Those young people, as well as those who have just arrived in middle age, responded, hurriedly agreeing to Li Ke’s recruitment without even a little promise or guarantee. And all the old people tremblingly wanted to follow Li Ke, but the ones with the most luxurious clothes showed anger and dissatisfaction.

“Ha…a bunch of hopeless guys.”

An old man next to Li Ke shook the head. Obviously, he was very reluctant to these people. Not optimistic.

“You should have made a temporary intention, youngster, what you do should be done suddenly. Don’t deny it, because you didn’t organize a riot well. Or maybe it should be called an uprising, isn’t it?”

The old man paused after speaking. Seeing Li Ke turning his head and hanging him directly without hanging him, he clicked slightly. head.

“It seems that you still have respect for the elderly.”

Li Ke laughed.

“respect the old and cherish the young is the character of mankind, not a certain nation and a certain country, right? Young children can make the future beautiful, while the old are His own future now, and the accumulation of a lot of wisdom.”

He is simply not in a hurry. With these betrayed elites, the cleansing of the upper echelon will be very fast, and the rest is Clean up those scum among these elites. So what should be anxious is that these people who are in the original upper level and have a lot of blood debts are right. The old man showed an expression of deep conviction. He looked at the secretary who was restless and the people who were shouting loudly before continuing to speak.

“Ah, it looks like we can have a chat. Bernard, can I ask you to help this adult record the evidence of my old friends? Try to find something related to civilians, and you How do you squeeze those workers? I think these things are what this gentleman needs. In addition, this gentleman, please put down a few youngsters around me. They are academics from the bottom. Come look for them today. I want to get my recommendation. If they are allowed to stay here, I am afraid they will be trapped.”

The old mister tilted his head and looked at the person next to him after speaking. Two plainly dressed students, and Li Ke glanced at the secretary named Bernard, and the other party was also nervous and nodded, and told the identity of the old mister.

“Mr. Lanes is a well-known mechanical master, and he is used to promoting civilians, and… he does not belong to any force. He serves in an Academy for civilians because he is unwilling to unite others to squeeze students and Blocking knowledge, so he is now only a lecturer, and even the position of professor is because his skills are too good, and all his patents are provided to the entire Vi for free, so he was awarded the honorary professor. “

Li Ke nodded.

“What about the stain?”

Bernard froze for a moment, and then spoke in an uncertain tone.

“Do you like to chat more with young children?”

“Just chat?”

“Yes, just chat, and distribute your own Lots of sweets and snacks. Because Stewan…the students wanted to threaten each other because they failed to recruit, so Carmel Young Lady did a careful investigation, and quarreled with Stewan because of Mr. Lanes. And he is no longer willing to take action against Mr. Lanes, um, but Mr. Stewan doesn’t think so.”

Li Ke looked at the young secretary somewhat speechless.

“This is not a crime, an idiot! This is a virtue!”

And during the entire interrogation process, the Mr. Lanes was smiling and watching all this, and Li Ke smiled after he got the answer he wanted.

“It seems that you are very cautious. This is definitely a good thing and a pleasure. After all, I don’t think we want to have unpleasant turbulence in this city, right?”

Li Ke nodded, he has always respected such people, because this kind of person really dedicated his life to this city, and in this place full of businessmen, such people can actually appear It also made Li Ke very emotional. Because in order to make themselves more profitable, business people will speak of diligence, dedication and other beautiful values ​​without the slightest hesitation, and use these beautiful things to conceal their dirty skin to achieve the purpose of profit.

But the problem is that ghosts will eventually appear if you talk too much. If the ideal is said a thousand times, there will definitely be people who pursue this ideal and strive for it. And what they preach in order to make them reap better will also become the universal values ​​of the place where they are harvested.

And this value is the most fertile breeding ground for the growth of things that overthrow them.

“Of course, I am happy to talk to you and take your suggestions. Also, Bernard, take this, find a few people who will not upset me, and follow the gentleman’s instructions. Do.”

Li Ke snapped his fingers. Several students around Mr. Lanes, as well as the branches on his body, quickly dispersed, and the old mister loosened the restraints. At that time, a chair appeared behind him, and a table full of fruits appeared in front of him. When the other party was surprised, hehe smiled, and then naturally he did it amidst other people’s curses. Bernard also took the branch that Li Ke handed over to release the bondage, and quickly exchanged benefits, and did what Li Ke ordered.

Those who were put down by him are not very happy because Bernard knocked a lot of money, but they did not run away when Li Ke was not around them, but swiftly Like Bernard, he began to sum up and question all kinds of criminal evidence, as a way to advance himself.

“It seems that you really started this uprising without any preparation.”

After seeing Li Ke sitting next to him, the old man first comforted him. His apprentice, then looked at Li Ke and said this that made Li Ke notice his problem. And Li Ke also discovered that this gentleman is actually very nervous, and his palms and forehead are also sweaty. It is obvious that he wants to do more and puts a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. .

“Yes, because I was seen by this Carmel during the investigation, and based on my understanding of this lady, if I leave Piltworth, then my claim will always be It will not be implemented here, because she will unceremoniously kill everyone who has contacted me, and these people will also agree, and are very willing to execute. And gradually I began to recognize myself, it is absolutely impossible to let it go Here, so I did it. After all, whether it is to overturn the garbage here in the future or to overturn the garbage here now, it is the same to me, but for the ordinary person here, it is not. The same.”

As a result, after his words were spoken, an angry expression appeared on the face of the old man, and he stood up while patted the table, making everyone around him cry out in Surprise, are all worried for the old man.

“So, you did something like this without any follow-up plans, clearer goals, or even publicity? And without considering the consequences?! Let this city have The danger of turmoil?!”

Li Ke nodded, after receiving the tea from Bernard who was brow beaded with sweat, poured a cup of tea for this old mister, and then pointed around.

“Of course, why not?”

Li Ke gave an embarrassing answer.

“There is a conflict with my philosophy, but I do have the power of one person against one country. The only thing that can threaten me is to kill the gods besides the gods of aloof and remote. Fiend for the faith. So why can’t I do this? And as you have seen, I succeeded in making everything go according to my ideas, and all I have to do is to find kindness like you, and no People with blood debts are responsible for implementing my will and managing this city.”

Li Ke took a sip from his teacup. The warm tea shows how hard the people who make this cup of tea are. Under such circumstances, the ability to make such a good tea fully demonstrates the skill of the tea maker.

“Moreover, the idea I hold is not only in conflict with this World in terms of the source of power, but in many places. But fortunately, this idea itself is a way of dialectical thinking. , So I don’t think that after I walked through this concept, there would be no one to improve the operation and dissemination of this concept in this world. Especially in this world, there is a similar but crooked concept. Case.”


The old man thought of this country instantly, so he hesitated for a while before asking.

“Are you from Noxus?”

Li Ke took a deep breath and didn’t change his mood too much, let his mood go into anger, into that kind of desire The state of burning everything twisted before his eyes: This state has been following him when he killed the general. Once he hears of Noxus, or encounters Noxus-related things, this state will quietly appear.

“Yes, and it’s still a slave. And if no surprises, I will go to overthrow this rotten and distorted country, and I actually have the weapons and supplies to cut off Noxus when I start with this city. The idea of ​​supply.”

Li Ke’s words are true, because once the Piltwolf trade line is cut off, not only will there be problems with their transport of troops, but also their control of Shurima. It will be weakened by the jealousy, so that Azir’s speed in conquering Shurima will become faster and smoother. Even the offensive against Ionia will have to stop because they will not be able to obtain Vi’s transportation capacity and a large amount of materials, and even have to gather forces to attack Vi to ensure their resources and strength. Shurima Control, and the safety behind oneself. And he himself was able to transport supplies to Freljord through Demacia and Vi’s transportation capabilities, arm Ashe’s tribe, and if necessary, make Noxus have to increase troops to Freljord again to prevent their attack.

So, after the Noxus people figure out the situation, they will definitely attack Vi in a big way, and at that time, when they thoroughly show their will in this world, and clean up what they see Everything that arrived was rubbish.

It seems to be aware of the killing intent in Li Ke’s words, the old man’s eyelids twitched, and then he tried to calm himself down.

“So you also want to make the slaves civilians, and send them to the battlefield with the civilians, to serve your ambitions?”

Mr. Lanes is very much Worrying about this matter, when he was young, he also yearned for the idea that everyone at Noxus is equal and can realize his life value through his own efforts. However, the brutality of Noxus made this vision a disgust. Especially the various behaviors of those Noxus nobles, and the real situation was discovered by him. And the miserable lives of the civilians and poor people and the fate of meeting them, he began to hate the empire. This is because these people can even violate their own slogans. In contrast, Vi, which allows civilians to read, is a real civilized capital.

“What Noxus did is something I hate and hate, and because of my own experience, I am very disgusted and detested for forcing civilians onto the battlefield. So what you worry about Things won’t happen. Although I do start a war, I am the only one who will participate in the war…because I’m enough.”

Li Ke’s words really made many people sighed in. Relief, especially those civilians who have guessed that Li Ke is a Noxus, they are really afraid of the Noxus system. All civilians must participate in the battle. Even the underage children will be sent to the battlefield to kill, and because of the enemy’s kindness to these children, they will set up tactics and conduct large-scale recruitment.

So, after hearing that Li Ke started a war, they would only go on one person, they were really sighed in relief. Because Li Ke’s words are really convincing, he really attacked their city alone, and in the process, all their struggles were of no effect, and they had no ability to resist. So they chose to believe temporarily.

And the old man is naturally only partly convinced. As for the rest, he has to wait until Li Ke’s reign, so he asks that he cares the most, and everyone cares the most. The problem.

“Then how do you want to treat this city?”

This question is actually a bit difficult for Li Ke, because he is also thinking about it, but it doesn’t matter. The method requires thinking and preparation, but clear goals have always existed and are so simple.

“Let everyone eat and wear warmth without worrying about being robbed of Zed. You can live and work in peace and contentment and pursue your own goals. This is my goal, and I will treat this city like this.”

Lynes shook the head.

“Many people say that, including Vi.”

However, this kind of problem doesn’t bother Li Ke at all.

“But you can only choose to follow me and help me accomplish this goal.”

He showed a pure smile.

“Because you can’t beat me.”

Unlike Earth, the masses of this World may not have any power.

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