The 789th chapter of the push of the city three people group was born!


The Battling Spirit Seal falls and directly swallows the silhouette of Feng Wudao Liu Jue two people.

After the ground ignited the violent smoke after the intense vibration, this slowly calmed down.

A deep pit hit by the palm of the hand appeared on the ground.

Zhao Fang ignored the life of Feng Wudao two people and went to Xiongba, who was seriously injured. He carefully read it and threw him a bottle of Pill Medicine. He ignored it.

Xiong ba Fleshy Body extremely powerful, no less than Zhao Fang, plus before his ‘resurrection’, Zhao Fang used the ground, milk. Essence, and Immortal Tree Essence, two miracles to nourish Xiong ba Fleshy Body.

Therefore, this is the case.

Xiong ba is not only strong, but also resilience.

Even without Pill Medicine from Zhao Fang, with his Fleshy Body, it is not too difficult to restore himself to peak.

When Zhao Fang confirmed the Xiongba injury, the mountains and grasses were crowded.

More than 30 people who had fled before, returning now.

not only.

Also brought back nearly 50 black robed man!

Zhao Fang knows black robed man but knows the signs on their black robe!

Looking at Six Great Influences, there is only one that can have such a logo.

Northern Underworld Sect !

In addition to the Northern Underworld Sect, there are two teams standing on the mountain above the hillside.

A buddhist robes with a yellow robes and a bright, bald head.

And the Radiance God Church disciple, dressed in white, like a child of light, filled with holy aura.

Other than that.

More distantly, there are more than two hundred Demonic Cultivators lurking.

Their eyes are also paying attention to the changes here.

It can be said.

At this moment, the battle here brings together all the eyes that enter the Coiling Dragon Cloud Sea Influence.

Zhao Fang did not pay attention to the idea of ​​these people or gaze, or robbery, or sit on the battle.

As long as you don’t provoke yourself, everything is easy to say.

But once you get rid of yourself, don’t say that this group of people, even if the number is ten times more than 100 times, he is not afraid!


The violent coughing pain came from the deep pit of the palm.

Followed by.

The two faces are particularly miserable silhouette, crawling out from the deep pit.

When I saw the two people, the more than 30 people around, and the Northern Underworld Sect disciple, were shocked on the spot!

“Great master brother?”

“No way Junior Brother!”

Looking at the miserable two people, these more than 80 people were speechless and shocked.

Whether it is Feng Wudao or Liu Jue.

It is the collar solider in the Floating Mountain, Yin-Yang Fairyland contemporary discipline, and it has a strong reputation.

Coupled with their various means, even for some of the ordinary 4-Star Heavenly Venerable, there is also the power of the battle!


This is the Rank Rank Powerhouse, but it is so miserable at the moment, is this what is done by Who?

This thought just emerged, their eyes, they looked far away, let the southeast and northwest wind, I did not move, the clothes fluttering, expression indifference, quite a generation of master temperament Zhao Fang.

“Is it him?”

Although they did not believe it, they were gradually confirmed after seeing all around.

The heart is even more shocked.

“Senior Brother Fei Yu ?”

In the Northern Underworld Sect disciple, someone looked at the black robed white-headed youth.

They saw the difficulty of Zhao Fang and wanted to confirm that whether would join the battle.

Known as Senior Brother Fei Yu’s fellow, just raised his eyebrows and immediately said with a laugh. “We have no way out, even if we leave now, do you think that afterwards, with the heart of the fellow, will you let us go?”

Wen Yan, Northern Underworld Sect disciple slightly frowned.

“And, my Northern Underworld Sect is rampant in Northern Prefecture. I haven’t been afraid of who. If I am scared by a little Golden Venerable today, what’s the face of it, might shake Northern Prefecture?”

Fei Yu’s words made the original timid Northern Underworld Sect disciple calm and firm.

They no longer speak, but stare at Zhao Fang, eye reveals ruthless cold killing intent!

“What is the number?”

Zhao Fang looked at the crowd and smirked. “I don’t have so many people in my hand, but there are still two fellows available.”

While speaking.

He didn’t care if Washer was in front of everyone, taking out Heavenspan Tower, Void Hand, Heavenspan Tower activate, two silhouettes, and ejected from it.


All around Everyone was shocked by the sudden spurt of two figures by Heavenspan Tower.

But very soon.

Someone reacted.

“Space Magical Treasure !This is a Space Magical Treasure!” Northern Underworld Sect big discipline Fei Yu, some excited looking at Zhao Fang.

His Northern Underworld Sect is a cultivation technique like Profound Truth of Space. The sensitivity of Space treasure is something that other influences can’t.

Similarly, their desire for Space treasure is something that Influence can’t imagine.

“Since it can save people, the Law of Space inside this treasure is bound to be very complete. If I get this treasure, I will realize the Law of Space, the entire Northern Underworld Sect. Besides the master, he can compare with me. ?”

Northern Underworld Sect Fei Yu, who only wanted to be a wall-viewer, saw the Heavenspan Tower and decided to take action and snatch this treasure!

Same as for a moment.

At the top of the hillside, the bald youth and the white Radiance God Church disciple, after the appearance of Heavenspan Tower, were slightly surprised, with a touch of greed.

“Not only Divine Soul Skill, but also Space treasure, and behind the winged flight treasure, this child is who? Is it Nine Stars Trading Firm these years, secretly cultivated talent?”

The bald head is slightly blinking, and the heart secretly guesses.

“Senior Brother Hui King, can you see the clue of that brat?”

At this time, in the Radiance God Church, an inconspicuous dark-skinned girl, suddenly start to talk to ask the leader of the Zen School disciple, bald youth.

The bald youth is not the slightest scorn for the little girl with a look of appearance and dark skin.

Wen Yan, but a slight gift, hands clasped together, swaying the Buddha, and then gently shaking his head, “Light Saintess high look little Monk, little Monk eyes, where can see what clues!”

For the words of Hui Kong, the bright Saintess is clear and undecided.

Looking at the two fatsters and two youngsters suddenly appearing around Zhao Fang, everyone stunned, and the complexion was eccentric, the corner of the mouth slightly ridiculed, “This is his reinforcement? Two youngster?”

This two people who were released from Heavenspan Tower are naturally Tian Peng and Xu Feng Nian.

“Boss, you can finally remember that we are here.” When Tian Peng came out, he held Zhao Fang’s legs and cried, crying about his boring and boring life in Heavenspan Tower.

The sound of grievances, the grievances of reason, and the tragic expression at the moment, even the onlookers, were almost deceived by Tian Peng.


Seeing Tian Peng is also preparing to wipe his nose and tears on himself, Zhao Fang finally can’t stand it, and opened Tian Peng with one foot.

Xu Feng Nian looks at this scene, the corner of the mouth, but did not say anything, just gave Tian Peng a ‘living’ expression.

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