Li Ke used Frost Energy to condense an ice wall to himself, so he didn’t let himself be covered with the stenchy and hot meat and blood, but when he found the splashes The flames shot could burn through even his ice wall, and began to spread on the snow, only to realize that Ornn’s flames really couldn’t be used casually. But fortunately, Ashe also discovered this, she quickly shot countless arrows with the power of true ice, and slowly extinguished this unusual flame.

After all, the power in this flame has already been consumed almost, and it may be really dangerous to leave it alone, but in the eyes of people with True Ice Martial Spirit, it is a little hard to extinguish. that’s all. And Li Ke also covered his ears, while repairing his ears, he fell on the rare beast head beside him to confirm the life and death of this rare beast.

But judging from the situation where the opponent’s brains were all scattered on the ground, and the eyes burst out. If this guy is still alive, Li Ke will take Ashe away. But fortunately, it wasn’t. Whether it was his own perception, or pressing his hand on the opponent’s head, and judging from the life-membrane method of nothing, this guy really died.

“It seems that he is indeed dead.”

Facing Ash nodded who rushed over, Li Ke and the war mother sighed in relief, after all, although it seemed that they were both The individual killed this demonic beast without much effort, but if the other party really runs away, with the wisdom shown by this guy, the nearby villages, and the period of time when they recall back to base, I’m afraid It is going to be a lot of trouble, after all, the other party is a huge monster that can move underground quietly!

“It was said that you should contain the other party, and the most damage was caused by you.”

Aish lightly knocked Li Ke on the back, showing a smile, and then Just got serious.

“If Grufen becomes able to burrow into the ground, then Freljord will only have high mountains to live in.”

She looked at the body of this Grufen Those dark red auras could not help but clenched her hand tightly, and she touched a dark red breath with the ice arrow, and after she discovered that her ice arrow was corroded again, her complexion worsened. Because this represents the strongest power she has, it is nothing more than a toy in front of the owner of this aura.

“Even the power of true ice can corrode…”

She pursed her lips, and looked towards Li Ke with some worry, if she said that she was just trying to make Li Ke trusts her more and decides to do what Li Ke said, so now she is actively trying to avoid the owner of this power, or, as Li Ke said, the owner of this power directly Kill directly at the weak stage to avoid future troubles.

“In fact, it is not only this kind of power that can resist the power of true ice.”

Li Ke glanced at his two two-handed swords, and then gave them to Ashe Look.


Ashe turned her head, she saw a scene she had also never seen before: two true ice two-handed swords appeared. Exhausted cracks, the true ice on it seems like the next moment will break, and then fall to the ground, while the other is an iron piece that Ashe has never seen before, if not for the hilt of the sword, Ashe is very familiar with it. If so, how could she not think that these two swords will be two true ice sharp blades that are invincible and can cut steel with no difficulty!

“The power of Ornn and Volibear can destroy this True Ice Martial Spirit with no difficulty.”

Li Ke showed an awkward smile, the truth He didn’t know that these two forces had so much damage to True Ice Martial Spirit! And Ashe silently took the two swords that Li Ke handed over, and then couldn’t help sighing. After all, although these two swords are Li Ke’s spoils of war, it doesn’t matter how he holds them, and Kaila’s tribe won’t have any complaints. After all, this powerful and Glory weapon was used by a powerhouse. Their Glory. But these two swords represent the history of their tribe after all, and they exist in their tribe’s poems, so now that it has been clearly unavailable to use them, not only will Li Ke’s strength be compromised, Kaila’s tribe also said There may be some criticisms.

This thing is a heirloom in the true sense. It can be used for hundreds of years without changing it, and it is difficult to fall behind. Before many iceborns were captured, even if they still had a glimmer of survival, but to be on the safe side, they would try to throw their True Ice Martial Spirit to their clansman and let them bring True Ice Martial full of Glory. Spirit returned to his clan, allowing this powerful weapon to continue to serve the clan. After all, although there are few iceborns, they can still live, but the True Ice Martial Spirit is gone, so the iceborn’s power will drop more than once.

“I’ll talk about Kaila, after all, this is the weapon that their tribe has inherited for hundreds of years. For a while, it was the weapon of Kaila’s ancestors… But if you say this It was destroyed by the power of Volibear and Aoun, so they won’t have any complaints. Don’t say anything about it, and I’ll make up for them.”

Li Ke understood nodded, and then pointed to the corpse of Gruffin who was still bleeding.

“Then I will burn this thing. After all, no one knows how this thing was infected, so it is better to burn it.”

Aish also agrees with this. At one point, she didn’t want to see monsters like this appear again, so it was indeed the best way to burn them directly.

“But you can’t use Ornn’s flame, it’s too dangerous, so let’s use ordinary flames.”

But she prevented Li Ke from directly recruiting Ornn Flame’s plan, after all, the kind of flame that can burn even soil is too dangerous. If there is such a little bit of fire left, then the woods in this area don’t want it, but the one they came from. The village is bound to be implicated and has to move to other places. So Li Ke didn’t object, and watched Ashe release the eagle spirit to find her men, and then chatted with Ashe while waiting for the arrival of the soldiers.

At this time, Taidamir of the Mountain Clan near the Sejuani tribe finally made up his mind.

“Don’t hesitate anymore.”

Faced with the Winter’s Claw tribe, which has suddenly begun to overbearing and expanded wildly recently, Teddamir is really mentally and physically exhausted, if it’s a war. He is absolutely not afraid, but he is responsible for his clansman’s life, and the mighty Winter’s Claw is indeed a mighty enemy that he can’t defeat at all. And originally he planned to take refuge in Sejuani if ​​he couldn’t do it, but heaven knows why, Sejuani called him and his tribe’s heads by name! And never bargain! It’s unreasonable to make trouble as if he killed her blood confederacy!

So he really has only one choice now.

“Let’s take refuge in Avarosa’s reincarnation.”

This is what he said to his clansman.

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