The seventh hundred 50 chapter third check assessment conditions

The snoring sounds louder.

Extremely clear, self-proclaimed, the only one that was swelled by the Array’s youngster mouth.

The knockouts are dumbfounded!

Advance to the break is dumb!

Hosted Golden Clothed Steward is dumbfounded!

The Purple Clothed Great Steward that manipulates the Array is dumbfounded!

The other four Purple Clothed Great Steward on the jury are also dumbfounded!

Even the star robes youth, but also a bit stunned, the expression suddenly became extremely eccentric.

“Fuck! Are you asleep?”

Under the stage, it’s a piece of it.

Everyone, incredible looking at Zhao Fang.

Some people, with a ridiculously ridiculous flavor.

“This brat is really a wonderful thing, even fell asleep in the assessment!”

“The loss of damn father still thinks how strong this fellow is, and the daring is all illusion!”

“This brat is a shame to lose this time!”

“It’s a small thing to be a shame. In the assessment of Nine Stars Trading Firm, I fell asleep. This is a naked contempt for Chamber of Commerce. Guess, how would Chamber of Commerce punish him?”

“How Chamber of Commerce punishes him, I don’t know, I only know that this fellow is over!”

In the bursts of laughter and snoring, Zhao Fang finally woke up.

I looked at the slightly squinting eyes and looked at all around. “Āiyā, I am left alone? It seems that I passed the second level.”


Zhao Fang got up and waited for the Purple Clothed Great Steward start to talk. He was very conscious and walked towards the position of youth and others.

Although I don’t know what happened before, but according to the one-in-one elimination of Law, Zhao Fang guessed: where the blue robe youth should be the promotion area.


Just as Zhao Fang was ready to step on, someone jumped out. “When we worked hard, you were sleeping. What qualification do you have, juxtaposed with us?”

The person who jumped out was not threatening to kill the Zhao Fang’s blue robe youth.

It’s a thin, short, looking from the back, much like a monkey’s gray coat.

Gray clothing youth pointed to Zhao Fang, eyes gloomy, with a bit of envy.

The gray cultivation base is not weak and has reached the level of 4-Star Golden Venerable.

Even among these 100 people, it is considered a mid-range.

“Sun Wen!”

“I didn’t expect it to be so intense!”

“However, Sun Wen is right. This brat has nothing to do. When it comes to the present, it is completely sneaky and slippery. What qualifications are juxtaposed with us!”

Other customs clearance contestants, except for the blue robe youth four did not start to talk, all expressed their dislike and doubt about Zhao Fang!


Hosting Array’s Purple Clothed Great Steward, slightly frowning.

It is reasonable to say that after entering the Array, it has already entered the illusion. Although he does not know, Zhao Fang can sleep in the illusion.

But even if you sleep, you can sleep for such a long Time, that is also a kind of thing!

However, he felt very annoyed at Zhao Fang’s sleep, and did not speak for him.

Hesitated, the eyes of Purple Clothed Great Steward, looking at the people in the gown.

Starbow youth corner of the mouth Smile, nod.

Upon seeing it, Purple Clothed Great Steward whispered to the chaotic enthusiasm, “Shut up!”

The sound is like a thunder, the shock of the eardrums, the head hōng hōng!

The sound of the noise is instantly suppressed!

Their eyes can’t help but look at Purple Clothed Great Steward.

“Zhao Fang, the second pass passed.”

When this sentence came out, Sun Wen and others complexion changed slightly, and wanted to say something more, but in contact with the indifferent gaze of Purple Clothed Great Steward, sub conscious took two steps back and opened his mouth, still could not be said.

“Stay for half an hour!”

Purple Clothed Great Steward left this sentence and went down the ring.

Once again, the time to adjust the interest rate.

Sun Wen and others although dissatisfied with the findings of Purple Clothed Great Steward, but they are just contestants, they may be able to criticize Zhao Fang, but they dare not blame Purple Clothed Great Steward.

Similarly, they dare not blame Purple Clothed Great Steward.


Only Zhao Fang has been able to withstand this angry flame!

If it is not Emergency, if you have to heal the third level of assessment, they may have to ridicule Zhao Fang.

This is so.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fang’s gaze, but it was also full of disdain.

A shameful expression.

Zhao Fang expression was dull, his eyes cold and swept away Sun Wen and others, and ignored them.

“You are very strong, I hope you can stick to the fourth level. By then, my Xue Baichuan will definitely challenge you!”

Holding a knife and a big eyebrow man, looking at Zhao Fang, eyelid fighting intent like fire.

Sun Wen and others slightly frowned, he would like to say to the knife and thick eyebrow man, you are not mistaken, on this slag, what is worth your challenge?

But remembering the name of this person, he did not start to talk, closed his eyes and continued to meditate.

“With you!” Zhao Fang does not matter.

At the time of the rest and rearing of Zhao Fang and others, there was a commotion behind the ring.

Zhao Fang looked up.

But seeing the back of the ring, out of the eight big waists, wearing the gold armor of the golden armor.

The eight people were divided into two sides, and they were together with one Zhang Gao. They were covered by black cloth. I didn’t know what was under it, and slowly came to the abbot.

The eight people’s cultivation base may not be very strong.

Just 3-Star Golden Venerable level.

But their power is definitely beyond their cultivation base.

Even so, when the eight people carried the things covered by the black cloth, they still showed a lot of effort. Every one step fell, which made the stage tremble.

“I’ll go, this thing, it looks like a tiger!”

Everyone in the field, looking at this scene, are vying to look at the past.

Blue robe youth, Sun Wen and others, also looked at the past.

The Purple Clothed Great Steward, the judge’s seat, looked at this scene, the corner of the mouth smiled, but this smile, how to see, there is a treacherous old fox’s flavor.

The star expression is flat, but the eyes abyss, faintly looking forward to a few points.

Under the gaze of everyone, the eight people slowly came to the center of Fujian.

“One two three, let go!”

With the neat sound, eight people put down the hand at the same time.


The high things of Zhang Xuan fell on the platform, and it seemed that there was a mountain peak, and the hustle and bustle swayed.

“I’ll go, is this what the hell stuff? The third level is going to make a moth Ah!”

In the curiosity of countless, there is another Purple Clothed Great Steward.

Did not say any nonsense, directly opened the black cloth.

When you see something under the black cloth, whether it is the blue robe youth or the people in the audience, you are stunned, and your face is puzzled. “Drums?”

Under the black cloth, it is covered with a drum, one piece does not know what kind of leather is used to make it look like a little drums of the age.


It is also faintly emits with a strong smell of blood, and the instinct of the Jin Ge iron horse.

Hear these sounds.

You and the young expression of the blue robe, “what is this drum, just the reaction of the drum frame and the ground collision, Vibration in the drumhead, there are actually echoes! So surprised! So amazing!”

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