“tsk tsk, it’s miserable.”

Zilean, who was eating a banana, looked at Mordekaiser who was being attacked by Kindred with no power to fight back. Shaking his head and sighing, even though Mordekaiser’s power has not been weakened too much by the time he limited, but in the face of true death, this guy who wants to become a god still does not have much resistance. The sheep spirit’s arrow can easily penetrate his chest, and the wolf spirit’s teeth can easily bite his neck.

However, no matter whether it’s Kindred or Mordekaiser, they can’t see this old fogey anymore. Although Zilea is standing in front of them, no matter how fierce the battle between them is, they Neither can affect the old man wearing a baseball cap and headphones.

“Well, the matter here is over, let me see…”

He watched for a while the wolf spirit and Mo, who had become as huge as Mordekaiser. De Kaiser wrestled and smashed Morde Kaiser’s fortress to pieces, and then felt bored. Because Mordekaiser was able to resist Kindred for a short time, but he still couldn’t defeat death. The defeat was only a matter of his ability to fight for a few minutes, so he took out a scroll about ten meters wide from his pocket. Then use magic to make it unfold in front of itself, so that it can observe all the important things and time nodes in the time flow of this World.

“…KDA’s new song is on sale? Oh, great! Hmm… The Tetris game record will be broken by a teenager named Ekko using the time machine? It seems that I need to teach this Child, don’t play with time because of unfathomable mystery.”

Zilean’s eyes narrowed, he straightened the Deathcap of the Tetris record holder he was carrying, and then looked serious. He snapped his fingers, disappeared above this time node, and went to the time node he wanted to go to. After all, although the next Li Ke’s itinerary has countless variables, no matter which variable points in the right direction, he can take a break.

After all, the world of Runeterra is a book to him, and he is the one who reads this book. Since his spell turned him into a Nether Soul in time, he This has always been like this in his life. Countless times of shuttle time, shuttle among various probabilities, just to find a best time flow, and then lead one’s world to that time flow, and get a perfect future.

But this road is actually a road that never ends, because the future is innumerable.

And Li Ke, who was sailing on the sea, did not know that an over-spec character had observed him for a long time, and regarded him as the key to most of the problems of this era, and just helped him. Solved an incident that would make his ending not so good. But he was not able to read in Enron, because when they entered the Sea Territory of Ionia, he encountered some troubles.

“The interference of electromagnetic force and Inhibitor energy…This scheme is a bit too whimsical. The binding force of the device is only less than 200 hp, but the interference caused by the energy Inhibitor…”


In the middle of the night, when Li Ke was working on a design drawing of the intelligent core on the farming machine, some subtle uninvited guests arrived near his ship: he heard some people He touched the sound of his ships in the sea, and some faint, but very magical, magical fluctuations, and before he could write his calculations on the draft paper at hand, he could’hear’ the whole picture of those people.

In the horizon like a bat, Li Ke’s ears heard that there were about twenty people who had touched his ship quietly from the sea. All of them were wearing leather armor made of some kind of fish skin. It looks very suitable for swimming. When they boarded the ship, Li Ke’s nose also helped him smell more things. After combining with the sounds he heard, Li Ke had already figured out the specific conditions of these people.

They have the smell of steel and a lot of sulphur wrapped in cowhide, as well as a kind of magic with the smell of water, and if distinguished by the smell of their bodies, half of them are women , And the woman who should be the leader should be bringing a child. The milk smell on her body and the fishy smell on the baby’s body can’t be concealed by sea water, and judging from the appearance and figure of the sound wave feedback, this is a standard. Ionia people, and has the scale of e. And before I came, I was in heat, but there was no specific behavior. Others still have the smell of wine and all kinds of strange tastes, and they just came after drinking the brave wine and enjoying it. And Li Ke also smelled several herbs that can make people hallucinate and temporarily paralyze people’s pain, and a kind of medicine that should enhance the body’s functions.

Neither are they well-trained fighters. In the image Li Ke heard, the calluses on their hands did not appear when they held a sword, but were left behind by a hoe and a sickle. trace. The strain on the waist and knees also shows that they are just ordinary farmers, and only the headed woman seems to have experienced physical training for a period of time, but it comes from the wear and calluses of her toes and ankles. If you look at it, she wouldn’t have been a warrior before, but a dancer.

“Suicide Squad?”

If it is a simple assassination, then you will not carry so much gunpowder on your body, and you will not take so much gunpowder. Things like narcotics will not allow these farmers to participate, because it will only make the operation fail. Only those dead men who don’t have the mentality of going back take such medicines, and the gunpowder they carry is entangled in their bodies. It is not the kind that is easy to throw away. You can tell at a glance. It is to play a self-destruct attack.

“Is it because we hung the Noxus banner?”

Li Ke pinched his eyebrows. He hung the Noxus banner in order to avoid trouble and express his so-called sincerity. Yes, because he is going to Freljord from the Sea Territory of Noxus. Hanging the banner of Noxus can avoid a lot of trouble. But he really didn’t expect, and doing so would attract some Ionia people to attack. So he waved his hand, and when those people were about to fight the night watch soldiers, he used his magic to activate countless vines to avoid hurting his ship and crew in the subsequent fight.

In the scream, Li Ke walked out of his room and saw the assassins who were fighting with his vines, and the woman who was suspected to be the leader took the first mate on the ship directly The scene of flying into the sea with a stream of water. And it is very interesting that just after these people who were fighting with their own vines and sailors saw themselves, they all turned their guns, moved towards and flew towards themselves.

And the leader who was in the lead pulled down the mask on his face, looked towards Li Ke with grief, and then jumped up, roaring the knife in his hand towards Li Ke Stabbed over and pulled the fuze on his body at the same time.

“Go to hell! You death businessman!”

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