Chapter 841, crushing Qiu Guangling!

Qiu Guangling cough up blood.

Mural after hitting the Buddha statue!

It is at this time.

Void twisted, and found a cold dagger, also protruding, and a chubby, almost greasy pig hand.

The icy dagger, under the rolling light of Qiu Guangling, cut directly into his throat.

At this moment, people who can take action, and only take action like this, except for Tian Peng, no second people!

of course.

If Northern Underworld Sect chief discipline Fei Yu is here, he may, as such, take action.

But definitely can’t do it, just like this person, easy and casual!

Qiu Guangling did not expect that the other party was so difficult, but did not even think that at this festival, there are still people who dare to assassinate.

But the situation is very crisis, he has no extra time, to think.

When the darkened dagger was about to fall, Qiu Guangling suddenly roared, and the inverted body leaned slightly. The knife that had been drawn to his throat directly cut off one of his arms.

In the blood spray room, the vigorous and powerful arm like a dragon, like the leaves leaving the big tree, drifting in the wind, falls in the corner of the Main Hall.

Qiu Guangling is directly hitting the Buddha statue mural above.

In the sound of crackling, the bones did not know how many roots were broken.

Silence on the field!

No one expected that the Western Kingdom War God Temple, the first youth powerhouse, the Six Great Genius, was innocent, and Qiu Guangling of the casual injury Zen School First seat Hui Kong was defeated, and the defeat was so miserable, even the arms were Being smashed!

For a moment, everyone on the field, looking at the eyes of Xiong ba Tian Peng two people who are back to Zhao Fang behind, is full of incredible shock!

Including Ming Yao Hui Kong.

They used to watch far, Xiong ba Tian Peng Xu Feng Nian three people, strangling the scenery of the Floating Mountain Yin-Yang Fairyland Northern Underworld Sect disciple.

Know that three people are very strong!

But this kind of strength, in front of Qiu Guangling, is not worth mentioning!

But what they expected was.

Just one month, I didn’t see it. Originally it was the Xiongg ba of Initial Entry Heavenly Venerable. It was powerful enough to fight Qiu Guangling alone, and even hit him to cough up blood.

The most heart-wrenching thing is that Tian Peng is a god.

It is simply you can’t guard against it!

If you are not greeted by this knife, it is not a long-term killing. The battle has become an instinctive Qiu Guangling, but other people present, I am afraid that at this moment, they have become a body!

What is most shocking to two people is that Xu Feng Nian has no take action from start to finish.

He is a whole with Xiong ba Tian Peng.

Is the most important part of the ring attack, he does not take action, what does it mean?

I think it is enough to deal with Qiu Guangling, Xiong ba two people?

Still feel that even if you take action, you can’t kill Qiu Guangling?

If it is the latter, they are still acceptable.

But if it is the former…

Ming Yao and Hui Kong look at each other, and the expression is rare to reveal solemm and complexity.

Looking at Zhao Fang’s gaze, it has become different from the past.

For the rest of the field.

Just now, it is called the lightning flint, just a momentary skill.

Qiu Guangling was taken off!

So much so much.

Waiting for Qiu Guangling to be shocked back by Mural, when he fell to the ground, looking at the golden armor youth who was struggling in the pool of blood, complexion pain, no one could bring him, just now that proud of the mighty War God Temple Supreme Talent is linked!

But he is the first Supreme Talent of War God Temple!

After the wound was sealed by the method of Ma Li, the complexion pale Qiu Guangling refused the support of the War God Temple disciple and stood up alone.

His complexion looks at Zhao Fang, and the one standing in Zhao Fang behind, the whole body is hidden behind the big belly, Tian Peng.

“You, very good! Actually pushed me to this point!”

Qiu Guangling is hoarse and full of hatred!

Zhao Fang slightly raised his eyebrows, Qiu Guangling’s powerful, and some unexpectedly.

To know.

The four people who had been in the Dragon Cleansing Pond, Fleshy Body, bloodline, and Strength all had a turnaround.

Even if they are now, it is only the extent of 5-Star Heavenly Venerable.

But with a second-inspired bloodline and a Fleshy Body that is tough to the Dragon Race, it’s not difficult for them to fight.

Even the common 6-Star Heavenly Venerable is not their opponent at all.

But Qiu Guangling, in the arrogant confrontation with Xiongba, just spit a blood, and Tian Peng took the action again, just cut off one of his arms.

This person’s Strength, the vast majority, is still preserved.

More importantly, just taking the take action of Xiongba is to seize the opportunity, grab the Qiu Guangling has not yet used the real means before, and its collapses to fly.

Then Tian Peng fills the knife!

Even so, still can’t kill Qiu Guangling!

This also makes Zhao Fang, a very intuitive understanding of this person’s powerful.

“How? I still want to fight? I can’t guarantee, continue to fight, the next one is not your head.”

Zhao Fang looked at Qiu Guangling.


Sword Slave returns to the front of Zhao Fang, indifferent to the eye, looking at Qiu Guangling.

at this moment.

Qiu Guangling suddenly found out that this old opponent who had been killing countless times had become so strange and so powerful!

As a result, Qiu Guangling was silent when he felt the spear intent of his emits.

“How did you become so strong!”

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Sword Slave, which was unacceptable!

Proud as he, today, in Xiong ba Tian Peng expression, repeatedly frustrated, mind is inexplicable, on the occasion of Huo Chengyun, Huo Chengyun asked him not to swear by Northern Prefecture Martial Artist.

At that time, he was full of confidence and thought he could sweep all the enemies.

But until now.

But found that everything was unfortunately said by Huo Chengyun!

Although he still has the power of the battle, despite the full force, he is sure to kill one of Xiongba Tian Tian.


Zhao Fang has not taken action yet.

This self-appearance, expression of the plain and indifferent youngster, looking at someone who is harmless, but because of the instinct of years of fighting, he can feel that Zhao Fang is the most terrifying and most powerful of these people, to him The most threatening person!

Therefore, he knows that he wants to fold sand today!

Sword Slave did not answer him.

In the hands of the long sword to pull out a cold sword flower.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Guangling suddenly laughed.

“Alright, let me see, where are you going to step in! In the end, can you change the fate of your losing five hundred games!”

Qiu Guangling laughter is arrogant, like the incomparable Qiu Guangling, returning again, once again possessed!

He grabbed the silver gun, his one arm made him more focused, his eyes more sharp, and the spear momentum was even more unstoppable!

He is fighting for the golden gas, pouring the power of the whole body into the gun.

Then, I stabbed my most peak shot!

Same as for a moment.

Sword Slave is bullying and throwing out a sword!

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