This Noxus with some Ionia accent made Li Ke a little confused. When did he become a death dealer? But the reality is not very suitable for him to think so much, because the short terrifying leads on that woman’s body, basically as long as she comes to her side, the explosives on her body will burst.

So, the blue energy flashed in Li Ke’s hands, and the moment the woman fell on the ground, her clothes shattered into fragments in the sky, even she was entangled The gunpowder bag on her body was also smashed by this swift slash, and it was scattered all over her body. Although the woman let out a scream, she still stabbed the weapon in her hand firmly into Li Ke’s heart.


The power and power shared by Jana in this brief moment let the surrounding wind gather in front of him and let all the people on this ship People closed their eyes because of the strong wind, unable to see everything in front of them. And Li Ke took advantage of this time to tore off the cloak from his body, then wrapped it on the woman’s body, and manipulated the sand to tie the woman tightly.

“There are more and more troublesome things.”

Looking at the assassins who were caught by the vines because of their own high winds, Li Ke manipulated his own The vine reached into their clothes and took out all the dynamite bags they were carrying, before turning around and looking towards the female leader who was cursing himself with Ionia continuously, a little helpless.

The accent of the other party is too heavy, just like the Northeastern and the Guangzhou native speaking in their hometown dialects. The possibility of communication has basically been eliminated, and the Ionia language he has learned is also He was not proficient enough to make him ignore this barrier, so he stretched his hand to the woman’s neck, used his magic, and sucked some of the woman’s vitality.

The screams suddenly sounded, and the feeling that life and soul have been extracted is not the pain that an ordinary Ionia civilian can bear. This is the pain that directly affects the soul. The anesthetic she drinks is fundamental There is no use at all. It’s just that Li Ke didn’t directly digest it after extracting the vitality this time. Instead, he closed his eyes and injected this vitality into his brain without immediately digesting it into his own vitality.

Then he saw fragments of this woman’s memory.

Because of the Noxus’s dead husband, the newborn child that he did not let him see, and the war weapon from Piltwoff, his farmland was completely polluted by Singed poison. This woman’s life was seen by Li Ke in just a few seconds, and he also consumed the remaining vitality and learned the accented Ionia language that this woman said.

This is a newly developed ability after he fought Aatox last time and completely transformed into the body of the Ascendant. He can selectively learn from the opponent’s life In the process, the memory and knowledge of the other party can only be seen, and the vitality extracted will be quickly consumed. But compared to the previous only being able to see the sporadic fragments uncontrollably in the dream, it is also a very good improvement.

After all, he didn’t dare to put his life force into his brain so directly to experiment.

“Beast! Scum! Is this the greatest torture you can do? Kill me directly if you have a kind! You traitor who betrayed your homeland! Betrayer! Stained calabash!”

The words cursed by this Ionia woman were also heard clearly by Li Ke, but after understanding from the other’s memory fragments why she came to assassinate herself, Li Ke did not intend to directly Let go of these people to assassinate yourself, but there is no anger anymore.

The reason is also very simple. This Ionia woman was a total victim of the Noxus war against Ionia. She was originally a dancer. She married a very honest and strong farmer last year. She is very happy. One family. It’s just sad that when she was about to give birth, Noxus came to her house to collect food and killed her husband who wanted to protect her own cattle and rations. If it weren’t for a prophet from a dojo, he would send a warrior to her in time. In their village, those Noxus soldiers were killed. She and her newly born child would be burned alive by the fire set by Noxus soldiers in laughter, and then the charred corpses would be dragged away and used as rations for dragons and lizards.

Yes, the Noxus people sometimes use enemies and slaves as their war hounds, that is, the food for dragon lizards and lesser dragons.

And some people still enjoy it.

But this is not the end, because when they learned that someone dared to resist Noxus’ will, the Noxus people directly injected Singed poison on their village, not only killing the woman’s remaining family, but also Polluted their water and land, making it extremely toxic. Adults are still dead and injured, even more how those little children and a baby just born.

Then, just when the woman gradually didn’t want to die because of the comfort of a young warrior, the warrior was smashed by an acid bottle engraved with “Piltwolf” in order to protect her. Screaming in front of her body, it turned into a pile of pus.

After that, some Suicide Squad that specially attacked Noxus people to deliver arms appeared, and after learning that the new Vi ruler Li Ke came to power and signed a large number of weapons orders with Noxus , I decided to kill Li Ke, letting everyone know that those who made weapons for the Noxus people would end up terrifyingly terrifying. When they were just about to go to Piltworth, they learned that Li Ke was going to Noxus, so these weapons made by Vi killed the whole family, and the people who ruined their homes obeyed the prophet’s orders in the vicinity. An island was ambushed, waiting for Li Ke’s arrival.

They successfully followed the prophet’s order to ambush him, but unfortunately they were not strong enough, and Li Ke was spotted and captured on the spot.

“Let’s detain them first, but don’t abuse them.”

Li Ke wanted to say something, but didn’t say anything. He would not let these people go easily. , Because they will definitely try again after failure, and may pose a threat to those around them. However, he was full of sympathy for what happened to these people. What the Noxus people did was too similar to the fact that a certain country did to his homeland in history. And the prophet did care a lot, so he made a decision after pondering for a while.

“Also let Fleet change course and head to Lyken in Ionia. I have something to do there.”

He wants to meet the unfathomable mystery prophet and the one named Mei Eyes, and claiming to be the woman of the Shadow Fist.

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