“Your progress has speeded up. This is not a good thing.”

The old man didn’t care much about Mordekaiser’s guard, he just Looking at each other faintly, there is no idea to shoot.

“Who are you…?”

Mordkaiser racked his brains without thinking about who this guy is wearing a white robe and carrying a big clock, so he Be more cautious. Because this kind of thing can represent one thing, that is, the opponent is a person who existed before the Darkborn war and has lived until now. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be ignorant of the existence of this guy. After all, it is easy to hide someone in this world, but a dead person will not hide anything. If he was a person after the Darkborn War, then he would definitely find his clues in the memory of which souls.

“Who I am is not important, but you are important. Your existence is conducive to this World, so before you do something, you’d better not disturb the human named Li Ke Otherwise, if you die, I will have a headache.”

The expression of the old man is still so indifferent, but Mordekaiser can’t help being angry, just him? Can a fool who dreams that both left and right people can become stronger can kill himself? He couldn’t think of such a thing in his dreams, and the other party actually said that such a cowardly fellow could kill him. Isn’t this humiliation? If it hadn’t been for the unfathomable mystery in his hand to reach his feet, then Mordekaiser would definitely give this guy’s mouth immediately and shut him up forever.

But before Mordekaiser was saying anything, this white old man shook his head before him, and kicked his nightfall in disgust, he trusted him most. Partners, weapons.

“Hey…I knew it, I persuaded you more than 1,400 times, but every time you do it directly, this time I took your weapon away, but in the end you still didn’t Yes, it’s really a headache.”

The old man, the time old man Zilean, shook his head helplessly. He observed that Mordekaiser would attack Sarah later, severely wounding Miss Fortune and dying. Enslaved the souls of Li Ke’s men, and killed many civilians just like cutting wheat. Then the furious Li Ke directly entered the spiritual realm of Ionia, ripped the world to go here, and took two Divine Items created by Aoun from Ionia all the way to Mordekaiser’s fortress. After a war, he killed the king of the post-mortem world at the cost of serious injuries.

But if you do this, the void forces will get the body of Li Ke left in the world, gain his magic, and then the door of the void will be completely opened, and the void creatures of the Infinity Edge will be able to get from the runeland Anywhere on this World. And even though Li Ke finally completely expelled the void from this World at the cost of his soul, this World has been mostly destroyed, and because his soul has returned to his homeland, a god cultivated by his flesh and blood in Heaven Realm Have their own consciousness, and the evil is overdone.

The gods who are not bound by morality and common sense use the power left by Li Ke to the extreme. As long as they are women, they are his wives, not to mention Heavenly God, God, Demi-God, and spirit. The inhabitants of the realm, the Yordle, the Vastal, and even the female stone armor insects and crimson tree monsters, Rift Scuttler, he will not let go, because Li Ke’s magic can turn him into any race and make him Enjoy the love of all races. Therefore, the creatures on the Rune Continent only passed 50 years, and they were extinct because no new life was born.

This funny way of world annihilation is really unacceptable to him. When he observed this probability, he stayed in place for 3 minutes, because how could he not think that his world would be like this? Perish, so he came to stop this tyrant from committing death.

As for the idea of ​​directly eliminating Li Ke, the outsider, he never thought about it, because independent and timeline, he saw the real danger of Runeland: the end of everything, the extinction of Runeland .

And Li Ke is a good solution. His magic can solve the biggest threat of this extinction with no difficulty, which is actually a twin void with the entire world.

To be more precise, it is a world that has not been completely opened up.

The reason for saying this is because the magic of his time is as effective as the void creatures and can fix them there forever. But the real void he observed was without consciousness, time, and everything.

So Li Ke’s power can just solve this big problem and isolate the void forever, but he has not grown enough. If Mordekaiser continues to act now, then the future he sees It will come true, and the world will be destroyed under the power of his original Savior. So he had to intervene in Mordekaiser, for which he also paid a lot of price.

“Damn it! No one can stop me!”

However, Mordekaiser didn’t mean to talk to him at all. At the moment of his distress, he Ye Mee suddenly flew back to Mordekaiser’s hand, and a huge green palm also caught him floating in the air, binding his body, and just as he habitually broke free, Mordekaiser’s hammer had also hit his head.

There is no doubt that half of Zilean’s body became meat sauce, and Mordekaiser also saw Zilean’s soul screaming and being absorbed by his magic mace, but he was grateful for this enemy When he died and wondered why it was so easy, Zilean’s voice appeared in his ears again.

“This hammer is very powerful.”

Mordkaiser turned his head, and then found that the old man who should have been killed and enslaved by himself was standing next to him. At his feet, except for a red Deathcap on his head and a strange headdress, it was exactly the same as the one he had just killed! Not only did he reappear next to him intact, but this guy also looked at the corpse under his hammer while eating the banana, looking at the excitement.

He subconsciously wanted to trample the guy who had just reached the sole of his shoe to death, but he saw that the old man appeared on his shoulder in the next moment and pointed a finger on On his neck.

“Let you be honest for a while…Also, I have to come on, Big Brother, who likes to drive heads-up.”

Zilean, wearing headphones and a baseball cap, put two After making an unknown gesture, Mordekaiser was horrified to find that his body had begun to change, and that powerful necromantic power gradually faded away, replaced by the freshness of the living, who unexpectedly moved uncontrollably. towards The living people are transformed! If this kind of thing is at other times, he will of course be very happy, because it means that he defeated Death God and successfully conquered the rules of the world, but now he starts to regain his life…

“You Want to run away?”

“Wolves won’t let anyone run away!”

It will lead to death.

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