
The Azir can no longer deceive himself, he fell for a while, and thought of more from Sivir’s words .

“Professing to be my descendant, that is to say, I really became the last emperor… and Xerath really betrayed me and betrayed my empire.”

The pain of betrayal, the pain of losing a loved one, and the pain of a thousand years apart from everything I know. Azir simply couldn’t accept all this within a short time. He stared at his hands like piles of sand, then raised his head again and looked towards everyone present.

“Then why did you come to me, Nasus, what else… can I do for Shurima?”

Nasus was silent again, because He did not calculate the possibility of Azir being alive from the very beginning. All he wanted was to hold Li Ke steady and bring back his younger brother, the funerary in it, and let Li Ke gain the power of the ascendant with a slight side effect, but now the existence of Azir also makes him a little completely unprepared. , For a while, I really can’t think of what I want this last emperor to do.

After all, those secrets, which were once extremely precious and need to be guarded by life, have lost their meaning in the face of time.

But his silent language can make Azir understand the reality better, that is, he is useless, no matter what kind of talent and value he had before, he is now worthless.

“Ah, I understand.”

Azir didn’t say anything, he looked at his slowly drifting and collapsed body, looked towards Sivir.

“So, Nasus, let me die like this. You don’t have to hesitate to use the things here. After all, as the king of subjugation, I will end up as it should be by rights. Isn’t it?”

He thought a lot for a moment, including the reason Xerath betrayed him, and why his son did not inherit his empire and let the Shurima empire continue. But the life he was about to dissipate, and the fact that thousands of years had passed, made him lose all interest.

With such a body, even if he wants to do something, what can he do?

His words are full of despair and freedom. For a person who is about to face these things when he wakes up, his performance is already very good. Able to understand one’s own situation, know one’s own limits, and do things that suit one’s own identity. Although unwilling, but willing to entrust the future.

He looked at Sivir and barely smiled.

“Although very irresponsible, the Shurima Empire depends on you.”

Sivir was shocked, then she bit her lip and nodded. Seeing here, Azir smiled relievedly, and then as the obsession disappeared, his body collapsed faster. After all, this is what he can do. There is nothing in this World that can make him nostalgic.

However, just as he planned to see his wife and children who had died thousands of years in this way, and apologized for it, he was stunned to see Sivir’s chest shining more The shining Inhibitor, her blood is like a fountain, constantly spraying on her face.

Sivir also obviously did not expect such a thing. Her face was full of consternation, but before she could do anything, her neck was cut by a sharp knife, and her chest The Inhibitor was also pulled out, allowing her blood to flow out better.

And it is Li Ke who did it.


Azir looked at Li Ke in disbelief as he pulled out the knife and blood-stained lance, and then smiled badly at himself.

“Ah, can’t you die like this, Your Majesty. I’ve been looking forward to your despair for a long time, how about it? It feels like watching my only descendant of the Great Empire die like this?”

Li Ke tried his best to express his expressions as heinous and perverted. He looked at the unbelievable Azir, squatted down, raised Sivir’s head with the same shocked expression, and then learned the pervert in the movie and gently kissed the blood on the side of Sivir’s mouth, and then retracted his tongue and issued it. Sigh.

“It’s really good despair, Sivir, I train you for this moment of despair, such a wonderful feeling.”

He almost vomited when he said Yes, but in fact he did this to pour his life force into Sivir’s brain, so that the girl would not die. And his purpose in doing this is to stimulate Azir, so that he can regain his energy and complete the ascent.

After all, he hasn’t found a chance to speak. The emperor Your Majesty intends to pass away directly, and he has no chance to speak out. heaven knows Why was the emperor Your Majesty so decisive when he was self-determining, without hesitation at all, that he really achieved Shurima, your emperor is dead! ‘The stalker said that he died when he died.

And why is it kissing?

He is just studying movies.

Sivir was also a little dazed. She was indeed shocked and horrified at first, but the moment Li Ke’s hand and mouth touched her body, the familiar pleasure spread to her. And when her pain was cleared away and the feeling of death disappeared, she knew that Li Ke was now Heal her!

But her first reaction was to tighten her legs. After all, what Li Ke just did made her body show some reactions that only happen when people die, that is, she originally Wearing a battle dress, and all around is her blood, so that some things have not been exposed.


But Azir didn’t know that Sivir had begun to recover under Li Ke’s magic. He subconsciously extended his hand to Li Ke, and then At the next moment, a powerful wave hit Li Ke’s body, knocking Li Ke away directly. But he didn’t chase, but immediately picked up Sivir, moved towards a place and ran over.

“Nasus! Stop him!”

His order was also issued in this brief moment, and Nasus, who had just reacted, also directly mentioned his Olaf. moved towards Li Ke rushed over, and then when Li Ke punched in the air half a meter away from him, he screamed directly and threw his Olaf moved towards outside. The person also flew upside down and hit the wall.

“Hurry up! Your Majesty! Hurry up!”

His acting skills made Li Ke, who had planned to play a real game, to be stunned, but the others haven’t figured it out yet. The unknown celestial spirits who had happened were also confused. Instead, Ryze shook the head on one side, tightening the scroll on his body and walking out. After all, the next thing had nothing to do with him, and it was time for him to leave.

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