Nunu, the grass atomic bomb, the snowman happy ball, and the ultimate tool man before the revision, the buff machine.

Should be the same name, right?

Li Ke, who has never seen the background of the new version of Nunu, was just surprised and recovered. After all, the boy who was very happy with the original painting has been redone, and it is not necessarily the one in front of him. The woman was born. Besides, duplication of names is normal, isn’t it? Even in a movie with a very huge IP, doesn’t the name Martha appear many times?

The name Nunu cannot be used as a basis for this, right? After all, isn’t the symbol of the snowman a snowman? And let a little child be a hero to save the world?

Is your lord dead?

“It should be, after all, I will run a school here. If the children gather together, they will really be very happy.”

Also because I don’t want children to be on the battlefield. Li Ke ignored the possibility that the child in the woman’s belly was Nunu’s probability. He didn’t say anything except for ordering nodded. But what made him unexpected was that this woman named Reka suddenly revealed an information that surprised him.

“Like the orphans gathered in Frostguard Fortress? Gather the children together, teach knowledge and skills together, and then carry out follow-up training according to their learning level?”

There was curiosity on Reka’s face, and Li Ke was surprised that Lissandra would adopt orphans and start a school-like institution, but he did not show it, but gently nodded.

“Almost, I learned words and mathematics a few years ago, and at the same time learned fighting skills. But this process is completely free and mandatory. Any child who comes to settle here must come. Classes. And our strongest fighters will also give lectures in school, teaching them fighting skills, and the same, the best fishermen and the best hunters are the same.”

Li Ke stopped. a bit.

“In fact, if this condition is not accepted, then there is a lot of assistance that can’t be provided.”

He has been madly suggesting that it is no good not to receive basic education. But Reka still seemed very calm, as if she didn’t care about it at all, but ahhhh’s nodded, skipped this topic.

“So, what if we do is to organize the geographical information we know to you?”

Li Ke nodded.

“Well, of course, you can also live here and talk about this first. Our sincerity is very good.”

When it comes to this, Li Ke and the others have already arrived. In the big tent where Ashe was discussing matters, and saw those who were waiting for Ashe and them.

Among these people, one is a warrior who wears armor and does not take off his helmet even in the tent, and the priest that Li Ke met last time, and the other has a ruddy face and is responsible for distributing food. Women, and another Li Ke is more common, is a middle-aged man with Ryze and a lot of white beard. Of course, there are more than a dozen people wearing armor, and none of these people Li Ke has ever met. But judging from the maintenance of their armor and the cleanliness of their clothes, they are all high-ranking or very wealthy people.

Moreover, all of them are strong men, all carrying the symbols of their respective tribes.

“Battle Mother.”

They all saluted Ashe respectfully after seeing Ashe came back, but the men whom Li Ke had never met before were very much towards Li Ke. He didn’t catch a cold very much, and the eyes that looked at Li Ke were very disdainful and full of provocations. And a strong warrior with a horned helmet and a plate armor was coldly snorted when Li Ke passed by, directly cooling the atmosphere of the entire tent.

Li Ke took a surprised look at this man with a golden beard and exaggerated upper arm muscles. After all, he really didn’t remember that he had provoke this guy, but when the warrior looked After Ashe showed his zealous eyes, he understood why.

This is a person who wants to become an Ashe blood alliance.

“Am I here to beat him? Tell him that beauty is only worthy of powerhouse? Or wait for a while when he provokes me to beat him, or play a pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? This Okay? After all, it’s said that it has become a poisonous spot?”

Li Ke filled up countless plots in an instant. After all, he is really familiar with this routine. It was possible to give birth to countless similar plots, especially this kind of plot that pretended to be slapped because of a woman chasing backwards, he could recall a lot of them without thinking about it.

It’s just that he absolutely didn’t expect that because he had to wait until the beginning of the meeting to pretend to be a face-slapped plot, it started before Ashe walked to his seat. , And it was much more intense than he thought.

“Is this the blood ally you chose? War mother, he looks weak like an ant!”

The coldly snorted warrior who had just faced him suddenly faced him Ashe spoke, and without waiting for Ashe to respond, another man who was more than two meters tall and covered with blue balls on his bare head also spoke.

“Indeed, there is no convincing military exploits and achievements. This kind of blood alliance is really unconvincing. I have no intention of offending the great Ashe, but your status is honorable, so you can’t take it lightly. Make a decision.”

“Glett is right, war mother, you shouldn’t make a decision so lightly, even though we understand that you don’t want to see us shed blood and sacrifice because of your pursuit , But Glory, who is with you, is enough to make us willingly give our lives.”

And this sentence was said by another white-haired man with a strong body and brand-new armor. . And while saying this, he smiled disdainfully at the warrior with golden hair.

“We are the first to come, and we can see the most clearly. After this man returns to your clan, besides feasting, he sleeps in the house, no matter what kind of man he has With rhetoric, this kind of man who cannot regulate his behavior with his will will definitely not be a reliable helper.”

Another man with a big beard and obviously a little older also spoke. , And judging from his calm voice and specially elongated tone, this is a man who wants to highlight his calmness.

A dozen fighters persuaded Ashe one after another, and they all persuaded Ashe to think twice, and none of them actually fired at Li Ke. But Li Ke only heard this, because he found that these people were just talking nonsense, so he didn’t listen, just gave Ashe a smile.

“Stop your discussion! Li Ke’s bravery can’t help but be questioned, and it is my freedom to choose who becomes my blood ally! His bravery is worthy of his position!”

Ashe angrily slapped her bow on the table. This action was enough to express her anger and involuntary doubt, but when the tent was quiet because of this, Li Ke’s voice came over.

“Wait for a while after we go out, let’s go together, I’m in a hurry to plant the land.”

Li Ke’s words instantly made those who aimed their guns at Ashe The man turned around and looked at him as the “lucky guy”.

“But first of all, I declare that I am very strong.”

After he finished speaking, he gave a kind smile to the soldiers who glared at him.

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