Chapter VII, Peaceful Settlement?

“Now the young people, are they so evildoer?”

The face-faced man smiled bitterly, and as the pride of Nine Stars Trading Firm Golden Venerable Powerhouse, after seeing that Black Clothed Steward Shi Ji was easily abolished by Qi Sea, it disappeared immediately!

Zhao Fang ignored the look of Shi Ji who was staring at her.

He looked at Golden Clothed Steward Chi Huo and said plainly: “I don’t know, this evidence, are you satisfied?”



Steward, who has abolished the Nine Stars Merchant Union, actually asked the other person, satisfied with this evidence!

This is more arrogant, simply is crazy to the extreme!

Golden Clothed Steward was also shocked by the scene, a little lost.

At the moment, I heard Zhao Fang’s words, and I’m looking back at Zhao Fang. I’m looking at Zhao Fang’s eyes. “5-Star Golden Venerable? I didn’t think that you are so old, you have this Rank cultivation base! In this way, his injury is indeed not caused by your sneak attack.”

Jokes, 5-Star Golden Venerable If you want to kill an 3-Star Golden Venerable, it is simply a matter of raising your hand. It does not constitute a sneak attack, but an example of a minor injury.


After Zhao Fang revealed his own Strength, Golden Clothed Steward knew that Black Clothed Steward had lied.

“What! You are 5-Star Golden Venerable, this can be it be !”

Black Clothed Steward, who had hovered between life and death, when he heard that Zhao Fang was 5-Star Golden Venerable, his eyes were violent, his face was unbelievably shocked, and his voice became sharp.

He thought that with Zhao Fang’s current age, the cultivation base would definitely not be strong.


Zhao Fang does not hesitate to take action High Grade Venerable Pill. For the use of Origin Stone, this Rank is not like the style of some big valve younger generation.

He suspects that these things are not part of Zhao Fang, it is his chance to be coincident.

Therefore, if you want to smoke, you want to swallow yourself.

But I did not expect that the other cultivation base is actually stronger than myself!

Move will abolish your Qi Sea!

At this age, I have the 5-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base, which has a High Grade Venerable Pill, and Shi Ji feels extremely restless.


“However, even if Shi Ji has fallen into you, naturally I have Nine Stars Trading Firm to dispose of it. You abolished his Qi Sea, is it some?”

Golden Clothes Old man expression

“If it weren’t for him that he was a Nine Stars Trading Firm Steward, he would have swallowed up my High Grade Venerable Pill, and now he is a dead man!”

Zhao Fang’s arrogant and even arrogant attitude makes the Golden Clothes Old man extremely unhappy.

He noticed the High Grade Venerable Pill mentioned by Zhao Fang and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

If the other person said that Black Clothed Steward had encroached on such a valuable item, at Nine Stars Trading Firm, it was a mortal punishment, and the abolition of his Qi Sea was indeed light.

Although the Golden Clothes Old man already believes in Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang’s attitude made him very dissatisfied, and the voice took a little coldly said. “Your Excellency keeps saying that Shi Ji took your High Grade Venerable Pill. What is the evidence? If you can’t get the evidence, even if you are born out Of the ordinary , Nine Stars Trading Firm will also be accountable to you!”


Zhao Fang smirked, “Open his storage ring and you will know.”

Golden Clothes Old man frowns, and Zhao Fang’s unrecognizable ambiguity makes him say to Zhao Fang and believes a few points.

He turned and looked at Shi Ji indifferently: “Give me your storage ring.”

“Chi Huo, how can you listen to the word of brat, he is so arrogant, abolish my Qi Sea, if you don’t dispose of him, who will respect our Nine Stars Trading Firm? And, if I let Grandfather know what’s going on today… …”

Shi Ji sounds a little hoarse and is not afraid of Chi Huo.

Chi Huo brow complexion greatly changed.

“My Grandfather is one of Nine Stars Trading Firm Five Great Purple Clothed Great Steward. If his old man knows that I was abolished under your eyes, what do you say he will do?”

Chi Huo expression is cold, “Shi Ji, are you threatening me?”

“You took the little Seastar abolished of this little bastard and gave it to me. I can say something to you in front of my Grandfather.”

Shi Ji resisted the pain of Qi Sea’s broken, complexion looked at Zhao Fang, “I just want him to die!”

Chi Huo was silent. When looking at Zhao Fang, his eyes flashed slightly.

Zhao Fang is not afraid, expression is indifferently looking at Chi Huo.

His demeanor calmly, looking at Chi Huo’s eyes, a little sinking, he went to Shi Ji.

“Chi Huo, what do you want?”

Chi Huo ignored him and forced his storage ring to fall from his hand.

Shi Ji complexion greatly changed.

Forcibly breaking the imprint that Shi Ji left on the storage ring, Chi Huo Primordial Spirit rushed into the storage ring.

There are quite a few Origin Stones in the storage ring, as well as the materials needed for cultivation.

Chi Huo Divine Sense swept away and soon fell into a corner of the storage ring.

There, Scatter is the aura of the High Grade Venerable Pill.

“Shi Ji, you are so bold.”

Chi Huo Primordial Spirit retracted from the storage ring, complexion staring at Shi Ji coldly, with a palm of his hand, the storage ring burst, and the items inside, like stars, were suspended in the room.

among them.

The most striking thing is that the 20 pieces of crystal Pill Medicine are full of emits.

And the twenty of the powerful aura’s weapon.

High Grade Venerable Pill !

High Grade Venerable Artifact !

No matter the quality or quantity, there is no difference between what Zhao Fang said.

The square face man is also dumbfounded.

In front of the scene, let him immediately understand that he and others were used by Shi Ji.

Shi Ji is a thief crying to catch a thief!

“A wicked fellow, using us and not saying, even smearing the reputation of Chamber of Commerce!”

The expression of the square face is cold, looking to Shi Ji’s gaze, extremely poor.

Shi Ji didn’t panic after the conspiracy, and stared at Chi Huo calmly. “Chi Huo, you abolish the Qi Sea of ​​this brat, these High Grade Venerable Pill, I can divide you half.”

Shi Ji actually wants to pull Chi Huo into the water.

“Your cultivation base, already reached Golden Venerable peak, as long as High Grade Venerable Pill helps, it will certainly break through Heavenly Venerable level. By then, you can even become the sixth big Steward of Nine Stars Trading Firm!”

“To shut up!”

Chi Huo expression is cold, interrupting Shi Ji’s words. “Do you think that Old Man will be like you, smug, and even lose basic ethics and career?”

Finished, ignore the complicated Shi Ji of complexion.

Chi Huo turned to look at Zhao Fang. “Sorry, this is a mistake of our Chamber of Commerce. It is inconvenient for the guests. Chi Huo has apologized to the guests. In addition, Chi Huo is willing to represent Chamber of Commerce with 100 million Origin Stone. Price, buy these things.”

“If you want to buy something else at Nine Stars Trading Firm, you will get 30% off.”

Zhao Fang Sees that Chi Huo is so interested, plus he has already punished Shi Ji, and he has exchanged so many benefits, and is extremely satisfied.

“Just do what you said!”

Wen Yan, Chi Huo breathed a sigh of relief, and he was really afraid that Zhao Fang would continue to pursue it.

What Shi Ji did is not right, but if it is promoted, it will be a great blow to the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce.

It is a good thing to be able to resolve peacefully.

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