Chapter 810, attacking Xiongba!

The people behind the Buddha statue.

The mind was immersed in between Hui Neng and Qiu Guangling, and no one noticed the movement outside the temple.

Until the arrogant voice came, everyone just woke up and looked at the temple.

Five figures, in the eyes of all the eyes behind the Buddha, slowly walk into Four Noble Truths Temple.

When I saw the five people, there was a burst of exclamation on the field.

“Huo Senior Brother!”

Sword Cleansing Pond’s discrimination, looks at the Sword Carrying Youth, who walks in the white youngster behind, surprises.

However, the Sword Carrying Youth was unheard of, not to mention the past, and there were no signs of looking up.

Calm and indifferent followed by the white youngster behind, like a servant.

This scene makes Sword Cleansing Pond disciple startled.

In their impression, Huo Chengyun has been silent and silent, but not indifferent. For the question of the Martial Brothers under the door, he rarely made a move that was directly ignored.

This made the Sword Cleansing Pond disciple, surprised and incomprehensible, and looked at the four people in front of Huo Chengyun.

The first person, a youngster dressed in white, a brow eyebrow, and a move, quite a bit of dignity.

In the white youngster behind, follow the three people.

Three very weird people.

A tiger’s back bear, with a man with a smirk on his face.

An expression is indifferent, as if the whole person is a youngster of Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice.

And the fellow who is fat and has no face, even can’t see the foot.

Such a pedestrian.

There is no doubt that it is Zhao Fang.

Since leaving Dragon Cleansing Pond, Zhao Fang heard about Four Noble Truths Temple, so he came with Sword Slave Xiong ba!

“It’s you!”

War God Temple disciple area, a youth when seeing Zhao Fang, slightly startled, seems to think of something, immediately complexion greatly changed, the eyes suddenly become cloudy and cold, full of killing intent, “kill my younger brother Situ Zhao, you I dare to show up in front of me!”

The person who speaks is called Situ Hao.

It is the Number One Powerhouse in War God Temple, except Qiu Guangling!

Zhao Fang The master of Azure Wood Great Spear, who was killed in the fig tree, is the younger brother of this person, Situ Zhao.

“little bastard, dare to kill my younger brother, pay with your life !”

Situ Hao to Zhao Fang, can be described as hatred to the extreme.

Seeing him appearing, he said nothing, he shot it.

As the War God Temple, he is second only to Qiu Guangling Powerhouse. The cultivation base is strong. Naturally, it is not comparable to common people. The aura of the emits is actually 5-Star Heavenly Venerable peak, which can break 6-Star Heavenly Venerable at any time.

This cultivation base is similar to the previous Huo Chengyun!


Situ Hao twisted the gun, with a terrifying spear intent that didn’t know how many times it was compressed, and screamed at Zhao Fang.

This gun is a show of Situ Hao. He can’t wait to kill Zhao Fang and avenge his younger brother!

Long spear breaking space, in the blink of an eye, in front of the moving Zhao Fang, the eyes at the point will pierce his between the eyebrows, smash his P Primorial Spirit, let him whole, disappear in this heaven and earth .

It is at this time.

I have been standing at Zhao Fang behind’s ‘Huo Chengyun’, which is Sword Slave, and has a sword!


The icy sword light, on the occasion of the captain, directly led to the spear shaft that was just about to fall, and flew it out.

This powerful anti-shock force, even with Situ Hao, failed to suppress, and the students retired seven or eight steps, leaving eight footprints on the ground.

Situ Hao himself, is the blood of this earthquake, the arm is numb, the complexion is pale, look to Huo Chengyun, coldly said: “Huo Chengyun, what are you doing!”

Qiu Guangling also looked over.

After Situ Hao was shocked by Sword Slave, his eyes were slightly condensed and he looked deep into Sword Slave: “Your Strength, there is progress! It is a great congratulation!”

That’s what it says.

But his voice was indifferent, but there was no such thing as a joy to congratulate. “I don’t understand, why do you want to help people in Northern Prefecture as a person in the Western Mountains Sword Cleansing Pond?”

Sword Slave didn’t talk, just looking at Zhao Fang.

His action, suddenly, made Sword Cleansing Pond sink.

“kill him!”

Zhao Fang points to Situ Hao and his voice is indifferent.

Just as his voice fell –


Sword Slave disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it was already standing in front of Situ Hao, a fierce sword, heading down to Situ Hao.

This scene.

Too amazing.

It happened so fast that when the crowd reacted, it only saw the steady falling sword light and the complex pale Situ Hao.

Qiu Guangling didn’t save Situ Hao. He figured up and went straight to Zhao Fang. He tried to take Zhao Fang’s life.

Wei Wei saved Zhao!

Qiu Guangling intends to force Sword Slave to return to Zhao Fang.

However, he never thought that Sword Slave would ignore it. The sword light flashed, and a sword splits Situ Hao into two halves. The blood is instantly bursting out. In the solemn and sacred Main Hall, there is a strong touch. Smell of blood.

“court death!”

Qiu Guangling complexion is cold, cold as iron, and the move is much more ruthless and ruthless. It is even more ruthless than just now against Hui Neng.

He wants to kill Zhao Fang, kills people related to Zhao Fang, and avenges Situ Hao!

In the face of Qiu Guangling’s sharp killing intent, Zhao Fang still did not move, indifferent standing in place.

Eyes at at, Qiu Guangling’s killing move, will be Zhao Fang swallow, turning it into a pile of minced meat.

“Hey! Hey, the old bear is here! Who dares to hurt me Boss!”

Xiong ba stepped on one step, standing in front of Zhao Fang, the majestic body, covering Zhao Fang with strictness.

Qiu Guangling’s killing move, if you want to kill Zhao Fang, you must first solve Xiongba!

This is the determination of Xiongba at the moment, and the realization!


He is not coming to die.

Xiong ba whispered, the whole body muscles trembled at high speed, and the fists clenched and directly greeted Qiu Guangling’s attack.


Two amazing confrontations, after the Buddha statue, exploded.

To everyone’s expectation, Xiongba, which should have been damned, still stood in the same place, but on the arm, it sprayed a lot of blood.

But if he didn’t feel it, hēi hēi laughed, holding the bloody fist, from defense to offense, and took the lead to back three steps, complexion some ugly Qiu Guangling, launched a counterattack!

Pēng pēng pēng !

The fierce fierce’s boxing touch, in this Main Hall, set off a storm of madness!

All around Everyone, who was beaten by the two people, Yu Bozhen, retired, almost exited Main Hall.

Some of the bad luck were directly injured by this surplus.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the Main Hall as a whole is enveloped in an extremely powerful Restriction, no matter how strong and how tererifying the two people are.

There is no damage to the little bit in Main Hall, including mural!

“Give me broken!”

Xiong ba At the moment, the blood is all over the whole body, but he is unconscious. Suddenly roared, like a wild beast, screaming at Qiu Guangling, the last punch.

Qiu Guangling was directly cough up blood by this punch.

This is his first time cough up blood !

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