“Understood. Understood, I understand what a crime is.”

The secretary is nodded, and Li Ke turned his face too fast. So that he could still see his patriarch’s hideous face, and the struggle of declining. He swallowed hard and saw that his patriarch was hung on a street lamp post like a dead Twitch, he immediately answered Li Ke’s question and gave Li Ke a satisfactory answer. .

“Very well, now that you understand it, I don’t need to say how to do it, right?”

Li Ke laughed, the amiable expression on his face is so impressive Feeling cordial.

“Of course, I understand.”

The secretary can no longer control that many. According to the current situation, if you don’t listen to Li Ke, you will die immediately, and listen. Although Li Ke’s words will be killed by others later, who knows if those gentlemen who can come to Smite themselves and maintain order will survive that time. And even if they can live to that time, they must use the information they have to solve their own problems.

After all, criminals have no human rights.

He swallowed, and he planned to speak out what he thought was the most serious crime.

“Well, Stewan patriarch, ah, I mean, the criminal Stewan murdered the patriarch of the Scala family through Qinggang Shadow Carmel during his time as the patriarch leading the Philos family. , Modal family…”

He only said a few names and caused an uproar around him, because these people were confirmed to have died in accidents, and they were all people who had sinned against Stewan. In other words, Stewan directly let the Carmel kill the ruler like them without following the rules. This kind of thing makes these people unable to accept, so the two names are mentioned in Mr. Steward At that time, they all began to angrily blame Stewan, and some of them stared at this Mr. Steward with angry eyes.

“Stop, I’m not very interested in dog biting, so don’t tell me similar evidence.”

Li Ke is a little impatient, he is one of these assholes in Vi He didn’t want to stay, so this kind of love and hatred between the nobles had no effect on him. His impatience also directly caused the Mr. Steward to shiver, and then cautiously tentatively asked.

“So, what kind of crime do you want to hear?”

Li Ke looked around and found that only the rulers of this city are really a little empty, so He snapped his fingers, and while manipulating the plants to send some civilians, he answered the secretary.

“Of course it’s about oppressing civilians, how does your factory treat workers, and whether they have given them enough rest time and benefits. Has injury and sickness subsidies been put in place, and Anyone who bullies men and women, let me talk about it. I like to listen to this.”

But his words once again confused the secretary.

“I don’t quite understand what you mean, sir… In fact, the Philos family is doing very well. The workers start working at six in the morning and rest at nine in the afternoon, although It is necessary to work overtime from time to time, but it is in compliance with the regulations… As for injury and sickness or something… Sir, you do not know that those workers are slackers, they are not hardworking and do not have enough knowledge. They will be lazy and even intentionally hurt themselves with these things. So in order to ensure the interests of us businessmen, this…well, things you hear and hear don’t exist in Vi. As for the break time…”

Speaking of this, there was a hint of Zihao’s expression on the secretary’s face.

“Our workers have a full half-day vacation every three months of work!”

Li Ke was taken aback for a while, then clapped.

“Very well, I like to listen to this, but I’m the only one to hear it is too deserted… What other evidence? Others in the Philos family murdered and seized other people’s things. What? Is there? For example, the house was seen by the Philos family, but the compensation was not coordinated, and then something.”

He has worked very hard to inspire this smart The secretary, but he still miscalculated the lower limit of the business people in this city, because in this city, many politicians in the lighthouse country have no face to say things, which is a fact that is reasonable here, and it is right and right. And he also decided to let the civilians listen to the stories of these big business people in batches, so that they could also experience the knowledge and knowledge of the upper class.

But at this moment, an old man beside him spoke up. Moreover, this old man is still a noble Old Lady, until Li Ke speaks, she is comforting the children around her in a gentle voice. And her face is very kind, full of wisdom and intellectual light, even if she is tied to the branches, she still maintains her demeanor and maintains her proper manners. It was as if she was not tied up by the branches, but sitting on the exquisite cane and wooden chair.

“Sir, what exactly are you going to do? Do you want to expose these things to those who have no knowledge? They will panic because of this, and such behavior is not what a gentleman should Do something.”

She paused, and then when she saw Li Ke and Mr. Secretary both looked towards her, she saluted Li Ke slightly nodded, and then went on.

“Mr. Stewan is a very kind person. We have run many orphanages and donated money to the hospital to support children who don’t have money to go to school. Although he did make some concessions. A crime that one cannot ignore, but please see his past good deeds and put his body down.”

After speaking, she pursed her lips again, and wanted to say something. But Li Ke snapped his fingers and looked towards Mr. Secretary beside him.

“Does she have any guilt?”

“Sorry, sir, Ms. Filier is a well-known good person. She runs a textile factory and has never offended who, and has lived They are all committed to protecting Vi’s orphans, so I can’t think of the other party’s evidence… Sir, Ms. Filial can be said to be a respectable lady!”

The secretary looked a little excited, very excited. Obviously, the misfortune of such a gentle and kind lady is something that no one wants to see, but it is a pity.

“Then how many girl workers are in her textile factory, and whether these female workers can be paid generously in her factory, and after they are sick, can they get them in the hands of this lady? Money to cure the disease, and don’t have to die in your own home?”

The secretary was silent, because what Li Ke said was impossible. The foreman has unified management, so what Li Ke said does not exist. But if this kind of thing can be counted as a guilt, then he really can’t talk about it, because he will also die. So he can only brace oneself and speak his own righteous words.

“How can workers’ injuries be counted as employers?! This is extortion! Sir! In the second phase, this is something that foremen should consider, not…”

Li Ke nodded, interrupted him.

“That’s right, I understand.”

He snapped his fingers, and then this kind old man, amidst everyone’s screams and curses, It was hung to another lamppost by Li Ke.

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