Why is this, what is going on, and why did the people Nasus bring to her!

Azir looked at Sivir who was constantly vomiting blood in his arms, his heart being pierced, and his heart was full of doubts and incomprehension. Even he subconsciously thought of Nasus betraying this matter, and in his heart now, this fact still prevailed.

In this case, instead of saving a young girl, it is better to save yourself so that Shurima can continue.

Such thought appeared in Azir’s mind, because no matter how you look at it. It should be the chance he used to be more likely to survive and revive Shurima. But Azir had almost no idea of ​​carrying out this idea. He just speeded up his pace as much as possible and moved himself towards the Dawn Oasis.


Azir looked at the dried up sacred pond and further strengthened his thoughts.

“I am the dried up pond, and she, the new spring, is the one who can revive Shurima.”

His mistake made him recognize Even though he just knew what his mistake was, what kind of consequences his trust led to. As the emperor of Shurima, he will never give up his responsibilities and the consequences of failing to do so.

This is the guilt he should bear, and it is also something he must bear.


He is the emperor of Shurima, and his duty is to protect the present and the future, even if he has to pay Glory and life for it.

As he approached, the sacred pond that had dried up for thousands of years began to reappear with a fountain full of magical power. And every time he gets closer, the clear fresh water will be sprayed one step closer. And when he approached this basin made of rocks, the Fountain in the sacred pond was already enough to sustain a person’s life or resurrect a person.

He knew that if he went in, he would be able to recover his human form, but he didn’t even think about it, so he put the girl in his hand in, and turned directly, moved towards the time when he came. The direction rushed.

“After waking up, find a way to escape.”

Every time he charges a step, he can feel his body further collapse, but he does not stop at all. Thought, because he must guard the girl, the descendant who only met once. Because this is his guilt, his responsibility, and what he should do the most.

He roared out of this temple that had been buried for thousands of years, and roared out at Li Ke who came, but at this time he was almost completely collapsed, forming him The golden-yellow of the body fell in large pieces, and his limbs disappeared continuously as a result. But he was still fearless, looking at Li Ke, and the three people with divine light shining around Li Ke, making the final roar he thought.

“Come on! Dirty maggots! In front of you is the Emperor Shurima! The protector and Guardian of this land! Let me die for a bright future!”


But just as he realized that he was ready to use his own weak life as a cost to launch a taboo technique to delay time, a pillar of fire suddenly appeared under him and lifted him up. . And a mysterious and powerful force began to awaken as a result.

Shurima’s magic started to work again. The power from Heaven Realm and the Lux in this brief moment of the sun were all enveloped in Azir’s body. His almost collapsed body was wrapped in light again. He was reshaped in an instant, and he completed his ascension ceremony that was thousands of years late, so that his body was cast into his magnificent eagle armor under the rays of the sun, and his luxurious armor became him. The way it looks now.

Unprecedented power and instinct-like ability also appeared in his body. He just raised his hand. Nasus needed a lot of magic to push the Infinity Edge yellow sand. , It moved under his orders. moved towards Li Ke entire group rushed, at first glance, I wanted to use this move to squeeze Li Ke into meat sauce.

“It’s finally finished.”

Li Ke snapped his fingers first, looked at the majestic with satisfaction, and was staring at him with golden eyes. Own Azir, I am very satisfied with the smooth progress of my plan. But then, he patted his hand directly on the ground, and poured his life force and blood into it.

The plan to resurrect Azir is indeed completed, but what he has to do now is to survive the furious Azir while Sivir and Nasus rush over.

However, just when he wanted to poke the plants he spawned directly through the yellow sand and send Leona and Dai Anna away, who had nothing to do with this matter, he originally wanted to send Li Ke Azir, who was buried directly in the desert, suddenly stopped his movements, and his angry eyes became weird. He even said that after waiting for a second or two, he waved away the yellow sand he had recruited. Instead, he used his eyes to look at Li Ke directly, and Li Ke, who was ready to fight back, looked a little hairy. .

The atmosphere suddenly became weird here, but this is also for a reason, because after Nasus ascended, he did intend to kill Li Ke and the others directly with sand, but his perception But he told him that Sivir he put in the Life Fountain, before the Life Fountain hadn’t worked on her, she…

She stood up.

This is something that has never happened before, because he is very aware of the effects of Life Fountain. Sivir’s injury will take at least a few hours to recover, and he put her in until she gets up. , It took less than 3 minutes in total.

Also, Azir thought about it a little bit, and then he discovered something that made him feel even more strange: he was too nervous before, so he didn’t notice it. Now if he wants to come, Sivir looks like her neck when he is hugged by him. The wound on her was gone, and there was a magic similar to the man who stabbed her to protect her life.

All sorts of strange things made him time-out his actions, anyway, even if he made a mistake, these people still can’t escape. The power of the ascendant gave him extremely strong self-confidence, after all Unless it is that kind of extraordinary existence, who can defeat a person who can manipulate yellow sand in the desert?

So, when Sivir rushed out and pressed Li Ke under him to beat him, he slowly descended from the sky, and asked himself to Nasus, who was walking slowly. The problem.

“…what are you doing?”

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