Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 183: Fuck Them Up!

"Hello, I'm Aaron, the leader of this group" Aaron bravely and nervously walked towards the commanding officer of the soldiers as he offered his hand for a handshake.

The Lieutenant eyed him from head to toe, and Aaron felt like he was being stared at by a predator looking at its prey, which made him almost buckle on his knees.

'God, just what the heck are these people that it felt suffocating just by being looked at like that' Aaron gulped nervously as he still maintained his hand and that stiff smile on his face.

The Lieutenant, named Oliver then smiled and shook his hand, "Oliver, Lieutenant Oliver"

After their brief handshake, Aaron engaged him with small talks about their base as he wanted to have more understanding about the place they are going, and would probably call their "home" soon.

Oliver already knew that this person would certainly asked him some questions, so he answered some questions truthfully, while some, vaguely.

"You shouldn't worry too much buddy, we're not savages! Haha!" Oliver said as he laughed.

What he said didn't sound convincing at all with that laughed of his, which made the survivors imagine bad things that was bound to happen to them if they follow these people.

But suddenly from out of nowhere, a shadow of person stood behind Oliver punched his head.

"As*shole, don't give let them have bad impressions of us because of that annoyingly laugh of yours!" the woman angrily said, and the most surprising thing is that the woman actually had an insignia of a Captain printed on the armband on her right arm, which is certainly a rank higher than Oliver.

"Dear, you shouldn't be doing that in front of others!"


Oliver angrily said, but then he shut up when he saw that gangster like look on his wife's face.

Oliver then just smiled at her, and left the warehouse while thinking to himself, 'How the heck did I even fall in love with this woman?'

"God, she's just too harsh sometimes, but what can I say..I just lover her too much and it's not like she's not obedient in bed, so I think that's not too bad at all" Oliver muttered while laughing like an idiot.

"The only thing that's sad is she's rank higher than me. Haist~ shouldn't the husband be the one that has a higher military rank instead of his wife? Now, I look like a henpecked husband every time she gives me an order" Oliver sadly said, feeling the injustice in his heart every time he thinks about it.

"Heh! At least I'm not the only one" Oliver said with a chuckle as he remembered that their Leader seems to be a little afraid at the two madams too.

"And as long as I'm the one in charge in bed, then it's fine..I think"


Inside the warehouse.

"You should ignore him, the only thing you need to remember is that we're not bad people, at least in the sense that you guys don't try to kill or go against us" Lexi said, with a bit of danger in her tone.

"So no worries, and our leader would be here soon to meet you guys" at Lexi's words, the survivors suddenly felt relieved, but at the same time, nervous. After all, the leader of this soldiers even made a personal trip just to see them, which at least warmed their hearts that at least this leader seems to care a bit about their situation.

Amidst the explosions and gunfire happening around the city, the survivors suddenly felt very safe for the first time as they could finally see a bit of that hope that from now on, they wouldn't need to worry about zombies and monsters suddenly ambushing them at night while they are resting or even daylight.

And then suddenly, the uproar happening around the city suddenly dwindled down as they slowly heard the rumble of the tanks and helicopter getting near them, which made the survivors stood in alert that some of them even went outside, where they shockingly saw the convoy of army vehicles heading towards them in an overbearing manner, that they didn't even seem to care about the zombies attacking them.

The survivors immediately scurried to the sides as the tanks and fighter vehicles passed by them, before stopping near the warehouse and the Attack Helicopters still continued roaming the skies above the city.

"Amazing, this is the first time that I've ever been this close to an army tank!" one of the survivors caress a nearby Battle Tank, with yearning in his eyes.

Then from out of nowhere, the kids suddenly poured out from the warehouse and started surrounding the army vehicles with shining eyes, like they had just discovered the rarest and most amazing toys among all the toys in the world.

"Wahh! So cool!"

"Mom! Can we ride those!?"

"That's a big deer!"

One of the kids, even went as far as hugging a tank and started rubbing his cheeks against it with zeal written on his face, which resulted in him getting pulled away from it by his father, as he got angrily rebuked by his actions.

Leo, who already got down from a Humvee, smiled warily at the scene in front of him, and he also didn't expect that there are a lot of kids staying with this survivor group which made his impression of them improved a little bit.

After all, no one would want to take care of this many kids who doesn't really contribute to the group, especially with how scarce resources and how dangerous it is going outside.

Then Leo, suddenly felt a headache coming, as he remembered those two assholes, Wen Wen and Flash would certainly try to "bully" this kids with their magics.

"Let's just hope Wen Wen's little sister, Lea would teach those kids a lesson again if they try to bully these kids" Leo muttered as he suddenly remembered that there is another abnormal kid living under his wings, whose magic is even more overbearing than the rest, that even made Leo a little jealous about it.

After all, every guy would have at least dreamt of brandishing a lightning as a weapon when they were kids.

Unbeknownst to Leo, his silence was perceived as anger as he just stood there watching them, which made the adults uneasy about it, they even thought that Leo probably hates children.

Well, they weren't wrong about that, but he doesn't hate them, he just..doesn't like naughty kids.

Then Leo started observing every single survivor within his sight.

"I'm Leo, the leader of Hope 101 Survivor Base" Leo said while looking around, then he continued, "Who was the one that sent the SOS message a couple of nights ago?"

"I..I am, s-sir!" Aaron stepped forward as he stuttered, because he was shocked to find out that the leader of a powerful group like this would be so young.

Leo looked at him from head to toe, and then said, "Good, have your people board the military trucks and if you have things you guys want to bring with you, then go and immediately get it as we don't have much to dilly dally here"

Aaron then nodded as he had the people to immediately board the trucks while some of them went back inside the warehouse and left carrying things with them, but they were mostly clothes and some food.

"Go! Go! Go!" Leo jumped and landed above a tank, as the convoy hurriedly drove towards where they came from.

There was a reason why Leo and his group are hurriedly trying to leave this place as soon as possible, it was because there is a huge horde of zombies forming at the other side of the city and are heading towards them, and right now, Leo didn't want to face them especially with how few soldiers he brought and along with liability of protecting the survivors if they got into a fight with the horde, which is certainly something that Leo doesn't want right now as he wouldn't gain anything fighting them.

"Full speed ahead!" yelled Leo as he already noticed that a swarm of zombies is heading towards their direction on the next street corner, as he could even hear the rumbling sound of footsteps!

"All Attack Helicopters to provide cover fire at our rear!" Leo ordered as there is also another zombie swarm chasing them from behind.

The Attack Helicopters immediately gathered at their rear and provided a barrage of bullets towards the chasing zombie swarm.

And the other zombie swarm in front finally appeared from the street corner, as the mutated zombies charge towards them while those ordinary ones took their walking towards them.

"Don't stop! Charge through the swarm and f*ck them all!" Leo yelled as he jumped off the tank and his body was suddenly covered in his Red [Armor]!


*Thud!* *Thud!* *Thud!*

All vehicles immediately increased in speed as they collided with the zombie swarm, the zombies in their way got flattened into meat paste, the battle tanks are fine but the military trucks are shaking because of the zombies trying to climb them.

And for the first time in a while, Leo pulled out his DMR that has unlimited bullets, as he started wildly firing at the mutated zombies trying to attack the convoy.

It has been a long time since Leo had used his DMR, it was because he had once discovered a huge drawback of the rifle, and that is, when it overheats, it would immediately stopped firing and won't become usable for an entire week!

"Fire at will, men!"

*RATATA!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

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