief!

“Okay, for the time being, you give an estimate of how much Origin Stone can be sold.”

Zhao Fang rarely buys Pill Medicine, and he knows nothing about Pill Medicine.

The only understanding is the sound of Primordial Spirit from Xu Chong Shan.

“The price of a Low-Grade Venerable Pill is about 100,000 pieces of Origin Stone. Middle Grade Venerable Pill is around a million pieces of Origin Stone. As for High Grade Venerable Pill…”

“This is already the peak in Venerable Pill. Every grain is impossible to meet. I have heard that a High Grade Venerable Pill has sold the price of 29 million Origin Stone.”

“However, most Chamber of Commerce acquires this Pill Medicine, which costs up to 20 million Origin Stone.”

“As for the weapon, the price is almost the same as Pill Medicine.”

Zhao Fang estimated that “according to the price of 20 million Origin Stones per High Grade Venerable Pill plus 20 High Grade Venerable Artifacts, it should be able to sell 80 million Origin Stone. It should be enough to buy those materials! ”

Black Clothed Steward swallowed, looked up and smiled: “These Pill Medicine, where did you get it?”

“Nine Stars Trading Firm receives Pill Medicine, also manages the source?”

Zhao Fang is a little intolerant.

See you.

Black Clothed Steward smiled awkwardly. “These Pill Medicines are similar to the weapon, the refining, and the roots are barely high Grade, but the real potency is only stronger than the Middle Grade Venerable Pill. So, these Pill Medicine, Nine Stars Trading Firm will It is acquired at every 200,000 High Grade Origin Stone. As for the weapon, this is also the price.”

20 million moments of concentrating a hundred times, turned into 200,000, which makes Zhao Fang extremely angry, complexion cold, said coldly: “I want to ask you, which eye do you see a flaw?”

“You are doubting this Steward?” The Black Clothed Steward complexion changed and the voice was cold.

“I ask you, where is it?”

Zhao Fang will be afraid of him and repeat it indifferently.

Black Clothed Steward complexion gloomy, “This Steward says there is.”

Zhao Fang extremely angry.

Xu Chong Shan saw him and quickly pulled Zhao Fang. He whispered: “Sir, here is Nine Stars Trading Firm Headquarters.”

Zhao Fang slightly frowned.

Although he is not afraid of Black Clothed Steward, as Xu Chong Shan said, here is the Nine Stars Trading Firm Headquarters.

What is going on, Zhao Fang is definitely troublesome.

Black Clothed Steward saw this scene, but he smiled proudly.


Zhao Fang squatted, and indifferently scanned Black Clothed Steward. “I don’t believe that Steward of Nine Stars Trading Firm is a blind idiot!”

Xu Chong Shan came forward and put Pill Medicine and weapon on the case.


The palm of the hand whistling, but heard a muffled sound.

Xu Chong Shan flies out, blood violently spurt, complexion pale.


Xu Feng Nian yelled.

Zhao Fang turned around quickly, but saw that Black Clothed Steward waved the Pill Medicine and weapon from the case to the storage ring.

At the same time, I saw that it was curled up in the corner, complexion like paper, aura XXu Chong Shan. Latest fastest update

Just a glance, Zhao Fang will understand.

In the eyes, killing intent, “Do you dare to grab my things, dare to hurt me?”

“your things?”

Black Clothed Steward shameed with a laugh, “What’s yours? Why didn’t I see it?”

While speaking, he raised his hand again, not to Zhao Fang, but to his chest.

“Is this man crazy?”

Lai San doesn’t understand Black Clothed Steward’s move.


Black Clothed Steward body trembled, spurting blood in his mouth, but there was no pain in his face, but the corner of the mouth had a strange smile, yelled: “someone comes, soon someone comes!”


The door of the room was broken, and the six or seven robust mans were smashed.

They are all security guards of Nine Stars Trading Firm, and the cultivation base is not weak.

Of the seven, three people are 1-Star Golden Venerable, and the other four are peak Earth Venerable.

“Shi Ji Steward , what’s going on ?”

The head of the face, Man, swept away Black Clothed Steward, and then the complexion stared at Zhao Fang and others.

The Black Clothed Steward named Shi Ji is about to start to talk.

There was another person coming in outside the door.

This person is a red-haired old man, dressed in a gold coat, and emits a peak of the Golden Venerable aura.

The six or seven security guards, when they saw this old man, quickly fell into salute, and the attitude was extremely respectful.

Old man clicked nod, his eyes swept over Zhao Fang and others, and fell on Black Clothed Steward. The frown asked: “Shi Ji , what’s going on ?”

“Chi Huo, give them to me!”

Black Clothed Steward’s tone of command, toward the Golden Clothes Old man shouted, whose identity is obviously higher than him.

The amazing person, Golden Clothes Old man although complexion gloomy, did not do anything with Shi Ji.

“Shi Ji, this Steward asks you again, is this what’s going on?”

Chi Huo’s red hair is swaying behind her head, like the same flame, plus his calm and calm look at the moment, dignity is very strong!

Shi Ji complexion is unchanged, pointing to Zhao Fang and others, extremely freely:

“These people took the name of Pill Medicine for sale. After coming here, they prepared sneak attack this Steward and robbed my storage ring. Fortunately, I left a heart, otherwise I was already killed by them! ”


Golden Clothed Steward was furious.

Xu Feng Nian is even more angry.

He has never seen it, like Black Clothed Steward, upside down black and white, brazen people.

“It’s a big courage to grab something from our Nine Stars Trading Firm!”

Chi Huo’s temper is extremely violent, and at this moment it is necessary to be arrogant, angry, and more angry than Black Clothed Steward, as if sneak attack is not Black Clothed Steward, but he is the same!

“Hey, the top of the hill!”

Zhao Fang coldly snorted.

“What do you mean?” Chi Huo looked stunned and angry.

“In the face of Chi Huo Sir, you still want to argue?”

Zhao Fang hasn’t started to talk yet, Shi Ji immediately shouted, “Chi Huo Sir, you don’t want to listen to this little thief, he is extremely cunning, I just believe him, only to fall like this!”

“Cunning? If you talk about this, who can compare you?”

Zhao Fang expression is dull, looking at the Golden Clothes Old man, said, “This person has swallowed me 20 High Grade Venerable Pill, 20 High Grade Venerable Artifact, and also slandered me sneak attack seriously hurt him. With my cultivation base, Want to kill him, but it is a little effort, really if it is sneak attack, you have a chance to live?”

“You are fart!” Black Clothed Steward was angry.

“To shut up!”

Golden Clothes Old man coldly Sweeped Black Clothed Steward, his attitude is violent, does not mean no brain, can sit in the position of Nine Stars Trading Firm Golden Clothed Steward, relying on, is it Strength?

“What evidence do you have?”

Golden Clothes Old man looks at Zhao Fang.

“Evidence? Of course I have it!”

Zhao Fang within the body, suddenly burst out of a powerful aura fluctuation, swept out of the box, turned into a sharp blade, headed to Black Clothed Steward.


Black Clothed Steward coughed up blood and slammed into the corner of the room.

Difficult situation!

If he is not replaced by panic, he will find that he has encountered what he is treating Xu Chong Shan.


Black Clothed Steward’s attention today is completely myself on the blood hole in the abdomen.

His complexion was defeated, huddled in the ground, kept rolling, and looked awkward, with a few unbelievable horror, pointing to Zhao Fang, trembled: “You, you scrapped my Qi Sea!”

All around a silence.

The seven most advanced security personnel were sluggish.

Unable to believe in front of the scene.

Black Clothed Steward of Grand Nine Stars Trading Firm, Shi Ji with 3-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base, was in a face-to-face, no backhand, was abandoned by a youngster all cultivation base?

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