The 709th chapter says that when you go to the white head together, you secretly happed the oil!

“Boss, are you going to kill all?”

Xu Feng Nian swept away all around, and immediately asked about the situation under the White Eye. Latest fastest update

Zhao Fang ordered nod, at the same time activate team mode, it will have recovered a lot, complexion slightly pale Xiong ba, and just got up from the ground, and squinted to continue to report Zhao Fang big. Leg of Tian Peng And a face of indifference, like Feng Feng Nian standing in the ice, all grouped in.


Tian Peng heard that killing, not waiting for Zhao Fang to lift his feet again, and quickly hide to the side, the action is light and enchanting, simply not like a fat man should have the movement technique.

“Dry his mother!”

Xiong ba was almost killed because he was injured by Feng Wudao Liu Jue two people. For the two people, even the drift Mountain Yin-Yang Fairyland’s discipline, they are extremely resentful and despising. At this moment, Wen Yan is stepping on one step, eye. Reveals ice cold killing intent.

“Your injury?” Xu Feng Nian raised his eyebrow slightly.

“Not affected!”

Xiong ba said, he walked to the thirty disciples left in Yin-Yang Fairyland Floating Mountain.

He did not go to the trouble of Feng Wudao Liu Jue, even if the two people were seriously injured.

He knew that the two people Zhao Fang would handle it, so he rushed to the remnant disciple area of ​​seven or eight Heavenly Venerable Powerhouses.

Xu Feng Nian does not say anything, followed by its behind, as a remote output.

“Oh, no way, born is this labor Ah!”

Tian Peng shook his head, stepped into the Void, disappeared without a shadow.

It was originally a contempt for the three people.

Look at Tian Peng, who suddenly disappeared, his heart was tight.

The Fei Yu of Northern Underworld Sect is the eyes miniature, “Space Ability!”

“Go to death!”

Xiong ba suddenly roared, the fist is like a mountain, and the whole person turns into a humanoid tank, crushing it to the thirty disciles.

Xu Feng Nian Void Hand grabs a rotating Ice Crystal compass in front of him.

His left leg is slightly curved, and his right hand is virtual, such as pulling the bowstring.

“Hey! Hey! Hey~”

a path of an adult’s waist-thickness ice arrow, ejected from the Ice Crystal compass and rushed into the remaining thirty-discipline area.

There are a dozen people who have been terrifying the chill of Icebound.

Xiong ba complexion, like iron, punched down, and all the people who were Icebound turned into crushed ice and completely dissipated.

There is Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse anger, sneak attack Xiong ba.

Just appeared in front of Xiongba, the Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse behind, suddenly cracked a crack, a sharp blade, appeared silently, instantly penetrated his throat, sharp blade rose, cut his head into two Half, crushing his Primordial Spirit.

The Heavenly Venerable, who wants to sneak attack, died on the spot!

The sharp blade disappears and Void falls to calm, as if the scene just did not appear at all.


Whenever someone wants sneak attack Xiong ba, the sharp blade will always appear flawed by the sneak attacker, and then hit it!

This perfect attack on the Assassin segment, as well as the use of Space Ability, even if Fei Yu sees it, it is also the color of the solemn.

Zhao Fang quietly at the corner, the corner of the mouth slowly smirked a smile.

“I don’t want to send you all to Array of Spiritual Wisdom that day.”

The Array of Spiritual Wisdom of the day, the biggest gain on the bright surface, is Xiongba.

But in fact, in addition to Xiongba, there are two people, and the harvest is great.

Tian Peng, Xu Feng Nian.

The two people, with the special help of Zhao Fang, plundered most of the power of the Array of Spiritual Wisdom, and directly upgraded the two people from the Golden Venerable Initial Stage to the Golden Venerable Late Stage.

Although not as good as Xiongba, it reaches the level of peak Golden Venerable.

But all of a sudden upgrade six 7-Star, this terrifying Upgrade speed, even Xiongba is not as good.

Then there is Tian Peng Xu Feng Nian, not a common Martial Artist.

They are proficient in Space, an Ice Element bloodline with an extremely powerful destructive power.

Plus the Xiongba man-shaped tank bulldozer.

The combination of three people can completely sweep anyone under Heavenly Venerable.

No matter how many people there are.

Even if it is Heavenly Venerable take action, as long as you can’t detect the position of Tian Peng, you will be killed!

Just as Tian Peng’s previous take action, it’s a breeze, like mowing a killing of a Heavenly Venerable.

In the short seven or eight breathing skills, the remaining 30 people of Floating Mountain Yin-Yang Fairyland were all killed.

It can be said.

This is a one-sided slaughter!

Especially when the three unusual terrifying monomers are combined.

Looking at the more than 30 people who were easily obliterate, Fei Yu’s heart was filled with a trace of uneasiness.

He waved and gestured to the companion to retreat.

Obviously, he also discovered the strangeness and difficulty of Tian Peng three people.

Even worse, in addition to Tian Peng, there is a stronger than them, Zhao Fang did not take action.

Fei Yu can’t imagine, if Zhao Fang joins this kind of cooperation, who else is on the scene, can be their enemy!

“Boss, what about them?”

Xu Feng Nian points to Fei Yu and other Northern Underworld Sect disciple.

“What do you say?”

Upon hearing this, Xu Feng Nian immediately understood, hēi hēi laughed.

Xiong ba said nothing, wielding an iron fist and killing the Northern Underworld Sect disciple.

“court death!”

Fei Yu complexion gloomy, he had to retreat, he thought that the early indicates the attitude, did not want to intervene in Zhao Fang and Yin-Yang Fairyland Floating Mountain, but did not expect Zhao Fang to be aggressive.

However, Fei Yu although is angry, but not eager to take action.

He is extremely wary about Tian Peng, who is a ghost.

As a rare Space Ability person, he naturally knows that such people are powerful and different!

Zhao Fang ignored the scene of the Xiongg ba three people pushing the Northern Underworld Sect and turned to look at Feng Wudao and Liu Jue two people who had already recovered a lot of blood.

“Say, how do you want to die?”

Two people Wen Yan , complexion is very gloomy.

“brat, do you really think that this defeats us?” Feng Wudao gloomy’s face.

“Yes, we are Heavenly Venerable Powerhouse and there is no special way!”

Liu Jue answered, and Feng Wudao looked at each other and made up his mind. The two people each took out a treat, which was the means by which they pressed the box. They had to kill with Zhao Fang!

“Brother Liu Jue, I just avenged my father’s brother. After killing this person, everything he has, I am willing to give Liu Xiong, please Liu Xiong must help me!”

Feng Wudao gave a voice to Liu Jue.

Liu Jue was a bit silent and solemnly said: “Elder Brother Wudao rest assured that as long as I use the life-saving means that Master left for me, even 6-Star Golden Venerable will not kill me in a short time. At that time, this child will die!”

Feng Wudao Wen Yan ,expression Wei Xi.

Two people are no longer talking, but at the same time, looking at Zhao Fang, “kill!”

Feng Wudao screamed and rushed out.

After Liu Jue was unwilling, he followed.

Two people although was seriously injured, but at the moment they use the bottom of the box, this imposing manner is strong, even far beyond peak.


Feng Wudao slowed down when he was about to rush to Zhao Fang.

At that moment, Liu Jue crossed Feng Wudao and took the lead to kill Zhao Fang.

Same as for a moment.

Feng Wudao drifted back and the whole person was like a blue smoke, and quickly retreated.

When Liu Jue reacted, Feng Wudao had retired to several hundred zhang (333m).

“Elder Brother Wudao, you…”

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