Chapter 916, act recklessly

“Zhao, Zhao Fang, what do you want to do?”

Yuan Qi charming face whitish, “I know you want to revenge for Junior Sister Qingxuan, but this time against Junior Sister Qingxuan, not Sect, you don’t want to anger Sect for this.

Devil Origin Sect other female discipline, also both complexion whitish.

They have seen that Zhao Fang single shot off the scene of Sky Sword Sects cruel.

Naturally, this face is delicate and pretty, and it seems that the fat killing of harmless to human and animals is strong, lest Zhao Fang impede the death of Mu Qingxuan, implicating Devil Origin Sect.

Zhao Fang naturally knows the minds of Yuan Qi and other women. He can also feel that Yuan Qi’s daughters are sincerely concerned about Qingxuan, so they are also polite and indifferent to them. “My trip is for Tantai. Miaoge is coming.”

When I heard that Zhao Fang was not coming to Devil Origin Sect, Yuan Qi was a sigh of relief.

No one feels that Zhao Fang’s words are arrogant.

Conversely is the Devil Origin Sect middle-aged Elder, Wen Yan sneered a few times.

He didn’t witness Sky Sword Sect destruction, only to see that Zhao Fang had killed Half-step Celestial Realm, and his Strength estimate should be infinitely close to the Celestial level.

“Even if you are Celestial Realm? What is the power of one person to fight against the entire Devil Origin Sect? It’s a crazy dream! Really Devil Origin Sect’s Great Array, is it vegetarian?”

Devil Origin Sect Middle-aged Elder stunned Zhao Fang and sneered in his heart.

Zhao Fang ignored the man, just looking at the direction of Devil Origin Sect, looking at the piece of emits with solemn sacred aura, and the buildings with the half-pointed demon, feeling the noise inside, brows slightly wrinkle. Latest fastest update

Followed by.

Yuan Qi, and the Devil Origin Sect Elder named ‘Xun Ye’, responded after a moment, but each of the expressions.

Yuan Qi is slightly stunned with a touch of sorrow.

Xun Ye is a happy first, and when he thinks about someone, his complexion becomes ugly.

“happy event……”

Zhao Fang laughed.

It’s just that smile, how to look, it’s a bit chilly.

Yuan Qi and other women couldn’t understand Zhao Fang’s mood and didn’t dare to answer.

Only Xun Ye, slightly swept Zhao Fang, said, “Devil Origin Sect and Sky Sword Sect marriage, it should be the trend of the times, but unfortunately, Mu Qingxuan and Young Master Tian Jian both killed Outer World Battlefield, so that Central region lost one The combination of strong field strength.”

Zhao Fang turned around and looked calm at Xun Ye.

Despite the expressionless, Yuan Qi and other women, they still see the heartbeat.

In front of the youngster, when it is cold, killing and decisive, cold and ruthless.

And moody, it is difficult to ponder.

But this time, they know that Zhao Fang is angry.

However, they did not start to talk.

Along the way, they had a few despising on this, Xun Ye Elder, who had been talking about Young Master Tian Jian.

At this moment, seeing Zhao Fang to teach this person, it is too late to watch the show, how can you say more.

“What? What did I say wrong?”

Zhao Fang expression although calm, but cold-eyed Xun Ye, slightly raised eyebrows, thin smile asked.

“You said it wrong. Young Master Feng Yu, how can this vermin compare with Qingxuan? Also marry him, strong alliance?”

Zhao Fang complexion is very cold.

If Xun Ye hears this in the middle of the road, he will only be angry in his heart, but he will not speak much.

But now.

It was at Devil Origin Sect doorway, and his daring seemed to have surged a lot.

In particular, it was noticed that Devil Origin Sect had a Powerhouse. When he came here, he was more emboldened and sneered. “Hey, this Elder seems, Young Master Tian Jian is equipped with Mu Qingxuan, more than enough!”

“I have no feud with you, but your words are abhorrent. I can still look at the face of Qingxuan, and I will give you a life of three hundred times.”

Wen Yan, Xun Ye extremely angry, “I am really arrogant. Before my Devil Origin Sect Mountain Gate, I dare to be so impudent! However, this Elder looks at Mu Qingxuan’s face. As long as you lie down and admit it, this Elder will not Accounting is more than your heartless loss.”

Zhao Fang stares at Xun Ye, like Idiot.

The kind of ridiculous and even disdainful eyes made Xun Ye very hurt and uncomfortable.

“I have given you a chance, and you don’t cherish it.”

Zhao Fang shook his head, but he stopped looking at Xun Ye.

Xun Ye sneered, ‘Pretend, you have the ability to move me. ‘

He did not say this sentence.

In any case, Zhao Fang has shown that there is an infinite proximity to the Strength of the Celestial Powerhouse. If he really irritates the other and kills himself, then it is not a fate.

“When I get back to Sect, I must call Elder, Sect Great Array, kill this child!”

Xun Ye is secretly stunned.

As I thought about it, the consciousness consciousness was a little fuzzy, and the body swayed twice.

“What happened to me This is?”

Xun Ye shook his head and forced himself to clear headed.

But his consciousness, like the candle in the wind, will go out at any time.

A sense of horror, instantly filled Xun Ye heart.

He felt it, Death’s summon!

However, he still can’t understand, how does Zhao Fang do it.

He tried to squint his eyes and wanted to see the silhouette in front of him. He wanted to reach out and grab something. He wanted to say something, but everything was completely meaningless with the extinguishment of the candle.


Xun Ye fell to the ground and rubbed his throat with his hand. He didn’t say a word until his death. His eyes were like a cow, and he died.

Yuan Qi and other women, see this scene, the heart jumps!

They thought that Zhao Fang would only punish Xun Ye slightly, but never thought that Zhao Fang actually killed him.

What surprised them even more was that they didn’t know what method Zhao Fang used and killed Xun Ye.

“With you, dare to arrange Qingxuan, death can wipe out the crimes !”

Zhao Fang voice is cold.

With his current Realm, using the Primordial Spirit to kill a Transcended Heavenly Venerate Late Stage, you can do it with silence.

In the turn of the all of a sudden, Divine Destruction Drill has already started, but Zhao Fang has too precise control of the Primordial Spirit, so accurate that even Xun Ye can’t detect it.

Mind remembered the notification sound of Xun Ye.

At this time, the number of people who rushed out of Devil Origin Sect had already appeared in Zhao Fang.

Four men and three women.

All have Transcended Heavenly Venerate peak cultivation base.

The head of the Grey robe Old man is the level of the reached Half-step Celestial Realm.

After seeing Xun Ye fall to the ground, the seven people first stunned and noticed that Xun Ye aura had nothing. After the death on the spot, the seven complexes changed dramatically.

“Where is the thief, even under my Devil Origin Sect, kill me Devil Origin Sect Elder, you are damned!”

Among the seven people, a square face man with a similar appearance to Xun Ye was the first to drink.

At all the a sudden of its exit, it has already taken action.

Among the remaining six, except for the Grey robe Old man, the other five are taking action, AoE Zhao Fang.

“Elder Xun Kuang, you Elder, stop!”

Yuan Qi yelled at the square face man who had been rushing, and the five people who were behind him.

Fang Qi man vengeance, simply ignore Yuan Qi, as for others, it is deaf.

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