Chapter VIII Acalaātha!


A voice filled with the Buddha’s mantra aura, at the time of the passage, let Qiu Guangling, who was originally inclined to the body, ready to attack, directly set there.

It looks like it was being played by Body Lock Technique.

In fact, on the surface of his body, wrap around hundreds of mantras aura filled with vast Dharma.

It is the chains formed by these aura that bind Qiu Guangling in place and cannot move!


The people in the room were shocked, but they did not expect that the mighty Qiu Guangling would be bundled in the same place by a dumb man who could not enter Heavenly Venerable.

This simply exceeds everyone’s expectations.

Even the War God Temple’s discipline, after seeing it, is complexion slightly changed.


If their Primordial Spirit is powerful enough, it must be seen that the chain of truth in Qiu Guangling is being offset by the golden Battle Qi, the constant tear of Qiu Guangling within the body.

In just a few moments, there are more than a dozen chains, which turned into nothingness!

Qiu Guangling is out of trouble, just the problem of Time!

For these, Hui Neng turned a blind eye.

Quietly standing there, it seems to be waiting for Qiu Guangling to break free!

Quiet waiting, did not last long.


Qiu Guangling within the body, like the hottest gunpowder, spewing all of a sudden, and instantly shattered almost 80 chains.

The majestic fighting spirit, shattering Qiu Guangling’s hair when he broke the chains, made his hair in the crown, and instantly fell off, black hair like a waterfall, and then with his cold look Like a Zhan Wang.

“I know, Huo Chengyun was defeated in your hands.”

Qiu Guangling broke away from the first moment, not attacking Hui Neng, but laughing.

“I didn’t expect that today, my Qiu Guangling, even a slut, was stuck for a while, Monk, why didn’t you take action on me just now? If you take action, I may have been seriously injured by you!”

Qiu Guangling eyes narrow and stare at Hui Neng.

Until now, Hui Neng has given him a dangerous feeling, still not weak before, even, faint still stronger!

So, he now has some wariness and its Hui Neng!

“My Buddha Mercy!”

Hui Neng put his hands together and slap the Buddha.

Perhaps it was too long to speak, his voice, extremely dry and hoarse, sounded like two gears. The sound of the impact, so many people heard, brows slightly wrinkle .

Qiu Guangling is not frowning, still coldly at at Hui Neng, “Mercy? Hey, stupid! Hypocrisy! You are ready to miss the best time for heavy injury. Next, you will meet me with a violent storm, you must not I hope that I will be like you, Mercy!”

Qiu Guangling laughed, but this smile, how to look, is full of sarcasm. Latest fastest update

Zen School disciple was shocked, and turned angry, one by one, Qiu Guangling!

Hui Neng complexion is calm, does not care, just plainly said: “little Monk does not want to be difficult with benefactor, benefactor wants to see mural, it is, why is it necessary to monopolize?”

“So mural Inheritance, these people, what is the qualification, look with me?”

Qiu Guangling didn’t look at all around, but the disdain in the discourse, even the fools heard it clearly.

All around everyone complexion big change, still dare angry, dare not say!

Look at this scene, Qiu Guangling laughed, the laughter was very cold.

He looked at Hui Neng, no longer saying anything, the hand holding the gun was slightly forced, the silver gun brought a silver awn, and when everyone had not reacted, the silver mans were like electricity, and they smashed Hui Neng!

This gun, Qiu Guangling did not keep a hand, the thorn was the vital part of Hui Neng.

Only this gun succeeded, and the fighting on it was Scatter to Hui Neng within the body, and Hui Neng was mortal!

During the field, there were only three or four people who felt that Qiu Guangling had take action.

But no one can detect the attack route of Qiu Guangling.

For a moment, their expression, and some solemn.

Subconscious looks at Hui Neng and wants to see if this Monk, who previously tied Qiu Guangling with the Great Hand Seal, can make a miracle again.

“pū chī !”

Silver guns into the body, no accident!

Or, Hui Neng didn’t dodge at all, and didn’t think about dodging.

He stood there quietly, welcoming the arrival of this gun!

Seeing that Hui Neng was hit by a shot, everyone in the field was suddenly and stunned, complexion greatly changed.

Zen School disciple, even more angry!


To their surprise, Qiu Guangling did not succeed after his success, his complexion, but became solemn!

Hui Neng was not painful and unwilling after being killed. His expression was calm.

Such a strange scene immediately made everyone wake up.

They once again looked at the long spear that pierced Hui Neng within the body, only to find that after the spear head went deep into the body, it could not continue deeper, as if the spear head was on a rock above, and could not enter the little bit.

It is like being stuck in the muscles and can’t advance!

“This can can be be! Actually someone can rely on Fleshy Body to resist the Guangling gun of the Guangling Senior Brother!”

In the War God Temple disciple, an exclamation came out.

Their faces show an incredible expression.

Qiu Guangling’s gun, which is even 7-Star Heavenly Venerable, has been killed, extremely terrifying, unstoppable!

But in front of this weird monk, the cultivation base is only Half-step Heavenly Venerable, but the spear momentum is against it, so that the spear head can’t get into the little bit. If they don’t see it, they can’t believe it anyway!

Qiu Guangling looked at Hui Neng and filled the faint Buddhist aura, not sure: “Buddhist Golden Body?”

“Not bad!”

Hui Neng calmly starts to talk, followed by a unscathed Hui Neng, who came out from the ‘Hui Neng ‘behind who was confronted by long spear!

Seeing this scene, the sound of the scene was so loud that everyone was even more shocked!

“Two Hui Neng? Is this what’s going on?”

They think it’s incredible.

But for some of the understanding of the Buddha Powerhouse, this scene, they surprised them, but it does not mean that they do not understand.

“Have you cultivated the Golden body law?”

Qiu Guangling looks at it.

Just as his voice fell, the golden light of ‘Hui Neng’, which was shot by Guangling, became more intense. On the occasion of Vibration, it directly rose a large circle.

It really seems to be a big Buddha, face dignity solemn, full of sacred aura, the face that has remained unchanged for a long time, is also showing an angry look, and a determination and will to purify the filth of the eyes!

“Acalanātha Dharma Body !”

Hui Kong is a word that is filled with the exclamation of Hui Neng and the desire for the Acalanātha Dharma Body.

Qiu Guangling seems to have not thought that Hui Neng can cultivate, this Buddha is best at defending and attacking the body, a little surprised.

But immediately sneer, “I admit that I have been stunned by you, but, with a Ming Wang method, how long do you think can stop me?”

Hui Neng has not yet started to talk, and there is an extremely arrogant voice outside the temple. “Why stop you, kill it!”

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