Seven hundredth 50 chapter Longmenguan, battle drums 鎿?

The drum rack as a whole is like a mountain undulating. Latest fastest update

In the center of the drum rack, there are five or six arrogances that are not known to be made of wood. The upper side is embedded with two drum-sized drumheads.

This drum, it looks, is no different from the ordinary bakery drums.

But Zhao Fang noticed.

This model is quite old drums, and there seems to be no drumming.

When everyone looked at the front of the drum drums, the black cloth’s Purple Clothed Great Steward pointed to the drum drums and said: “This is the third essential for your assessment, the sandfield hundred drums!”

Despite guessing, this item is related to the third level assessment.

But after all, it鈥檚 just speculation. It鈥檚 true that Purple Clothed Great Steward has concluded that Sun Wen and others are somewhat unbelievable.

Drum, how to test?

One question, in this less than a hundred people, the participants of the mind reverberate.

“Isn’t that going to be a drum?”

Someone whispered.

“You’re right.”

Purple Clothed Great Steward glanced at the man. “The third level of assessment is to beat the drums, and the three drums and the sounders can enter the fourth level.”

As a result, Sun Wen and others complexion became eccentric.

“When you knock three times, you enter the fourth level? Is this too simple?”

Not only Sun Wen thinks so, basically everyone else thinks so.

Only a very small number of people are excluded.

For example, the blue robe youth, the knife with a thick eyebrow man, the white robed youth with a white face like jade, the glamorous red dress of the women.

And, Zhao Fang!

“No matter what kind of means you use, you can pass the drums three times. However, this Steward reminds you that drumming is dangerous and you have to do it!”

After that, Purple Clothed Great Steward retreated to the side.

The place where a large area of 鈥嬧€婩ujian and Taiwan is located is left to the people who will be at stake.

“According to the order of the second level of awakening, who will wake up first, who is the first!”

Purple Clothed Great Steward finished, a look of ordinary, seemingly honest, and came out.

Then you’ve been very popular with the public. After you walked out, you laughed twice and stood outside the drum drums, and the expression became more and more awesome.

In the low room, a member of the Limit Breaker, the extent of reaching 9-Star Earth Venerable.

Youth fist, Yuan Force like a dragon, wrapped around. In its fist above, emits burst into a bang, and went straight to the drumhead.


The drumhead vibration, drums and sounds, passed out, shocked many people, complexion big change.

The thick and thin hands are the first to bear the brunt, and they are directly shocked by this force, spurting blood.

“What! 9-Star Earth Venerable, only one time!”

Everyone was shocked.

You are climbing from the ground and looking at the eyes of the bay drums, incomparable solemn.

He just felt the terrifying of the drum drums, and if he was being countered, he would not hesitate to have a serious injury.

and so.

This time, he not only had to attack perfectly, but also defended against the counterattack of the bathtub drums.

Think of this, you are a little clench one’s teeth, run the forged body Culture Technique, at the same time take out a blade, gather the whole body power on the knife, with the slightest hesitation!


The drumhead sent a louder drum sound than before, and there was a aftermath.

However, the drumhead seems to be a mirror.

How much attack it takes, it will shock the attack.

In other words, the stronger the attack that Martial Artist has, the stronger the counterattack that will endure in the end!

Like this Rank situation, for common Martial Artist, it is tantamount to court death!


The aftermath of the drumhead vibration, 鎺€ 鎲?you you you you you you you you you you you 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界 灏界The blood flows directly, and the thickness of the youth complexion is white, and the painful embarrassment occurs.

Looking at this scene, the audience is quiet!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Those who thought that drumming was an easy fellow, but they were squinting with their eyes and their incredible expression.

“Fuck, how much will attack, how much will be shocked, so who can bear the third time?”

Everyone looked at the honesty who fell in the pool of blood, and sucked at the same time, not numb.

You are already seriously injured, unable to knock out the third drum and abstain!

The first try, just like this, with a scar and a sad mood, stop the third level!

“the second!”

Purple Clothed Great Steward expressionless.

The second people, also a man, his cultivation base, is almost the same as the previous one.


It just sounded twice, then it was healthy injury!

The third!

the fourth!


As more and more people try, many people gradually understand some clues.

Earth Venerable Realm body is too weak to withstand the power of earthquake.

Basically, it will stop at the third drum.

Looking through these, some Earth Venerable Powerhouse, the roots are unwilling, but have to choose to abstain.

Fast rotation, to the 50 three.

It was a slightly charming, small and thin woman.

Women seem to be pitiful, but have the 2-Star Golden Venerable cultivation base.

After the three drums, the woman was seriously injured, but unexpectedly passed the third level.

Be the first to break through the fourth pass!

“I, I succeeded?”

Women licking their lips, it seems that some are unable to believe.

After a long while, until the completion of the next time, Purple Clothed Great Steward, the reaction was over, the excitement laughed, and the eyes showed excited tears.

With the first one, then the second, the third…

More and more people are ringing the third drum.

These people are almost all Golden Venerable Powerhouses, and they are all 2-Star Golden Venerable.


The three drums seem to be their limit, and even some 3-Star Golden Venerable can’t knock out the fourth drum.

that’s it.

In a moment, there were more than thirty people who passed.

Aside from being eliminated, there are still a few people left.

“The ninety-fifth.”

The glamorous and charming red dress women came on stage.

Her appearance is beautiful, just like her name.

Yu Shiman!

This is her name, from a city slightly larger than Soaring Phoenix City, the cultivation base is 7-Star Golden Venerable.

Yu Shiman looks beautiful, and the take action is very ruthless. It is like a beautiful snake, which is extremely easy to reach the third drum.


In the eyes that everyone was looking forward to, she broke the record of long-term precipitation and rang the fourth drum.

Boom! Boom! Boom! 鍜殈

Then there is the fifth drum, the sixth drum.

Stop seventh!

This is the case, she has set a new record, and many people who are watching are directly dumbfounded.

It is a bunch of big men who have been eliminated, ashamed and unable to show one’s face!

Yu Shiman rang six times and scored first.

Yu Shiman is not proud, his face is still calm, and he can even say that he is suppressing something.

By the time she retired, her corner of the mouth immediately burst into a touch of red.

But soon, she was wiped away!

Yu Shiman is proud to lift the white neck like a white swan!

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