The ninth and sixty-sixth prelude before the great turmoil!

System is silent. Latest fastest update

Zhao Fang Daxie, “You have swallowed me so much experience, now it is dumb?”

“Player killed wild monster, which is beyond the current version of the statistical limit, it is recommended to upgrade Player to 3.0 version.”

“fuck, level up.”

After an experience, Zhao Fang was not surprised. “Let’s say, this level up, how many supreme coins are needed.”

“One hundred Divine Monarch Realm Powerhouse experience.”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang suddenly sneered, “System, why don’t you go to Heaven? Father kills a Divine Monarch Powerhouse, and he almost died. You actually let me kill a hundred, you think I am not dead enough. fast?”

System is dead.

“Last level up 2.0 is not as long as 2 billion supreme coins, how do you change your experience this time?”

“do not know.”

“Level up 3.0 version, what improvements?”

“This, don’t know…”

“Level up takes a long time.”

“do not know……”

Zhao Fang is on fire, “What do you know?”

“System the level is up!”

Zhao Fang is dying, but soon, he seems to think of something, asks, “killed a God King Realm Powerhouse, can you pass one hundred Divine Monarch Realm?”

System is silent, and it seems to be calculating, very quickly, replied: “Yes!”

“damn, you said it earlier.

Zhao Fang smiled and his eyes became extremely sharp. “That’s fine. If I can’t really pass Liu Batian, System doesn’t have the need for existence. It doesn’t matter if you don’t level up.”

“Zhao, Grand master Zhao…”

Xi Jun Yu and others, followed by Zhao Fang behind, hesitated for a long time, Xi Jun Yu whispered start to talk.


Zhao Fang turned and looked flat, giving Xi Jun Yu an extremely powerful pressure. His chest was stuffy and he couldn’t breathe. Both eyes even had a trace of painful blood.

Regardless of him, those Devil Origin Sect female disciples are also a painful expression.

Zhao Fang quickly reacted and quickly converge on the imposing manner, the pressure of Xi Jun Yu and others, which weakened a lot.

However, they look to Zhao Fang’s gaze, but it is more respectful and more Revere!

“Is there something?” Zhao Fang asked.

“No, no.” Xi Jun Yu quickly waved his hand.

There is indeed some doubt in his heart, but after the pressing of the immediate mode of impinging manner, all the problems are strongly suppressed by him, and he does not dare to express the little bit.

Zhao Fang looked at Xi Jun Yu and smiled. He didn’t continue to ask, but his eyes fell on Devil Origin Sect’s female discipline. “Tantai Miaoge, okay?”

“How do you know the name of Elder Tantai?”

Tantai Miaoge is not a contemporary Powerhouse. It has disappeared for many years, not to mention the Heaven Domain. Even within Devil Origin Sect, few people know the name.

These female disciples are also due to the good relationship with Mu Qingxuan, and occasionally heard from her mouth.

Then, several people thought of the relationship between Zhao Fang and Mu Qingxuan, and they were relieved. They thought that Zhao Fang, like himself, heard from Mu Qingxuan.

“Elder Tantai has recently been in the Sect Holy Land and has rarely come out to see guests, even if the last Young Master Tian Jian… 呸, that is the Young Master Feng Yu, when the Inscription Guild Eternal Origin Chamber of Commerce Sky Sword Sect Powerhouse came Elder Tantai just took a look at Clone, and the shocking three people didn’t move, stopping to grab Junior Sister Qingxuan back to Sky Sword Sects.”

A black robed high-cold, tall, Devil Origin Sect female disciple named ‘Yuan Qi’.

“Clone lives in three Great Influences?”

Zhao Fang was shocked in his heart.

Sky Sword Sect, Inscription Guild, Eternal Origin Chamber of Commerce…

These three Great Influences, any one, are giant-like existence, Three Great Strength, but they are being held by Tantai Miaoge’s Clone. Can it be said that Tantai Miaoge stepped into Celestial Realm?

Only this explanation can make sense.

“Hey, even if you are Divine Martial Realm, I can kill you now!”

Zhao Fang expression returned to normal, but the sharp color of the eyes became more and more intense.

A group of people, to the scheduled exit location, in addition to Zhao Fang, Xi Jun Yu Yuan Qi and others expression, are a bit sad.

When it comes, Powerhouse is like a cloud.

On the occasion of leaving, it is a silhouette, only a single shadow.

Many of the Senior Brother Senior Sisters have stayed here forever.

Zhao Fang was also silent, and finally looked at the Outer World Battlefield, which made him excited and incomprehensible, and then turned around and stepped into the transmission aperture.

After Zhao Fang and others left.

This Outer World Battlefield, which doesn’t know the length of the exposition, has a turbulent space inside, like a dislocated wild horse, swaying in the Outer World Battlefield.

Space has said that everything in Outer World Battlefield is ruined.

At the end of the day, dozens of Space turbulent collisions, tearing Outer World Battlefield, Outer World Battlefield activate the final overture of the collapse.

In the end, this Outer World Battlefield, which didn’t know how to continue the many youngsters, went to destruction in an abnormal posture.

Later, it also attracted the attention of Outer World Battlefield Regulatory Influence.

However, no one pays attention to the Outer World Battlefield, which was found to be only a messy space and destroyed the original collapse.

No one noticed that shortly after the collapse of Outer World Battlefield, a purple rays of light rushed out of the Space barrier of Myriad Domain Territory, rushing into the collapsed Outer World Battlefield, drifting in Void with Outer World Battlefield.


The return of Zhao Fang and others set off a wave in Heaven Domain.

In particular, Heaven Domain’s many youth Powerhouse, 90 percent nine are ruined by Outer World Battlefield, let those Super Influence Powerhouses, both shocked and angry!

But after learning that they were killing them, the Myriad Domain Territory Powerhouse, those people were silent.


They quickly pointed the finger at Zhao Fang Xi Jun Yu and others.

A number of Super Influences combined with Pressure’s Might Inscription Guild, Devil Origin Sect, and Sea Clan, which were handed over to Outer World Battlefield.

Among them, the most popular ones are Sky Sword Sect, Eternal Origin Chamber of Commerce and other influences.

This kind of proposal, with Zhao Fang raising his hands to Killed Sky Sword Sect, Eternal Origin Chamber of Commerce Powerhouse, no one mentioned it again.

“I am a friend with Mandala. Go back and tell your president and let him be prepared. I will visit you in person soon!”

Zhao Fang glanced at the Eternal Origin Chamber of Commerce, a Transcended Heavenly Venerate Late Stage Powerhouse, and said coldly.

after that.

Zhao Fang shot the Sky Sword Sect and single-handedly destroyed the detached influence of the Heaven Domain countless year.

Others, from Xi Jun Yu and others, learned that Zhao Fang was the chief culprit in destroying the Four Great Divine Courtyards and was even more afraid of this Vicious Demon.

After destroying Sky Sword Sect, Zhao Fang kills Devil Origin Sect and wants to kill Tantai Miaoge.

He will not forget, the humiliation and ridicule of Tantai Miaoge on his day.

“Before, senior…”

Yuan Qi and other women, witnessed Zhao Fang’s Fearful Might with a single shot, and this seemingly thin, good-natured youngster is full of deep revere.

At this moment, see the opposite side with killing intent to Devil Origin Sect, where I don’t know what the other party wants to do.

A scared ashen-faced!

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