Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 182: Norwich City

Three kilometers away from Norwich City, in an open plain.

Were soldiers preparing to make camp for the night.

"Make sure to set up a defensive perimeter, a hundred meters away from us!" Leo yelled as he gave the soldiers a string of orders.

"Set up sentry post at Northeast, Northwest, Southeast and Southwest!" Leo yelled while walking on the grassy path.

"And if any survivors stumbles upon us, capture them by any means! Just make sure not to kill them if you spot one of them" Leo ordered strictly.

""Yes sir!""

He wanted to get/rescue as many survivors as possible by any means necessary.


Norwich City.

In an isolated and dilapidated warehouse, sat a group of over one hundred people.

"Will they really come?" asked a worried woman holding a small child in her arms, while a man, probably her husband is hugging her with one of his arms.

"We don't know but let's hope that they would come soon or we wouldn't last for another three days" a man sighed helplessly to himself while hugging metal pole with a sharp tip, like a spear.

"Yes, the only thing we could do now is wait. We would be still okay and not let ourselves get swallowed up by another power if it wasn't for the zombies around the city getting stronger, making it harder for us to look for resources outside" a burly man said, and then continued,

"If they really manage to get to us, then I want you guys to not forget that they would surely try to separate us to avoid troubles"

The others sighed in sadness, they aren't idiots, of course they know that they would surely get separated in groups to prevent them from meeting each other.

"Let's just hope they won't mistreat us" one of them said.

All around them were littered in cans, water bottles and utensils. They only have two sources of light that runs on solar power and moans or groans of zombies could he heard around them, so they tried to be as silent as possible when they are talking with each other.

A group of over a hundred people sat inside that run down warehouse, all of them of different ages, from elderly to children with a three year old being the youngest and the eldest around late sixties.

And there are at least fifty able bodied people who are at least capable enough to face a zombie among them, with most of them being women, and all of them are armed with different kinds of melee weapons, from butcher knives to tomahawks, and three of them even has hand made bolt action rifles.

"Come on, let's eat before we take -"


The man was suddenly interrupted by a deafening explosion from a distance, and even though it sounded far away. The sound still stirred their hearts when they heard it, after all, they heard the sound they were very familiar with.

"There's a helicopter and it's an army helicopter at that!" a man shouted in excitement while looking through the crack in the window as he saw an Attack Helicopter heading towards their direction while firing at the zombies below.

A man holding a handmade rifle on his hand walk over and said, "Move, let me have a look"

Then the man saw the helicopter hovering over a building while madly firing at the zombies trying to jump towards them from the tall building.

The people started cheering in happiness, excitement and at the same time, they felt relief as they felt that the gloom that always hovered above their heads suddenly vanished.


The soldiers inside the Attack Helicopter are currently busy dealing with the zombies around them, while the pilots are looking at the thermal detector in front of them, showing them there at least over a hundred people, inside that run down warehouse in front of them.

"Sir, we have located the survivor camp that sent us the SOS signal, what are your orders sir?" one of the pilots said.

Leo, who was busy dealing with another Darkseeker immediately replied, "Send the soldiers and secure the area!"

"Yes, sir!" the pilot said and then he turned to the five soldiers on stand by and said, "Secure the area and make sure that no hostile could even get near the warehouse!"

"Alright boys! It's our time to shine" the Lieutenant said with laughed as he immediately attached the cable onto his clothes and one of the crews threw the rope below.

"Go! Go! Go!" the soldier said as he gestured for the five soldiers to go down.

The five soldiers immediately disembark from the aircraft through the rope as they slid downwards.


The first soldier to land at the ground immediately went into full combat mode as he started firing at the zombies heading towards them, as he provided cover for the rest of his team.

After that, the group of five soldiers immediately made their way towards the warehouse while skillfully killing the zombies attacking them, even the fearsome mutated zombies couldn't even get close to them now.

After all, these are the elite soldiers of Leo were talking about. Every single one of them already had their fair share of dangers they had faced and survived, so they weren't really worried at the amount of zombies charging towards them.

But the only thing worries them is, stumbling upon [The Big One] or a [Darkseeker] as it would certainly spell them trouble if they meet one right now.

After they disembarked, another two Attack Helicopters also headed towards their direction and teams of soldiers also got down from their own respective aircrafts.


"Aaron! There are soldiers heading over here!" the man watching the events in front of them suddenly shouted, which attracted the attention of the others who can't see what's happening outside and could only make guesses in their heads from the sounds coming from the outside of the warehouse.

"What!? Don't open it, you fools!" the man named Aaron was shock at first then immediately yelled when he saw a few excited youngsters rushing towards the door.

The group of youngsters immediately halted in their tracks from the sudden yell, and slowly moved away from the door.

"Shouldn't we welcome them instead?" someone said among the excited crowd.

"Are you an idiot? We don't even know if they were the ones we made contact with!" Aaron yelled angrily at the person that said those words just now.

"So don't freaking open the doors until I say so! Instead, prepare for battle!" Aaron said as he pulled out his long pole, with sharp tips at both ends.

The survivors who can fight looked at each other for a bit before they pulled their weapons out one by one, and the three survivors that had rifles, loaded their firearms and pointed it towards the door.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

"Open up! We are soldiers from Hope 101! Sent here to rescue, you lot!" the Lieutenant knocked on fortified door with force while yelling at the people inside.

The people inside suddenly had smiles and relief on their faces when they heard what the soldier said.

"Quick, open the damn door!" someone suddenly said, and this time, Aaron didn't stop them as he also felt relieved about it. After all, he was the one that made contact with them, and he knows that the people came from a place called Hope 101.

A few of the men immediately went and opened the door, as the soldiers outside hurriedly entered followed by another group of soldiers and then another, now there are seventeen armed soldiers with them.

The Lieutenant, the leader of this team, looked around as he observed every single one of the survivors inside, trying to get as much information on their situation.

Then he started giving orders to his men, as they exited the building and spread around, acting as sentries, that even the Attack Helicopters moved away from them to attract the attention of the zombies to minimize the hostiles that they need to face.

"Sir, we have secured the survivors and their base" the Lieutenant reported through the intercom.

"Good, stand by and await for further orders. We're almost there" a voice of a young man replied.

"Roger that!" the Lieutenant replied.

Then he looked at the survivors in front of him, who are also looking at him.

"Are these all of you?"

"Yes, this is all of us," one of them said, her tone a little bit sad.

"Alright" he nodded, then turned towards the four soldiers beside him.

"Distribute the food, make sure no one gets more than necessary, got it?" the Lieutenant said sternly.

"Yes, sir!" the soldiers replied, as they walked forward and started giving survivors some food and water.

Everything went smoothly, no one complained or even try to get more food than necessary, probably afraid that they might anger these soldiers, mostly because they are afraid that it might cause them some troubles when they follow them back sooner or later.

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