Where is the sigh of the 747th chapter?

“Oh, it seems, you are ready to find a ghost.”

“Oh, the dead will be you!”

Coldly snorted, Shi Song no longer cares about Zhao Fang.

It is at this time.

Zhao Fang noticed that there seems to be a killing intent behind it, and it’s gone!

He feels keenly, confirming that he has not felt wrong, and indeed someone wants to kill himself.

Recalling Shi Song just now, he suddenly smiled.

“It turned out that the old dog was looking for someone who didn’t know who it was, or hoped that it wouldn’t be too weak. Otherwise, it didn’t feel like killing!”

Zhao Fang sneered at the corner of his lips, turned and looked at behind.


His gaze fell on a youth wearing a blue robe.

Although the man hides the aura, Zhao Fang can still learn from his occasional aura that this person has exposed the killing intent to himself.

“7-Star Golden Venerable ?cultivation base is not weak!”

Zhao Fang laughed.

Youth, who was watched by Zhao Fang, saw Zhao Fang looking at himself. After a slight sigh, he laughed.


His smile is full of the killing intent of the ice Leng Wuqing.

“brat, you are dead!”

A cold voice was introduced into Zhao Fang’s ear.

“Shi Song is looking for someone to kill me. It is you who will not find it. If this is the case, I will be very disappointed!”

Hearing this, the blue robe youth cold with said a laugh: “Big words, do you think your cultivation base is very strong? Trivial 5-Star Golden Venerable, I can suppress it!”

“That should be waited for.” Zhao Fang’s lips are cold.

The second level begins.

More than a thousand people who were promoted to the second level once again reached the ring.

Golden Clothed Steward said: “The second level is also very simple!”

When I heard this, everyone was speechless.

But in my heart, it is full of uneasiness.

When this person was at the first level, he said it was very simple.

As a result, nine out of ten were eliminated, and most of those who were eliminated were still unhealed.

Now, I say this again.

“The magical array of the second pass experience. Support the last hundred people, directly promote to the third level!”

Golden Clothed Steward finished, sitting in a Purple Clothed Great Steward next to Shi Song, came to the abode and activated the Array directly.


A very light light cover, covering more than a thousand people on the platform.


They closed their eyes.

“Ah! Go away, I don’t want to die!”

Three breaths Not, some people screamed and opened their eyes.


Purple Clothed Great Steward glanced at the man indifferently, waving his hand and taking him out of the Array.

The man appeared in the downfall.

When the reaction came, the corner of the mouth was bitter.

“Help Ah!”

“I don’t want to die!”



As Time has passed, more and more people are screaming in horror. Latest fastest update

But what is strange is that their voices can’t be affected at all, those who are still in the closed eyes.


More and more people are waking up.

Time went to the eighth breaths, and already 400 people were eliminated.

The tenth breaths, five hundred people.

Ten two breaths, six hundred people.

Ten three breaths. Seven hundred people.

After ten height breaths, there are less than a hundred people on the stage.

However, the Purple Clothed Great Steward still does not mean to close the Array, has been watching the remaining hundred people.

Finally, there are two people at the same time.

Purple Clothed Great Steward takes a wave of sleeves and takes them out of the Array to stand on the edge of the ring.


This is the promotion of the third-party.

After those people squatted down, they immediately looked at the audience. They once entered the second level with themselves, but now they can only be secretly hurt by the ‘companion’ in the downfall. I can’t help but feel fortunate!

After twenty-five interest.

In the Array, there are only 30 people left.

Three ten breaths.

Less than ten people.

Thirty-five interest, only five people.

These five people.

They are the blue robes youth who once threatened Zhao Fang.

Dress up is very glamorous and charming red dress women.

Holding a blade, figure mountain tall and straight eyebrow man.

White as jade, it looks like the white robed Youth of the ordinary Young master.

And Zhao Fang!

On the jury seat, there is Purple Clothed Great Steward said with a laugh.

“This second level of fantasy, the power of the trial of the Primordial Spirit. The stronger the Primordial Spirit, the longer the time of support.”

“Like the Golden Venerable cultivation base, it can support four ten breaths. It is already good.”

“Yes, these five seedlings are good. Just don’t know if they can break the record of ‘Li Yun’.”

“Li Yun that fellow, is a freak, in this magical array, it supports three hundred interest, and it is exactly that, he will be accepted as “Direct Disciple” by ‘Chu Liang ‘Vice-President Sir.”

“I see, among the five people, someone can reach the half of Li Yun’s Time, it’s not bad!”

Four people talked.

Red dress women wake up first, 50 interest!

After seeing the empty all around, the red dress women were slightly excited and knew that they had passed.

But when you see the four people who are still in the closed eyes, the color of excitement is swept away, and the expression is quite complicated: “The four felts are all monsters, and they can support them for so long in that fantasy!”

White robed Youth, white, waking up, sixth ten breaths.

His complexion is pale, and in the illusion, the Primordial Spirit is extremely depleted and even pale.

When he saw the remaining three people, he squatted and then sadd with a laugh: “I didn’t expect that these three fellows were even longer than my Dong Daohai support!”

The third to last waking is the thick eyebrows of the knife, seven ten breaths.

His complexion is also pale, but when he sees the remaining two people, in the eyes, he shoots a fighting intent. “These two people, the road is still not awake!”

The people still in the assessment are left with Zhao Fang and the blue robe youth.

After one hundred interest, the blue robe youth opened his eyes, expression excited: “ha ha, there should be no one, longer than my support!”

But when he sees Zhao Fang still in his eyes, the expression immediately gloomy down.

“damned! This little bastard, how can it be longer than the time I insisted on?”

The assessment is still going on.

But the person who is assessing, only Zhao Fang!

“This blue robe is also considered a natural talent out of the ordinary, and even supported the breath!”

“hehe, you probably don’t know, this blue robe is called Li Hai, it is Li Yun’s younger brother!”

“Li Yun’s younger brother?”

“No wonder it can last for so long, so that’s how it is !”

After learning about the status of the blue robe, Purple Clothed Great Steward was a little surprised, but soon, their eyes fell on Zhao Fang.

One hundred 50 interest.

Two hundred interest!

Two hundred 50 interest!

Zhao Fang still doesn’t wake up.

Purple Clothed Great Steward were extremely shocked. “Don’t this youngster want to surpass Li Yun’s record of the year?”

Three hundred interest turns instantly.

Zhao Fang still does not wake up.

“Beyond Li Yun’s record, I don’t know, where is the limit of this youngster!”

“ha ha! We Nine Stars Trading Firm, and we have a talent Ah!”

Purple Clothed Great Steward is excited and laughs.

Just at this time DD

A low-pitched snoring sounded suddenly in a quiet field.

Where is the buzz?


Everyone’s eyes are on the white youngster on the stage!

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