The seventh forty-eighth chapter is the northeast and southwest winds, I am not moving!

“Shi Song treats the tenth Squad and seems to be stricter than the previous Squad!”

“He is angry! The fellow who killed his grandson seems to be in the tenth Squad.


“Shi Song will not publish a private feast?”

The four Purple Clothed Great Steward talked to themselves, but their eyes were on the top, and they kept their eyes closed.

It seems to be what I feel, azure robe youth slowly opened his eyes, his eyes swept away, he fell on the ring.

When you see the platform, in the Shi Song terrifying imposing manner, if you don’t feel a little bit, you can stand up and hold the youngster, and the azure robe youth both eyes shine.


He chuckled.

Shi Song sees his own imposing manner. Zhao Fang, suddenly feels shocked. “This brat, how can I react in my imposing manner?”

Hesitating, if you want to add more force, he will notice the eyes of the azure robe youth.

Shi Song smiled and was about to take back the imposing manner. There was a voice in his ear: “Use your imposing manner to crush him all!”

Shi Song startled, some unbelievable looks at azure robe youth.

Immediately, he sneered, and the corner of the mouth showed a cruel arc.

“Since you let me use all the imposing manner, then I will kill him, you should have nothing to say!”

Shi Song dreams of killing Zhao Fang, but he doesn’t dare. Latest fastest update

Because someone was passing him, he always had fear of that person and dared not pass.

This is also the case, after getting the order, Shi Song is excited.

Rushan’s Pressure’s Might instantly condenses into a bundle, shakes away other people and goes straight to Zhao Fang.

“brat, let Old Man go to hell!”

Shi Song laughed in the heart, as if he had already seen it, Zhao Fang was crushed into a scene of flesh in this imposing manner.

But very soon.

His booth eyes are in an incredible shock.

“This can can be be !”

Not only was he unable to believe, but even the other side of the Purple Clothed Great Steward seat, the other four Purple Clothed Great Steward, when he noticed that Zhao Fang had hardened all the imposing manner of Shi Song, he was also stunned.

“I don’t believe it, he must be hard-pressed! It must be forced out. His inner heart must be painful to die. If so, Old Man will add another fire and completely destroy you!”

Shi Song believe oneself infallible thought.

However, when he runs his own imposing manner, it is crushed to Zhao Fang.

Although Zhao Fang robe was sizzling by the wind, his expression was very dull.

In the independent wind and snow, such as the proud bones and pines!

Another example is a piece of meteorite, rooted underground, let you blow the Dongfeng West wind south wind north wind, I am not moving!

Gradually, his unrestrained reaction attracted the attention of most people on the field.

And the star robe man, after a slight glimpse, put down the hand ready to rescue, in the eyes appreciation is more concentrated!

Compared with Zhao Fang’s calm attitude.

That blushing, desperately squeeze out the imposing manner. Shi Song, who wants to kill Zhao Fang, is like a clown, very funny!

“impossible !how can it be like this !”

Shi Song screamed, his voice vibrated in the wild, and everyone’s eyes fell on him, his face suspicion.

“what’s going on?”

“Look at this expression, it seems to be Shi Song Big Steward. For that brat, the imposing manner is oppressed alone!”


“The separate imposing manner of Heavenly Venerable is oppressed? That brat is not dead yet!”

“This is incredible!”

“It is unbelievable to estimate Shi Song’s heart at the moment. After all, a Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse, in an imposing manner, can’t help a Golden Venerable junior. It’s really shameful.”

“You said, they are two, are they acting? Heavenly Venerable oppresses Golden Venerable, it is completely overwhelming, see Shi Song big Steward tired and breathless look, too fake!”

“If you say this, I also feel like acting!”


The discussion under the stage was a clear wave, and it was clearly introduced into Shi Song’s ear.


Shi Song wants to spurt blood.

“Playing your sister’s play, Old Man really wants to kill him Ah!”

Shi Song wants to come out and just dialect for himself.

Unfortunately, he didn’t dare!

“What? This is the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse imposing manner? But it’s just that, I don’t even have the strength to scratch me.”

Zhao Fang licked his ears, a very embarrassed expression.

Shi Song body trembled, his eyes faintly with a few bloody glow, as if he would rush to Zhao Fang at any time.


At the time when Shi Song was about to go mad, a plain light contained the sound of extremely powerful Pressure’s Might, which sounded in everyone’s ears.

Everyone heart trembled.

The sound can be heard throughout the game, almost every Earth Venerable Powerhouse can do it.


As in front of you, let the sound ring in everyone’s ear, but not what you can do.

This requires Martial Artist’s manipulation of the Yuan Force to reach a very deep level, and it is possible!

Everyone turned and looked at the right side of the seat, which was sitting on the top of the star robes youth.

“The first level is over!”

As the voice of this star robe falls, the first pass is over.

Zhao Fang naturally passed the assessment smoothly.

And Shi Song, is frowns, extremely unwilling to step down.

He couldn’t understand why he scratched his head. Why did he feel unscathed in his own imposing manner, as if he didn’t feel it at all.

This unscientific!

How does he know.

Zhao Fang even the Half-step Celestial Realm Powerhouse’s imposing manner, can live with it, and will care about his imposing manner.

Zhao Fang looked at the star robes, and his eyes were slightly condensed.

“8-Star Heavenly Venerable !”

Zhao Fang was shocked. I didn’t expect the judges to have a Heavenly Venerable Late Stage Powerhouse in addition to the Purple Clothed Great Steward of the Five Heavenly Venerable Initial Stage.

Amazing, the Nine Stars Trading Firm background is so deep!

Xingpao youth Zhao Fang laughed, gentle and courteous.

His attitude made Zhao Fang slightly stunned.

As the saying goes, he does not smile at the face, he and the other party, there is no hate, plus the identity of the other party, Zhao Fang is not too proud, also returned a smile.

But even so.

His reaction, which fell on the other four Purple Clothed Great Steward in the eyes, immediately made them unhappy, and felt that Zhao Fang was too oneself infallible.

Conversely is the star robes youth, after a slight sigh, the smile is weird.

After the first pass, there is a half-hour break.

Everyone took advantage of this pass and quickly smashed their medicines to resolve the injury they had left because of the Shi Song imposing manner.

Zhao Fang was not injured, standing freely, looking at the jury seat, staring at himself, revealing Shi Song of gloomy.

“Old Man, want to understand?”

Zhao Fang Yuan Force is a soundtrack.

“Small bastard, you have to be mad. This time, even if you use the treasure to barely pass, but when it is the turn of the real knife, you will die!”

Shi Song sounds sinister.

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