Understanding their intention of courting death, Li Ke no longer hesitated. He waved his two two-handed swords and moved towards those people and rushed over.

Bullets are flying around, hitting people, they can pierce flesh and flesh, and melt. The poisonous lead bullets madly whistled past beside Li Ke, and he wielded Aatox above. , Sparks and crisp metal collisions continue to appear. The projectiles fired by these “advanced” weapons in this world made Aatox very disdainful.

“Use your power well! Stir up the wind idiot! The power of these projectiles is not even as threatening as a crappy archer’s bow and arrow! And you even need to worry about these things hitting you! Discrimination!”

Aatox’s voice was full of discomfort, because in his thoughts, Li Ke, who possesses the power of ascendants, doesn’t need any hands or feet, just a soft sword qi. Can get rid of these guys who are unbearable to look at. And he couldn’t help showing a trace of disdain, because these humans were weaker than those before, and terrifying weaker than the humans at that time. Basically, in the Legion he commanded at the time, a few soldiers who came out were able to wipe out these people without making mistakes. Li Ke, who has gained the power of ascendants, is still thinking about coping methods in his mind, but it is rare in their time.

“Use your magic, or the power of the Ascendant, okay?!”

So I finished complaining about Li Ke and was cut off by Li Ke with a wave When the two people were in the body, Aatox couldn’t help but yelled at Li Ke. After all, he can tolerate himself as a weapon, and he has resentment all day long than a person whose strength is inferior to him as a weapon. Especially after the goal was to find his own brother, he even more did not want Li Ke to act like a mortal.

“The power of the ascendant consumes too much energy, and my magic will cut off the vitality in this land.”

Li Ke just silently shreds two people again When their bodies and warm blood are exposed to the air from these human bodies, Aatox will absorb the essence of them, but when they are about to fall and die, Li Ke will gently A little bit on them, and then absorb away the remaining power of their body within the body. So Li Ke’s speed is getting faster and faster, and it far exceeds these Gangplank’s imagination.

“Hurry up!”

Heart-piercing roar came out, these Gangplank absolutely didn’t expect Li Ke rushed into them in just two seconds In their formation, they did not have time to shoot at Li Ke immediately, but wanted to draw out the sword in their hands. However, this action was undoubtedly proved to be a stupid behavior. Li Ke’s actions so fast that they had no time to reflect illustrate the uselessness of their swords, so Gangplank headed by no longer cared about whether the bullet would hit his own person. The gun in his hand was aimed at Li Ke who burst into the crowd.

With a shot, a bright red blood appeared on the head of this Gangplank leader, and he himself fell to the ground with an unbelievable look. There were several Gangplank subconsciously looked towards. The gunshot came from the direction, but they only had time to see a shadow, and blood blossoms appeared on their heads, and they fell to the ground like the Gangplank leader.


Release the empty pistol, Sarah immediately pulled out two full-filled pistols from her belt and aimed them at Gangplank who wanted to shoot her fired four shots in a row, harvesting three lives again. But she doesn’t have to worry about turning around anymore, because as Li Ke charged and sent a burst of corpses flying up in the air, those Gangplanks who had time to aim at her were all swiftly opening to Li Ke. Gun, and ran towards the sandy beach moved towards white.

But it’s too late.

For the enemies facing her, Miss Fortune never meant to show mercy. She pulled the trigger quickly and sent lead bullets into the brains of these insatiable scum, and then After the bullet in his hand was shot, he threw down the gun and pulled out the pistol full of bullets on his waist again, aimed at the Gangplank who fled in a hurry, and vented all his anger on these people.


Her eyes were slightly narrowed, she pointed her pistol at a stupid who was about to set foot on the white beach and kicked it. Trigger, she was confident that this bastard would die the moment he stepped onto the white beach, and let him go to hell with joy, but when she pulled the trigger and shot the lead bullet out, she actually felt it in her heart. I saw such a scene. But unfortunately, just when her bullet was about to hit the Gangplank, a red light slammed the Gangplank into the air, causing her bullet to hit a stunned Gangplank beside him, and the bottle at his feet It was so pulpy that the guy with rotten teeth made a sudden jump.

She couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows, and then she saw that the person who escaped from her gun had a huge sword on the chest, nailing this bad luck guy to a Bad luck’s coconut tree, and cut the coconut tree into two sections very directly.

“It looks like I robbed you of your prey?”

Li Ke, who did this kind of thing, raised his eyebrows at Sarah, then threw away the chain and entangled Ya Tox’s sword hilt, and then gently pulled Aatox out, and then held it in his hand again.

“It’s just a small matter.”

The good luck of picking up the empty gun did not care, just watched Li Ke chop it into a pile of corpses within ten seconds There are dozens of Gangplank on the arm. She has never seen such a human before, but she has seen a lot of monsters with huge bodies. If it weren’t for Li Ke, there is nothing weird about except for the right hand arm, I am afraid she would think that Li Ke is a reformer of Hextech.

“Crude battle.”

But the battle that amazed the Good Luck Young Lady made Aatox very dissatisfied, and his anger also caused Li Ke can’t figure it out, and he doesn’t intend to bother. He just looked at the Gangplanks with their legs swinging, and tore off his shirts and threw them to the ground. After all, just to prevent these people from escaping, he didn’t deliberately avoid the blood in their bodies, so There is no way to wear his clothes.

“We will have no trouble next, right?”

Li Ke asked casually, not knowing when he went to the corpse to get spoils of war. For the Young Lady, she was helpless shook the head, but did not delay her taking Gold Coin and guns from the dead person’s pocket.

“Of course not, and there are many more.”

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