“Is there any benefit to being a god? Compared to mortals.”

Thinking of this, Li Ke became a little curious. He wanted to ask this question for a long time. . But the person who can answer him is either a long-lived human, or Nasus, a guy who feels like you’ve been caught in your mouth. So it’s hard to meet such a god, and it’s a kind of cooperation, so naturally it is necessary to ask.

“What are the benefits of being a god? I don’t quite understand this question… But if there is any difference from a mortal, it is the difference between love and lifespan? Look at me, I am I’ve lived for hundreds of years and have been able to help others. What a good life.”

Jana’s voice was full of doubts, and what she answered Li Ke also made Li Ke also Understand that asking her is really for nothing. So instead of asking about the benefits of the gods, I asked more important things.

“If I consume the power of faith in me, can I purify Zaun’s poisonous gas? In other words, as long as I prepare a little, not only poisonous gas, but also the pollution can be combined. Purified, right.”

Living in Zaun is a terrifying thing, because the family is broken and life is lost because of the gray mist everywhere. It is also one of the reasons why the Vi people have a sense of superiority over the Zaun people. What’s more ridiculous is that they can maintain this superiority only because Zaun has eaten all the price of their superior life. And if you want the residents of the two cities to be equal again in their hearts, it is necessary to purify these pollutions.

And Jana also gave a tangled response again.

“Yes, but in that case, you will lose the opportunity to become a god like me. The faith in you is hard-won. If you give up all of it, if you want to regroup, I’m afraid it will It takes hundreds of years.”

“This kind of thing is not important, if you can do it, use it. But before we start, we still need some preparation to ensure that you can get enough correct Belief in helping my idea succeed.”

Believing in God requires guidance, otherwise it will become hostile. So before Gana can regain her strength, Li Ke must do enough publicity and inducement. And first of all…

“I’ll write the song of Jiaqiu…Jana.”

He scratched his head and began to remember that song, named Katyusha. His song, but his indifferent attitude towards faith, caused the gods lodged in his body to ask again.

“Do you hate being a god so much? You must know that the beliefs that are gathered in you are proof of what you have done, and are also a kind of power that can create miracles… These powers should be yours It’s right to use it personally! If I use it, it’s too cruel for those children!”

She has some accusations faintly. For a god like her, faith is not only faith, but also After their love is given to mankind, these are the response of human love that they regard as children, parents. It is the proof of their existence and the meaning of their lives. So when seeing Li Ke treating these sincere beliefs indifferently like money, Jana couldn’t help but empathize, and felt that the children who concentrated their beliefs on Li Ke were very pitiful.

“Jana, you seem to have made a mistake. If they believe in me, it means that they trust me to create a better future and are willing to put their beliefs on. Then I need to use these beliefs. Doing the right things, so it’s natural for me to use these beliefs. And as long as the methods and methods used are correct, then more beliefs can be gained, and they are not pitiful.”

He has never expected this kind of power to appear, and has never expected it, so these powers are for him a bonus that he cannot use temporarily, and he has never planned for this thing. So it was not the turn of a god of faith who almost died because of being forgotten, telling him how to deal with the beliefs and hopes that were condensed in him.


Jana wants to say something, but Li Ke has unilaterally closed her heart to her, so that her voice can really only be in Li Ke’s edge turned into a breeze, continuously blowing Li Ke’s body, dissipating the little bit of heat for him. Li Ke also began to keep writing what he wanted to tell these people, as well as various songs and novels for promotion, and he was going to send it to Bernard and Hank in a while, so that they would arrange someone to go on tour.

So Bernard and Mr. Hank, who got up early in the morning and worked hard for the lives of their family, have gradually lost their glamorous faces, and once again increased their tired look. However, they are not considered the worst-faced. There are many people with the worst-faced faces. But if the mood is worse, it is the brother who is fighting the Darkborn fiercely.


“No way No way?! Are you so capable?!”

Raast waved his sickle and cut Xuan off Feng. Then he kicked the sword Swordsman, who was delusional to use Broken Sword to pierce his chest, causing it to slam into a small tree and smash the tree. Laughing wildly, Raast turned his hands and grabbed Yasuo’s sword edge, which was full of wind magic, which sparkled with white radiance, and he was taunt facing the gnashing teeth, obviously using all his power. Yasuo.


Originally feeling the warm rain, now Yasuo can only feel the coldness, and every time a drop of rain drops on his body, he will feel His body was trembling, and his physical strength was disappearing with the cold rain. The previous bold words and lofty ambitions have long been disappeared, and the greatest effect his attack has achieved is only to draw a scar that can’t even see blood on the opponent’s face. The opponent is completely playing with him, if he is from the If very beginning is serious, then he only needs to hold his sword edge to cut off his head with a single knife.

And the most terrifying thing is not this. The most terrifying thing is that the guy who is stronger than the dark red silhouette in front of him has not taken any action, but looked at them with interest.

“Raast, stop playing, our time is limited, if we delay it, we will have trouble.”

Aatox looked at the sky and found that it was already It’s frowned after it’s almost lit. The Supreme Sun Star spirit who was ordered to pursue him was too allergic, and he didn’t want to kill the opponent directly, so it was necessary for them to leave quickly. And because Raast played too much, the ants who followed these two brother Twitch also followed.

“No problem! I will solve them!”


Yasuo froze for a moment, and then the wind heard the voice of his Same sect Senior Brother.

“Yasuo and Yongen are there!”

“Let’s go help them!”

“Everyone, come on!”



Don’t come here!

Yasuo really wanted to roar like this, but his momentary absence caused the wind magic on his sword to be disordered for a moment, and Laast, who had already wanted to end the game, of course would not let it go. At this moment, his sickle cut off the sword in Yasuo’s hand as easily as a piece of wood. And when he closed his eyes and waited for death, he raised his sickle high.

However, Yasuo did not feel pain, he only felt a hot liquid splashed on him. And when he opened his eyes, what he saw was his big brother Yongen’s sluggish gaze and the gradually falling silhouette.

He caught his big brother’s body, but the blood continuously sputtering from his body left his brain blank, and he didn’t know what was going on.

“You’re such a…not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth…an idiot.”

It’s none other than him that wakes him up here at the crucial moment The big brother’s reprimand and the sound of the big brother’s body slipping from his hands and falling to the ground. Of course, there are also his angry screams of same sect, and the sound of blades and swords unsheathing.


No… don’t let my guilt increase.


Yasuo instinctively brandished the blade and slapped his whole body against Raast, but the broken blade showed boundlessness. Yasuo’s sharpness still failed to achieve his goal: under the instinctive movement of Raast’s head, Yasuo’s blade cut off most of his neck easily, but it was because it was a broken knife. The reason is that the length is not enough to be able to cut off his head. It was completely different from the previous situation where he couldn’t cut Laast’s body no matter how he swung the knife. His this blade was transformed, an extreme transformation.

However, it was useless. The wound on Raast’s neck healed almost the instant Yasuo fell to the ground. The enhanced Raast is simply not what he can defeat now, but Raast still showed an expression of admiration to Yasuo because of this blade.

“This magic…I will remember your name!”

It’s just that Yasuo, who lost his power when he was about to wave his sickle, stopped Yasuo. Raast, and the reason why he stopped Raast is simple, because he had seen Yasuo in Li Ke’s mind.

“Don’t kill him, he is a member of my stage.”

So this is the last complete sentence Yasuo heard before falling into darkness in the rain, because he was in What I heard afterwards was the screams of his senior and junior brothers who were dying.

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