“Are you afraid of fighting?!”

As soon as Teddamir finished this sentence, one of his brothers spoke, and the other party was still provoking They put their hands on their weapons in the same way, and the usual confidants who would cater to his words did not speak anymore, they just looked at Teddamir in a complicated way, as if they didn’t know him. But Tedamil is not very angry, not only because the opponent is a brother he can trust, but also because he knows that the opponent cannot tolerate this kind of fleeing behavior, instead of challenging himself and gaining control of the tribe. right.

For the tribe, his plan is really incredible.

This decision means that they have to abandon the hunting ground that their ancestors have been fighting for for generations, as well as the allies and contacts here, to go to a place that simply doesn’t know whether it is good or bad and start from scratch. Even give up the name of his own clan, or the Glory of a warrior, and go to others to pray for food and territory. This is not only a risky option for the people of Freljord, but also a humiliating experience.

Everyone understands what it’s like to be under the fence and be hungry and cold, so his clansman would rather die in battle than endure such humiliation! It is quite normal for him to have such a reaction.

“Abandon our territory, hunting grounds, homes, like beggar to take refuge in an illusory legend! Teddamer! Are you crazy?!”

His brother did not stand Get up, because if he stands up while holding a weapon while patriarch is giving an order or opinion, then it means that he and patriarch will have a battle to stop the future of the tribe. As one of Teddamir’s closest brothers, he can question him, but he will not go to death before he is sure that Teddamir is really crazy.

Yes, he is very clear that he is not an opponent of Teddamir, but if Teddamir is really crazy, then he will choose to use his own blood to provoke dissatisfaction with Teddamir and let the tribe The man dragged Tydamir down from the patriarch seat.

“I鈥檓 not crazy, Guda. You understand my anger. Of course I won鈥檛 tolerate cowardice and dishonorable things. If my death is good for the tribe, then I will without the slightest. Dedicated to the wolf kiss of hesitation, but now, we must not be able to do irrational behavior.”

The strong voice called out his brother鈥檚 name. He has always been the most angry Tedamil, but now He is the calmest person in the entire tribe. After all, according to their previous personalities, if someone placed a Slaughter Order on their entire tribe, then they would appear in that guy’s tribe on the 2nd day, and fill that mouth with a big sword like their door. See if he can speak such a madman, and even want to kill them all.

But Guda stood up abruptly, but he put down his weapon carefully, which made the soldiers of the whole tribe sighed in relief. After all, they don’t want to see their patriarch and his brother’s sword facing each other. When the time comes, no matter which one falls, it will be a huge loss to their tribe.

Guda thumped his chest with excitement and made a dull voice, but his puzzled voice also resounded through the tent.

“We have always been like this! Tedamir! The Mountain Clan has always been a tooth for a tooth! Sejuani must pay for her madness and behavior! Glory, which we rented first, is also doing this kind of action Obtained! Why are you afraid!”

Tedamir also stood up, but he didn’t beat his chest like Gudak, but quietly put his palm on his heart.

“Kuda, how many people are there in Sejuani and how many of us are there. How many are her allies? And how many are our allies? And how many times have we won in the chaotic wars before “!”

Guda was silent, because even if he was not thinking about it, he knew that Sejuani’s tribe had become so strong that they were completely unable to contend, because she publicly defied the Frost Guard, and continued for more than a dozen. I have won the enemy that is absolutely impossible to defeat in the eyes of others, and plundered the Noxus people so many times, so her power has expanded like a balloon. By now, she has hundreds of people. Mammoth Knights and Iceborn warriors, thousands of brave warriors, and countless kinds of beast walkers, wizards and shamans who believe in strange sects who have emerged from nowhere. Although their mountain clan also has its own shaman and mammoth Knight, no matter how you look at it, trifling six mammoth knights and a few shamans, plus less than two hundred warriors. Such a huge disparity in the number of people, even if each of them can be used as ten people, it is absolutely impossible to win this war.

Not to mention, the people who were their allies have now made the’right’ choice.

Tedamir took a deep breath and looked at his silent clansman, and told a fact that they all understood.

“We have no chance of winning.”

Guda violently refuted him.

“But at least we still have the honor! We can die gloriously by our ancestors! Die to protect the homeland! Teddamir! Instead of becoming some beggar without home and ancestors! And even if If we run away now, Sejuani will never let us go! We have only one choice! That is to fight to death! Brother!”

“But what honor is there to be slaughtered!”

Tedamir also refuted him in an instant. He recalled the incredible scene he saw that day in his mind. If it is the kind that can make plants grow and sprout in winter, and in a very short time Mature people are willing to go to the legend of Avarossa, which seemed illusory to him before. In other words, Avarossa鈥檚 reincarnation is true. The person named Ashe is upholding destiny and Prophecy, the reincarnation of Avarosa’s deity!

She will agree with Freljord and bring happiness to everyone in Freljord!

So if you give up everything and go to her, then it is no longer shame that you and your tribe have to flee, but Glory. And one day, I and my clansman will be able to return to their hometown…

No, my clansman will be able to return.

“I have decided, Gudat, I will accept any challenge that anyone initiates to me, but as long as you have not defeated me, then you must obey my orders.”

Teddamir took up his astonishingly big knife, he looked at his brother quietly, and understood that if he insisted on rejecting his orders, then he could only kill his siblings and carry him through. The order is up.

Guda looked at Teddamir who was already crazy, his hands trembled, and he wanted to take his own weapon, but just before he was about to act, Teddamir鈥檚 words made him shocked. In place.

“You will lead our clansman to the tribe of Ashe, and ask to join them, Guda. And I will stay here and try my best to delay for you in a challenging way. After all, whether we are What annoyed the shrew of Winter’s Claw, then there is no doubt that this ending was caused by my order.”

He patted his brother on the shoulder and looked at him calmly. The shocked face of the other party.

“This is the death of the previous patriarch, please execute it, my brother.”

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