Some Zaun children and civilians also saw this very rich, magnificent, and reputable kind lady struggling desperately on the street lamp, and they were just unblocked by Li Ke , Not surprisingly, screamed out, and several children wanted to rush to the street lamp to save the lady who was still struggling and dripping liquid. But these children were not unexpectedly caught by the adults around them, because even if these children were not their children, there would be no adults who would watch the children be killed in front of them.

This has nothing to do with sentiment and morality, but instinct engraved in genes. It is an important guarantee for mankind to continue to this day, but it is a pity that some humans have abandoned their instincts and abandoned this simple universal value. They yelled at these children and adults, wanting them to let them out so they could escape from Li Ke’s side. For these people, Li Ke completely ignores them.

But he did not embarrass these children and adults who add up to about a thousand people, because he directly surrounds them with plants, but allows them to easily see around These densely packed great characters.

Some fruits that grow in this World and taste the same as bananas, but taste like grapes. Raise their hands to indicate that the civilians and children who are still panicked and disturbed can eat these. thing. And he himself slowly peeled off the skin of a’banana’, and while gnawing on the banana, he looked all around and asked these great characters who were caught by himself.

“Let me ask, do you let the workers work from morning to night, and then regardless of their life or death, do not pay them enough?”

However, this time, the response to him was still curses and sneers, as well as personal attacks from some people. And when he looked towards the Mr. Secretary who was silent after Ms. Philier was hung up, he laughed and snapped his fingers. And as expected, the secretary who had seen the two great characters die in front of him rubbed his face, and then looked at Li Ke with a sullen expression.

“Sir, you let me sell the sling used to hang me.”

Although he didn’t understand why Li Ke did this, he wanted to do it like this He got something in the matter, but he knew that this course of action was very similar to those rude and rude Noxus people. If he continues, he wants the people who originally ruled the city to die, pour a lot of sewage on their bodies, and crush them to death with so-called crimes, so that they will never see the sunrise. Hope.

But he did not see the slightest possibility of termination in Li Ke’s face and words.

“He wants to completely extinct Vi, completely extinct evolution, complete extinction in this world, the greatest, most shining, and the most open and civilized civilization from ancient times to the present!”

The deep sighed, clever head, and abundant knowledge made him think of more things.

In this case, kind people will be blamed without prejudice, and those who perform their duties will be slandered as executioners and accomplices. Elegant and considerate will be called a vase, hypocrisy. And those romantic, beautiful things that make people intoxicated are even more considered depraved sins.

Their history will be completely trampled and revised! Their glorious civilization will also wither at a rapid rate.

So, if he continues to go his own way, he will get nothing personally, only the destruction of a civilization!

He gave a miserable laugh, and carefully looked at Li Ke’s face. The other person was close to the Ionia people, but had a face that smelled of murder, and the chilling murderous aura, and The contemptuous smile that appeared when he looked at them, and the act of letting the bottom trample on the top, all reminded him of a country he was most familiar with.


The country that tramples on the noble emperors of other countries, full of knowledge and ideals, as well as great ambitions and sentiments. Only people in that country care about whether slaves and untouchables have dignity, and whether they get the so-called fairness.

It’s ridiculous, they are trampling on this idea, but they come to destroy the civilization of others with this kind of creed that they don’t believe and abide by.

Sure enough, is civilization unable to talk to barbarians?

The secretary’s heart is full of sadness, and he has been fearless after he has identified Li Ke, so after Li Ke asked the question, his expression is still so flat.

“Then you sell it?”

The secretary laughed.


It’s just hanging my own rope. As long as I am not killing myself now, I have the opportunity to take my property and family to Demacia, or maybe A small country in Valoran continues to live a good life of its own. After all, as long as you are useful and can provide a lot of information about the so-called criminal evidence, you can survive. In this case, why should you just give away your life?

Furthermore, if you act appropriately, you may not be able to continue to do things under the hands of this adult, and if there is a powerful, magical and magical leader, their interests will be most thoroughly guaranteed. , Their business can also be bigger!

So it’s just a trifling noose. Even if it is really wrapped around one’s neck, it takes time to hang oneself, and this time is to survive by yourself, or get a high position! As for those who died, the original rulers? They are just their own ladder to the future, and they will remember their contributions, just like Vi will always remember every screw that casts it, and everyone who built him, he will remember them.

“Very well, I admire a smart person like you very much.”

Li Ke laughed. He was just for this effect. Since there is no one on his hands, let him These people bite themselves. As long as they have enough power, these smart people with only interests in their eyes will not jump out of their traps and bite each other crazy on the stage they have set up for their own interests. Get a guarantee, and even sell everything that can be sold, and abandon everything that can be abandoned.

This is capital, this is the biggest and most fatal weakness of the biggest monster that is rampant in the world!

Capital, there is no compromise and unity! And it will only turn people into demons and monsters, and turn people into inhuman monsters.

“So, are there any clever people like this? If there are, tell me, I don’t have to kill your whole family.”

So, he just needs to raise his arms Just call and let the audience sit down.

Then, there is a wave of responses.

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