“These are just appetizers, wait until our ship is repaired and set sail again, our troubles will be the beginning… You don’t think these damned guys are on the same boat People, right? They just get together to drink, and then come out together to make a fortune that’s all.”

They carried several long spears, and used a Gangplank belt to wear a bunch of guns on their shoulders. Sarah on, explained to Li Ke who helped her get a bag of coins, and then stepped onto the white sand with the gatekeeper shiver coldly, and then threw a Demacia Gold Coin onto someone’s Deathcap. I walked into the noisy town.

“Sounds very troublesome.”

“Yes, no matter how strong you are, as long as the ship sinks, there is nothing to be afraid of, but fortunately, we The sailors recruited will also be those who don’t have to worry about stabbing them in the back, after all, they are not stupid.”

Sarah, who originally thought there would be a big battle, had to admit Li Ke’s appearance in this show. It must have scared a lot of people. She seemed to look carelessly at the dilapidated houses around, but in her heart she had already written down all the roads here, so she could escape in case. After all, even if the rules here are broken, everyone here will be targeted and chased by the manager of this place, but if Gangplank comes here and kills all other Gangplank, the manager here will also fart. Without saying a word, listen to Gangplank’s words obediently.

And Gangplank, where is it not robbery?

“That’s good, I don’t want to rush into the sail anymore.”

Li Ke didn’t have that many as Sarah thought. He moved his muscles and was very interested. He was observing this Gangplank town, but he was a little disappointed, because there were drunken Gangplank everywhere, and a large number of rags walking Gangplank, the rest was no different from a poor small village, all in tatters. Rotten wood house, and every wood house is covered with fishing nets. And here, like other towns, there are residents who live here, but most of them are ordinary women or some dirty children.

It is not difficult to guess that these women and children are Gangplank’s family…

As soon as Li Ke thought about this, he saw several men with disheveled clothes and vain feet. A dilapidated little wood house came out, and after them came out, there was a woman with a dark skin and a naked torso. And after she took the Gold Coin in her hand and sent the men away with a smile, she turned around and hugged the men who were waiting at her door, and then was lifted up amidst the anxious movements of the men, laughing. Returned to the wood house.

This scene made Li Ke stunned, and what made him even more receptive was that he even saw a few men whose actions and situations were similar to this woman, surrounded by a group of Gangplank into shabby The scene of the wood house.

“Are you scared?”

Sarah said lightly in his ear at this time, and Li Ke discovered that this woman is very close to him now.

“No, it’s just that I don’t like Gangplank more and more.”

But for him, Sarah just chuckled.

“In Bilgewater and Zaun you will see more exaggerated things. As for these bad guys… They are the same everywhere.”

For this, Li Ke is just shrugged. , Didn’t care about it, but the more he walked into this town with Sarah, the more he could realize something, that is, there are basically no women in Gangplank dresses in this town. To be precise, only the figure and Skin of Miss Fortune beside him are still so good.

The rest of the women walking on the sea are mostly women with arms thicker than some men’s thighs, and women with dark skin, and Miss Fortune next to them are completely two concepts.

To be precise, give Sarah Young Lady a dress, clean her up, and let her close her mouth and stand still, then anyone who sees her will think she is a flower The dazzling social flower has a value that shouldn’t belong to this island town at all. The only interesting thing is that, except for some drunk drunks, basically no one dares to put too much eyes on this Young Lady.

“I should thank you, otherwise we will have a lot of trouble.”

It seems that they have also noticed this situation. They walked to a noisy house and kept on After walking out of the drunk’s tavern, Sarah softly thanked Li Ke, and then kicked the door of the tavern with a cool kick, making everyone around her look towards her. And Li Ke. After taking a glance, most of the people squinted and stopped talking, but the faces of the people at some of the tables became ugly.

Because they recognized who the guns on Sarah belonged to, several people quickly left the tavern, and they were somber as they passed by Li Ke and Sarah s face. Sarah didn’t pay attention to them. Instead, she just and honourable walked to the front of the bar and smashed a bunch of guns on the counter. The bartender who was constantly wiping the glass couldn’t help but twitched her eyes. Because he saw with his own eyes that his counter board appeared to be broken.

“Change the wine, or something else?”

He waved his hand, and someone else came to take away the guns and ammunition in front of him and settle the settlement. And pushed two glasses of Beer in front of Sarah and Li Ke who were leaning on the bar.

“Of course it’s not others. I want ten people. One of the best is a skilled harpoonman. Oh, I also need someone to help me send my ship to this port, and then repair the stern. “

Sarah very skillfully pushed Li Ke’s money on the counter to the bartender, and the bartender’s knowledge just opened it up and took a look, and then shook the head.

“Not enough, you killed two of my people at the door, so you have to add money. Oh, and because you killed the old one-eyed, I lost a major customer.”

Sarah couldn’t help taking a sip at his words, and then drank the wine in her hand with one sip, and then she saw Li Ke hand her the wine glass in her hand. So she took a weird look at Li Ke, then unceremoniously picked up Li Ke’s cup, and after taking a sip, she spoke slowly.

“That won’t work, but I can promise to sell you half of the goods on the ship. But as an incidental, you have to find some reliable people for me. I don’t want the ship to go halfway. , He and I will come back to recruit people again.”

Her conditions are quite attractive, so the bartender smiled and then nodded.

“The deal, you can wait here for a while. As for you…”

The bartender looked towards Li Ke, who was covered with scars, and asked with interest. .

“It’s no good not to drink here, but as a reason for new customers, your first cup is my treat, so just speak up.”

Li Ke looked up at the wine bottles behind him and found that he didn’t recognize any of them, so he took a deep breath, then crossed his fingers, tried to make a thinking look, and then asked sincerely.

“Is there any milk?”

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