“I have always felt distressed by the terrain of Freljord. Because of the chaos and barriers in this place, the resources here have never been better used. So I I have always felt that if there is a map that can mark what resources Freljord has, it will definitely reduce the number of hungry people to a certain extent.”

Li Ke and these women walked, While talking about her own thoughts to Reka, or perhaps persuading the other party to tell the reason for the resource points she knows. And Ashe on one side also said at this time the conditions they had already negotiated.

“In return, we can provide safe settlements and a lot of food.”

Reka was stunned when she heard this, but Her warm smile did not disappear. She just fluffed her hair, then smiled and said something embarrassing for Ashe.

“Does this mean to annex us?”

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became embarrassing, but the woman who said this remark did not have this consciousness, this The woman even hummed a few lyrics playfully.

But in the end, Li Ke broke the silence first. After thinking about it for a while, he said his opinion.

“Forget it, after all, Freljord has been in chaos long enough, whether it’s wars between tribes or the lack of food due to these wars, in my opinion, it’s all A very sad thing.”

Li Ke paused.

“Because food is scarce and hunting grounds are scarce, it is necessary to attack other tribes to get enough food. But it is precisely because of the war, or war prevention, that the Freljord people’s energy in preparing food It’s a little bit less. And wars always have hatred. Although the Freljord’s love for the tribe can make this hatred temporarily disappear, can you imagine that fishermen who kill their fathers and enemies are fishing together in harmony?”

Reka just listened quietly, but she couldn’t help but looked at Ashe. After all, in her current view, it was Li Ke that took the absolute initiative?

“So, if you want to reduce most of the fighting, you must have a united Freljord. But it is not completely accurate to say that we want to annex you, because we are not You are forbidden to come and go. As long as it is a tribe that is willing to live peacefully on the land controlled by the Avarossa tribe, we welcome it… even if you do not claim to be Avarossa.”

Speaking of this, Li Ke took a look at Reka’s reaction, and Reka also cooperated to show a confused expression at this moment.

“In other words, even if we want to leave with food and weapons, we won’t be traitors?”

“Yes, and when our territory is living , If your food is insufficient, we will provide support, and we will also provide military force protection for you. But this is not completely unconditional. You must not only abide by our regulations, but also the things our merchants sell. It is not possible to collect taxes, but the goods you sell have to pay one-tenth of the price as tax to be handed in. Moreover, when we live on our site, the standing armed forces cannot exceed ten people.”

This is actually a loss.

In the era of tribes, it is obviously nonsense to want to support a country by commercial taxes instead of agricultural taxes, but this World is magical, and Li Ke is not an idiot who doesn’t understand the economy at all. . Besides, even if there is a loss in taxation, it is now in the stage of conquering the world.

At a loss, you can buy people’s hearts and wait until Freljord is unified…

It is written in history books, political books, Chinese books, ideological and moral classes, and major news. That many.

And if Li Ke is there, there will be no shortage of food. The most is to develop the animal husbandry industry and provide him with more sources of vitality.

“Sounds very attractive.”

Reka is a smart woman. She is even more able to understand the conspiracy in Li Ke’s condition than Cherna behind Li Ke.

No, it should be said that it’s a scheming approach. The goal of Li Ke’s policy from the very beginning is not those powerful and self-sufficient tribes, but those struggling to survive in the wind and snow. There are small tribes and small villages, as well as those weak tribes without frost bloodline. And as long as they can always win on the battlefield and never make any funny mistakes, the Avarossa tribe will become unprecedentedly strong at a rapid rate.

Safety, warmth, fullness, is there anything that can impress people in this land more than these things? Is there anything more that Freljord people can take care of than these things? Reka knows that there is no, because no tribe does not lack these.

“But if you do this, will you have enough food?”

She asked the only weak spot in this plan, that is, if the Avarossa tribe does not have enough If you can’t use a lot of food to win over people’s hearts, then this plan will be a joke.

“Of course.”

Li Ke replied decisively, and Ashe also showed a smile very much like Zihao.

“After seeing Li Ke farming, you will no longer have such suspicions.”

Their performance made Leka very confused. After all, although she I can feel something, but she doesn’t understand the specifics. Especially the Divine Idol that she vaguely saw holding wheat ears and fire seeds, also made her feel extremely confused.


Li Ke didn’t intend to let her go so far, to observe the farmland he was being exploited by the Dongquan clan, he took it out A piece of wheat. Then in Reka’s puzzled eyes, he poured his vitality into the grain of wheat.

The color of jade green suddenly appeared in his palm, and the miracle of life bloomed again. In just a few seconds, the wheat in his hand experienced germination, growth, and even results. process. Although this wheat seed did not grow out of three wheat stalks like the wheat grown by the vitality of Iceborn, it grew out of six wheat stalks in the hands of Li Ke. It bears heavy ears of wheat.

The golden-yellow ears of wheat appeared in front of Reka in this way, and the process of turning one wheat into six ears also made this woman who has always had a warm smile unbearable My mouth opened wide, and I stared at the wheat ears in Li Ke’s hands. Even the violin in her hand almost fell to the ground.

“…Is this an illusion?”

She couldn’t help but ask, and she couldn’t help but extend the hand to touch the ear of wheat in Li Ke’s hand. And after being stung by the wheat awn above, I discovered my lost self-control.


I touched my stomach, and then touched the clean wheaten tentacles in Li Ke’s hand. Then the leader of the Notais couldn’t bear it. The person who lived said his thoughts.

“We will join, and I think Nunu will like it here too.”


Li Ke froze for a moment.

The grass atomic bomb?

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