The 788th chapter Feng Wudao was stupid!

The shadows are shrouded, so everyone is slightly startled!

But soon, they remembered the one that Zhao Fang revealed outside, but under the horror, he quickly looked up.

“It’s the sky!”


A horrified voice came from the shadow of the crowd.

Most of them are Golden Venerable level.

Dare to take action to Zhao Fang, it is entirely because of the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse.

But in the face of this contain Heaven’s Might, even the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse can’t support the girders, so they panicked and began to flee!

Zhao Fang showed a sneer at the corner of his lips.

The palm of the hand was under pressure, and the speed of the Baltling Spirit Seal fell, and in the horror of most of the two religions, it fell.

The entire mountain range is vibrating and seems to be ranked into a countless fragment by this palm.

In the huge rumbled.

Half of the people became the heart of the Battling Spirit Seal.

Even the remaining eight or nine people, who are also aura, are seriously injured and look at Zhao Fang’s eyes, full of fear and fear of expression.

A palm, like terrifying, those surviving Heavenly Venerable-class Powerhouses, really scared!


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed Elite Monster ‘Yin-Yang Fairyland disciple ‘,obtain 9 million Spirit Point, 900,000 Spiritual Force Value, 900,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”



“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed Elite Monster ‘Floating Mountain disciple ‘,obtain 9 million Spirit Point, 90 Myriad Spiritual Force is, 900,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”


In mind, the notification sound does not stop.

Under the palm of one hand, Zhao Fang’s Spirit Point article has once again advanced 1%.

Xiong ba stood in Zhao Fang behind and looked at the scene, shocked.

He knew that Zhao Fang was very strong, but he did not expect that Zhao Fang was powerful enough!

With so many Powerhouses, let alone the Golden Venerable, even the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse, you have to escape.

Zhao Fang did not escape, only a palm, more than 80 people swarmed, except for more than 30 fellows who had a good chance to escape in advance, the remaining 50 many people were killed directly by a palm. Multiple, only eight. nine existence with Heavenly Venerable cultivation base.

So terrifying the Assassin segment, even the ordinary 3-Star Golden Venerable can’t do it.

For a moment, Xiongba to Zhao Fang, shocked to heaven!

More admiring Revere!

“There are still you!”

Zhao Fang looked at the ground and was already seriously injured. The eight or nine people who could not move, complexion indifference.

See Zhao Fang so look, that eight. nine people complexion greatly changed, Zhao Fang’s powerful, has exceeded their expectations.

But what they hate even more is that at the height of the crisis, Feng Wudao Liu Jue two people, regardless of their own life and death, fled alone.

This made them angry and unwilling to indue!

“You can’t kill us!” There is Yin-Yang Fairyland disciple, see Zhao Fang eye reveals, and screaming.

“Why not?”

“If you dare to kill us, my two-year-old Cave Lord, Yin-Yang Fairyland, will definitely not let you go. They will definitely kill Nine Stars Trading Firm, take action in person, kill you!”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang eye reveals The color of the sly, “Do you think that I will not kill you, the two adulterers, will not find revenge for me?”

Waiting for the man to answer, Zhao Fang continued: “Even if they don’t look for me, I will find them, dare to set a trap to deal with me, no matter who, die!”

With the word ‘death’ falling, the Battling Spirit Seal suddenly slammed out, like a palm of the hand, carrying an amazing power, such as the pressure of Wanshan, unstoppable.

But it is at this time.

“Give me accept death!”

A cold ice like iron sounded like a sound in Zhao Fang behind.

At the same time, an extremely powerful aura emerged, with the anger and killing intent, went straight to Zhao Fang.

That is Feng Wudao.

In addition to him, there is also a White robed Youth, the clothes fluttering, such as Immortal, is also a gaze, killing Zhao Fang.

That is Liu Jue.

Two people fled before, I don’t know when to go to Zhao Fang behind, when Zhao Fang take action against those eight or nine people, kill Zhao Fang!

Xiong ba See two people killed, expression tight, suddenly roared, to fully protect Zhao Fang.


His emotional Fleshy Body is amazing, but the cultivation base is just peak Golden Venerable, which is quite different from 3-Star Heavenly Venerable’s Feng Wudao Liu Jue two people.

If he meets a person, he may still be able to support one or two strokes.

But now, the two 3-Star Heavenly Venerable are out, Xiongba is fierce, and there is only a miserable fate that is lost in an instant.

He was shot by Feng Wudao, and then he was attacked by Liu Jue, and Xiongba flew out. He was squatting on the lawn not far away, and the blood was flowing, and the injury was extremely heavy.

of course.

If the non-Xiong ba Fleshy Body is strong enough, the take action of the two 3-Star Heavenly Venerables has already taken his life.

“trivial Golden Venerable, also wants to stop us, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth !”

Feng Wudao sneer.

“It’s your turn now!” Liu Jue complexion is cold, no nonsense, killing Zhao Fang directly.

The same is true of Feng Wudao, which is a two horns Array with Liu Jue, killing both ends of Zhao Fang.


At the time of the Battaling Spirit Seal, the remaining eight or nine people were all killed, and the attack between Feng Wudao and Liu Jue came as expected, at the same time bombarded on Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang was immediately bombarded by two major powerhouses.

Seeing this scene, Feng Wudao and Liu Jue looked at each other, and in the eyes were flashing with excitement and cruel expression.

They did not have the slightest hesitation, and they rushed out again. When Zhao Fang was flying backwards, he had to be given a serious injury.


As they approached Zhao Fang, they felt a dark shadow covering themselves.

Under the horror, looking up, I saw a hand covering the sky and shrouded.

Two people were shocked, “how can it be! Hard hit us, there is still strength to fight against us, this fellow is really Golden Venerable?”

this moment.

Two people are very suspicious, Zhao Fang before, hiding the cultivation base!

Otherwise, it is also impossible. In the attack of the two major 3-Star Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse, it can also organize counterattacks!

Where do they know that Zhao Fang is always Golden Venerable cultivation base, but the explosive power at this moment is comparable to 2-Star Heavenly Venerable, and his powerful Fleshy Body, two people can attack the injury injury Zhao Fang. In Zhao Fang’s opinion, just scratching it!

“Dare to hurt my brother, you are not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth! Don’t think that 3-Star Heavenly Venerable is amazing, this Emperor can even kill 9-Star Heavenly Venerable, let alone you!”

Zhao Fang coldly Looking at the two people, the plain and even indifferent look, let Feng Wudao two people immediately understand that Zhao Fang was not injured.

Even if it is injured, it is not a serious injury in their imagination!

“damned! What is this fellow!”

The two people complexion at the same time changed, but they didn’t have Time to think about it. The Giant Palm, which was like a mountain, was getting closer and closer to them, and the two people were forced to resist.

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