“I don’t want to be like this…”

Just as Yasuo fell into a trough due to the death of brothers, Irelia couldn’t help it. I bowed to the Noxus who had been pierced in his chest but did not immediately end his life, expressing his apology for not being able to kill him in an instant, which made him endure more pain.

Then he pointed it like a sword and made the broken family crest pierced into the Noxus officer who was muttering “I can save it” in Noxus, and sent his soul into this piece of magic. soil of.

She has become familiar with killing, although she does not want to realize it.

After finding the last Noxus who plundered the village, she immediately put her hands together and began to pray for the Noxus who died in a foreign land. Although they had tortured and killed the elderly and children in front of her before, and robbed them of their food. But now that they are dead, it is natural to give them respect so that they can leave this World peacefully.

“Thank you for your help!”

However, while she was praying, a youngster from this village ran over, and the loud voice of the other party scared those who planned to pray. Irelia jumped, scaring her pale face into an unnatural flush.

“Without you, we would all die…I want you to be the war dancer, Irelia the rebel?! Please also accept our respect! And our allegiance!”

But this handsome youngster is quite sincere, and brought a lot of people one-knee kneels in front of Irelia, wanting Irelia to accept them and let her lead They resisted the invasion of the Noxus.

Because in the battle she just saw, these youngsters saw with their own eyes how this girl used her gorgeous dance to tore through these unstoppable Noxus formations one after another, and then kept cutting those damned The Noxus people defeated. So they all fell, and they all recognized that this girl is the daughter of the Zan family, a hero daughter of the hero family, and the only just and honourable Ionia celebrity against the Noxus.

There is no more suitable person to be the commander-in-chief than this girl.

“No, I mean I’m just, I just want to restore balance…”

Irelia panicked and wanted to argue that she didn’t want to kill and fame Come, just to fight for balance. And in her heart, she actually felt guilty and low self-esteem for violating Karma’s teaching of not hurting anyone. She felt that she was too despicable to be like this, and she was constantly tainting the Glory of their family.

“Are you not willing to lead us?”

So youngster’s face appeared panic and disappointed, although he also felt that they defy Karma’s non-resistance and do not hurt His belief is a very disgraceful thing, but the cruel reality still makes him unable to help persuade Irelia.

“But we have already killed the people of Noxus. The next time they come, they will kill all of us! And they will never let our ancestral halls and temples go. This time you can Help us fight them back, but next time you are away, we will still die worthless, so since the end is the same, then we are more willing to accept your leadership and tell those Noxus people to drive out!”

He was right!

Irelia almost wanted to agree to this proposal without thinking for a moment, because she moved towards Presidian for the purpose of moving forward to restore balance and peace in her hometown. Restored to a world where everyone can survive without hurting others, and live safely, for this reason, she is willing to argue with the opponent’s commander for three days and three nights, even if it is useful, she must tell the other party to be calm and peaceful. importance.

Although she doesn’t know if the guy named Swain is willing to argue with her, she still wants to try it, because if she succeeds, she can make a lot of people’s weapons No need to be contaminated with blood.

So she rejected the youngster’s proposal with her own reason in the heart, and she was going to leave here in a while, without even having to eat a mouthful of rice or drink a mouthful of water. After all, she had already made a mistake here, killing someone, and could no longer disturb the spirit of peace here. And once they followed themselves, it would make more people misunderstand that killing foreigners is a kind of Glory, which deviates even more from tranquility and peace.


“Can you protect yourself? Without killing.”

She looked at those who were strong, but The peasants with only commoners and hoes, despite their noble origins, she still knows that although these people can use magic with one or two hands, but if they want to fight against those Noxus people, they will definitely ten deaths without life.

“No, the daughters of the Zan family. They are not warriors and have not received training. There is no one in this village who can command them.”

This village Elder is here. It’s time to speak. His arm that was broken to stop Noxus soldiers from taking the ancestor statue, and his grandson who died to protect food are reminding her that Noxus people will not just because they pursue peace and harmony. Bypass their lives. And these people are bound to harm the lives of Noxus people for their own lives.


“Everyone packs up things and prepares to leave here, and give up some souvenirs… Because your village is too scattered and there are few people, so you can only gather together. Resistance…”

She finally did what she didn’t want to do. In front of the many lives that needed her protection, she began to gradually wrap up the young and kind-hearted self and use herself His reputation and strength began to block the Noxus’ attack. However, her efforts were nothing more than a tip of the iceberg in the entire Ionia battle. Just when she made a decision, a strong man with a pigtail rushed out of the tall temple and was in charge of the gatekeeper. , An apprentice named Jie, moved his head slightly because of this.

“Did Shen run out again?”

As a guardian of the temple, to prevent the apprentices of equalizing sect from joining the battle impulsively, Caution is the one most trusted by the master. He is now, but in the face of the departure of his best friend, Ji can only shook the head, preparing to conceal Shen’s traces as much as possible when handing over the shift, so that the traces of him helping the resistance army are not noticed by the master of Kusayu.

However, even the next head of the balanced sect is just a drop in the ocean in this war. In order to find the magic sacred relic that can make Emperor Changsheng as soon as possible, the Noxus people launched an even more fierce attack: In these attacks they also used a new type of weapon from Vi: a Singed poison that the manufacturer had already been chandelier to by Li Ke.

And unfortunately, the effects of these Singed poisons are so good that the Noxus people are willing to pay a price to get them.

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